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  • Protocol
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A protocol for the production and culture of Precision-cut Liver Slices (PCLS) for the study of mouse livers. The article focuses on key aspects of the protocol, which only requires standard laboratory equipment with access to a vibratome and allows survival of PCLS for a minimum of 4 days.


This protocol presents a simple system for the creation and culture of Precision-cut Liver Slices (PCLS). PCLS contains all cells in an intact environment and, therefore, resembles a mini model of the whole organ. They enable the study of live tissues while replicating their complex phenotypes. This protocol allows the preparation of slices from mouse livers using a vibratome and standard laboratory equipment. Protocols for producing and culturing PCLS lack standardization and can vary quite drastically depending on the tissue of interest, the type of vibratome used, and the need for oxygen. These can be difficult to reproduce in some laboratories that have only access to a basic vibratome and common tissue culture facilities. We have put together a protocol focusing on the importance of some key steps within the varied protocols already available. This protocol, therefore, emphasizes the importance of the embedding method, the cutting orientation, a dynamic versus a static system, and the relevance of a minimum volume of culture. This protocol can be established and reproduced in a simple manner in most laboratories that have access to a basic tissue slicer. Taken together and following this protocol, PCLS can stay alive for a minimum of 4 days. PCLS is a simple, economical, and reproducible model to study pathophysiological and therapeutic screening for organs such as the liver.


Precision-cut tissue slices (PCTS) are thin sections of organs. They allow the preservation of the architecture of the organ replicating a mini-organ while preserving the 3-dimensional aspect of neighboring cells and extracellular matrix. It is an appealing model due to its easy access, cost-saving, and less labor-intensive characteristics while preserving the tissue architecture.

PCTS fill a gap between in vitro cell studies and in vivo animal research, overcoming most disadvantages of both models. PCTS has been generated from various organs, such as the liver1, intestines2


Wild-type CD57Bl/6J mice were purchased from Charles River Laboratories. Mice had free access to food and water, housed in individually ventilated cages with controlled temperature and humidity conditions and with a 12 h light cycle. Animals aged 3 weeks were sacrificed, and livers were promptly harvested without perfusion. All animal work was approved following local ethical review by the University College London Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Board and performed under Home Office project license PP9223137 and in accordance with the Home Office (Animals) Scientific Procedures Act (1986) and ARRIVE guidelines. All efforts were made to limit harm to animals in acco....


At harvest, perfusion of the animal is purposely omitted to ensure rapid processing of the organ and prevent organ damage. The liver is extracted quickly following incision and immediately placed in an ice-cold organ-protective buffer, e.g., Krebs buffer24,29. Although slicing fresh liver tissue without embedding has been previously described1, embedding of the liver in low-melting agarose30 (Fi.......


We demonstrate that producing and culturing PCLS can be easily achieved while ensuring a half-life of at least 4 days. This protocol recapitulates five critical steps: the embedding method if this type of vibratome is used, the orientation of cutting, a dynamic system of culture, a minimal volume of culture, and the use of inserts.

Protocols for the production and culture of PCLS are commonly available. However, they do lack standardization; they might focus on similar and specific points of t.......


There is no competing interest to be disclosed.


The authors thank Mirabela Bandol, Samantha Richards, Louise Fisher, Rebecca Towns, and the staff from UCL Biological Services for their help with breeding and maintenance of the animal colonies. This work was supported by funding from the United Kingdom Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Fellowship MR/T008024/1 (JB) and the NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre (JB). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS or the NIHR.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3 cm petri dishAnyany suitable for cell culture
6, 12, 24 well culture plateAnyany suitable for cell culture
Cyanoacrylate super glueAny
Fetal Bovine serumThermoFisher26400044
Gentamycin Gibco15750060
inserts 8um, for 12 well platesStrastedt83.3931.800
inserts 8um, for 24 well platesStrastedt83.3932.800
inserts 8um, for 6 well platesStrastedt83.3930.800
Laminar Flow HoodHepa air filtration
Low melting agarose ThermoFisher16520050
MTS tetrazolium reagent Abcamab197010
multi-well plate reader Any
PBS tabletsThermoFisherP4417
Scalpel bladeAny
Surgical forcepsAnywith a flat square-tip 
Surgical scissorsAny
VibratomeLeicaVT1000 S
William’s Medium E with GlutaMAX (WME)ThermoFisherW4125


  1. Pearen, M. A., et al. Murine precision-cut liver slices as an ex vivo model of liver biology. J Vis Exp. (157), e60992 (2020).
  2. De Kanter, R., et al.

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Precision cut Liver SlicesPCLSLiver CultureVibratomeTissue CultureReproduction ProtocolEmbedding MethodCutting OrientationDynamic SystemStatic SystemOrgan ModelPathophysiological ScreeningTherapeutic Screening

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