To begin, collect the participant's demographics and instruct them to complete the Epworth Sleeping Scale. Lead the participant to the sleep monitoring room. Next, connect 15 electrodes of the electroencephalogram according to the International 1020 system of electrode placement.
Also, connect the two derivations of Electrogram near the participant's eyes. Three derivations of Chin electromyogram, and two derivations of electrocardiogram. To acquire data, start the software by double clicking on device manager.
Double click the room option, add the personal information of the participant and click OK.Click start recording, followed by the calibration button. Instruct the participant to perform according to the step-by-step calibration procedure. Keep the derivations in the correct position and collect the data for the entire night.
On the next day, wake the participant by turning on the light of the sleep monitoring room. For post calibration, click the calibration button and instruct the participant to repeat the step-by-Step calibration procedure. Then click the close button to stop recording.
After recording, remove all the derivations, avoiding skin damage. Next, start the scoring system by double clicking the profusion PSG four button. Select the participant and click the scoring button.
Select the scoring automatically option to score sleep phases and arousals. Click the create button and lay out the results. Review the variables like time in bed, total sleep time, sleep latency, wake after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, and REM latency according to the PSG data and waves.