The scope of the work is to use these in vitro three-dimensional human cell line models to investigate the fact of beneficial as well as helpful compounds on intestinal tissue. The models can be used to further research understanding and also as a basic drug model. Using the plant-derived compounds, spermidine and eugenol, both separately and together in supplement form, we measure beneficial increases in autophagy and decreases in inflammation using these models.
Then we will also able to show the potentially harmful effect of gluten extracted from certain wheat varieties on intestinal tissues. We are currently using economically priced, standardized, and easily repeatable in vitro system that better reflect the physiology of the human intestine as an alternative to animal models. Since we also use commercial human cell line rather than plant-derived cells, the responses from the study are more applicable to the general population.
The protocol is based entirely on the use of different lines. These renders the model most standardized and reproducible. Furthermore, the simultaneous cultivation of different cell lines, enterocytes, fibroblasts, and immune system cells, allows for cellular responses that are closer to what happens in the patient.