The overall goal of this procedure is to provide a tree planting method for maximizing tree survival under slightly flooded conditions At a depth of half a meter of water or less, for up to one quarter of the year. This method can be a useful tool in restoration of collagen, particularly for the re-vegetation of flood impacted formally forested areas. The main advantage of this technique is that it provides additional elevation for the plant and its saplings.
It minimizes flooding and maximizes nutrients for tree growth. Well we first had this idea for this method when we visited an Everglades Ghost Tree island to brainstorm methods for successfully replanting the island with trees. Demonstrating the procedure will be Fabiola Santamaria and Michele Blaha, scientists from our South Florida Water Management District Everglades Research Group.
Before transporting the required equipment to the restoration planting site, obtain two or three gallon samplings of natively grown native trees and native pots, commercial peat bags, tree and shrub fertilized spikes, duct tape, PVC pipes, a box cutter, trash bags and a metal rod. Transport the materials to the planting site in an airboat. The water levels at the site should be adequate enough for maneuvering the floating pop ups, but shallow enough for wading.
Wearing gloves, slide the plastic pot off of the roots and pot soil of the first sapling, and cut a large hole in the pot bottom. Slide the pot with the open bottom back onto the sapling roots, and use the box cutter to make a 20 to 30CM egg shaped cut into one peat bag, at the center of what will be the upper surface. Transfer about 2000 to 5000 cubic centimeters of the peat, about half the volume of the pot, from the cut into a trash bag.
Place the sapling and the bottomless pot into the egg shaped opening. The bag should come about half way up the pot, with the points of the cut bag up against the sides of the pot. Secure the pot with several windings of duct tape around the pot and the bag triangles.
Insert the two pieces of PVC pipe down through to the bottom of the bag, on either side of the pot. When the sapling has been secured enter the water, and have the pop-up handed down into the water. With the sapling in the vertical position move the floating pop-up to the planting site.
Push the PVC pipe completely through the bag to a depth of approximately one third to one half meter into the soil below the bag to tether the pop-up in place. Poke the metal rod through the top, bottom and sides of the peat bag, to allow the water to enter the bag and to allow the roots to emerge. Finally, insert one tree fertilizer spike completely into the top of the bag.
In saplings transplanted as just demonstrated the surface of the soil and the pots, and the punctures in the top surface of the peat bags provide sites for the colonization of herbaceous plants and ferns over the study period, with the saplings responding to the treatment as generally predicted. The planting of a single sapling per peat bag, oriented to provide a high profile and with one fertilizer spike, facilitated the greatest growth during the three year study. Depending upon the size of the crew, 50 or more pop-ups could be deployed in a normal eight hour work day.
After watching this video you should have a good understanding of how to build and deploy a peat pop-up for the reforestation of flood impacted sites. Don't forget that working in aquatic and hot environments requires following safe field practices, including wearing the appropriate field gear and sunscreen. Taking precautions to prevent exposure and exhaustion and avoiding interactions with potentially dangerous wildlife.