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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Results
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Delivery of therapeutics directly into the central nervous system is one way of circumventing the blood-brain barrier. The present protocol demonstrates intracerebroventricular injection for subsequent collection of cerebrospinal fluid and bodily organs. This facilitates the investigation of drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in animal models for developing new treatments.


Although the blood-brain barrier (BBB) protects the brain from foreign entities, it also prevents some therapeutics from crossing into the central nervous system (CNS) to ameliorate diseases or infections. Drugs are administered directly into the CNS in animals and humans to circumvent the BBB. The present protocol describes a unique way of treating brain infections through intraventricular delivery of antibiotics, i.e., polymyxins, the last-line antibiotics to treat multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria. A straightforward stereotaxic surgery protocol was developed to implant a guide cannula reaching into the lateral ventricle in rats. After a recovery period of 24 h, rats can be injected consciously and repeatedly through a cannula that is fitted to the guide. Injections can be delivered manually as a bolus or infusion using a microinjection pump to obtain a slow and controlled flow rate. The intraventricular injection was successfully confirmed with Evans Blue dye. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be drained, and the brain and other organs can be collected. This approach is highly amenable for studies involving drug delivery to the CNS and subsequent assessment of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic activity.


The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a crucial protective mechanism for the central nervous system (CNS). The selectively-permeable, anatomic barrier separates the circulating blood and its solutes from the brain's extracellular fluid, thus preventing most molecules from entering the brain1,2,3,4, depending on their size, lipophilicity5, and the availability of an active transport mechanism2.

This protective barrier is beneficial for the effective regulation of intri....


All experiments were conducted following the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Experiments were approved by the University of Melbourne ethics committee (application #1914890). 8-14 weeks old male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were used for the experiments.

1. Stereotaxic surgery for lateral ventricle cannulation

  1. Use autoclaved cotton tips and surgical drapes during the surgery.
  2. Set up the following for the surgery.
    1. Set up stereotaxic frame, anesthesia delivery system, drugs, chemicals, and assisting materials (see Table of Materials<....


The surgical protocol presented is highly successful, with trained surgeons reaching >99.8% survival rate and animals showing stable body weight post-surgery on Day 1, compared to their pre-surgery weight on Day 0 (mean Β± SD of 315.8 g Β± 42.1 g for Day 0 and 314.1 g Β± 43.0 g for Day 1, Figure 3).

Before collecting CSF, an injection of 1.1% Evans Blue dye into the implanted cannula can aid as confirmation of the injection having been delivered in.......


Researchers and clinicians employ ICV injections to circumvent the protective mechanism of the BBB and deliver drugs directly into the CNS12,18,19,21,24. The present work is a complete ICV protocol for delivering drugs efficiently into the CNS and extracting CSF for pharmacokinetic analysis. At the start of the experimentation, when this protocol is being esta.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


The authors thank the Biomedical Science Animal Facility at the University of Melbourne for the provision and care of animals. This research was supported by a research grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Health (R01 AI146241, GR, and TV). JL is an Australian National Health Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Principal Research Fellow. The content is solely the authors' responsibility and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases or the National Institute of Health.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AcetoneTerumo, JapanSS+01T
5 mL syringesTerumo, JapanSS+05S
AcetoneMerck, Germany67641
Bench protector sheetsHalyard, USA2765-C
BetadineMundipharma, Netherlands1015695
Buprenorphine; TemgesicClifford Hallam Healthcare, Australia1238366
CarprofenZoetis, Australia10001132
ChlorhexidineTasman Chemicals, Australia890401
Chux superwipes (or equivalent)Chux, Australian/aautoclaved
Cotton swabsLP Italiana, Italy112191autoclaved
Dental cement powder (Vertex Self cure powder)Henry Schein, USAVX-SC500GVD5
Dental cement solvent (Vertex Self cure liquid)Henry Schein, USAVX-SC250MLLQ
Disposable needles: 18 G, 26 G, 30 GTerumo, JapanNN+2525RL
Disposable surgical bladesWestlab, Australia663-255
Dissector scissorsF.S.T.14082-09
Dummy cannulasBio Scientific, AustraliaC313DC/SPCcut to 4.05 to fit the guide cannula
Ethanol 80%Merck, Australia10107
Evan's blue dyeSigmaE2129 - 50G
Eye lubeClifford Hallam Healthcare, Australia2070491
Felt tip penSharpie, USAD-4236
Fibre optic light sourcen/an/a
Flattened needle (18 G) or similar to apply supergluen/an/a
Glass pipettes, pulledHirschmann Laborgeraete, Germany9100175
Glass syringe 10 uLHamilton, USA701 LT and 1701 LT
Guide cannulasBio Scientific, AustraliaC313G/SPC22 G, cut 4 mm below the pedestal for lateral ventricle cannulation in adult Sprague Dawley rats
Heat bead steriliserInotech, SwitzerlandIS-250
Heat padn/an/a
Hydrogen peroxide 3%Perrigo, Australia11383
Induction chamber (Perspex 300 mm x 200 mm)n/an/a
Injector cannulaBio Scientific, AustraliaC313I/SPCcut to fit the 4 mm cannula + 0.5 mm projection
IsofluraneClifford Hallam Healthcare, Australia2093803
Isoflurane vaporiser and appropriate scavenging systemn/an/a
Medium size weighing boatsn/an/a
Metal spatulaMet-App, Australian/a
Micro syringe pumpNew Era, USANE-300
MicrodrillRWD Life Science Co, China87001
Polymyxin BBeta Pharma, China86-40302
Protein LoBind tubes, 0.5 mLEppendorf, GermanyZ666491
Ropivacaine 1%; NaropinAstraZeneca, UKPS09634
Scissors, largeF.S.T.14511-15
Scissors, smallF.S.T.14079-10
ScrewsMr. Specs, Australian/a
Stereotaxic frameRWD Life Science Co, Chinan/aNecessary components: rat ear bars, tooth bar, anaesthesia nose cone, arm with digital readout (X, Y, Z) and cannula holder
Sterile saline 0.9%Baxter, USAAHB1323
Super etch (37% phosphoric acid) gelSDI Limited, Australia8100045
SuperglueUHU, Germanyn/a
Tissue forceps with hooksF.S.T.11027-12
Tubing, PE-50Bio Scientific, AustraliaC313CT


  1. Goldmann, E. E. VitalfΓ€rbung am Zentralnervensystem. Beitrag zur Physio-Pathologie des Plexus chorioideus und der HirnhΓ€ute. KΓΆnigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. , (1913).
  2. Koziara, J. M., Lockman, P. R., Allen, D. D., Mumper, R. J.

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Intraventricular Drug DeliveryBlood brain BarrierCentral Nervous SystemCerebrospinal FluidPharmacokineticsPharmacodynamicsStereotaxic SurgeryAntibioticsPolymyxinsGram negative BacteriaMicroinjectionEvans Blue Dye

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