Our research aims to develop a non-invasive imaging technology termed electromyometrial imaging to generate real-time, 3D images of uterine contractions in humans. Our work will create a deeper understanding of the mechanism of uterine contractions during human labor. We aim to answer major questions in human labor management and the prediction of preterm birth and the labor arrest.
The correlation pattern of the EMMI-derived uterine activation index, maximal activation ratio, and cervical dilation differed between nulliparous and multiparous groups, suggesting myometrial memory may contribute to faster labor progression in multiparous patients than in nulliparous patients. EMMI-derived activation curves have a sigmoid evolution nature, potentially reflecting the bioelectrical stimulation response dynamics during contractions. With the non-invasive electromyometrial imaging system, we are ready to visualize human labor, uterine contractions, to answer some fundamental questions about human labor, such as where the contraction start, how they propagate, and where they stop.
Electromyometrial imaging can also provide multiple novel measures to reflect human labor progression. We plan to make EMMI portable and low-cost for extensive research by substituting MRI with ultrasound and a costly wired electrode system with disposable wireless electrode patches. This will expedite our work on creating a normal term atlas of EMMI.
This atlas will serve as a reference point for studying different disease conditions by defining normal labor contractions.