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  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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Environmental DNA (eDNA) is typically captured from water samples using alcohol precipitation, filtration, or flocculation. Presented here is an alternative protocol that uses lanthanum chloride to enable collection of dissolved and particulate-bound nucleic acids from water samples containing eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells, and virus.


The analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) has become a widely used approach to problem solving in species management. The detection of cryptic species including invasive and (or) species at risk is the goal, typically accomplished by testing water and sediment for the presence of characteristic DNA signatures. Reliable and efficient procedures for the capture of eDNA are required, especially those that can be performed easily in the field by personnel with limited training and citizen scientists. The capture of eDNA using membrane filtration is widely used currently. This approach has inherent issues that include the choice of filter material and porosity, filter fouling, and time required on site for the process to be performed. Flocculation offers an alternative that can be easily implemented and applied to sampling regimes that strive to cover broad territories in limited time.


Before the mid-2000s, the term “environmental DNA” was generally used to refer to DNA obtained from water and soil microbes although some use for the detection of human and animal DNA for purposes of fecal source tracking or non-native species detection had begun1,2,3. Presently, environmental DNA is generally used to describe DNA from cells sloughed from eukaryotic organisms, and the analysis of this DNA has become a widely used management tool. The detection of cryptic species including those that are invasive or species at risk is the goal, typically accomplish....


1. Decontamination of equipment and flocculation reagent preparation

  1. Thoroughly wash all bottles, tubing, and other previously used equipment with dishwashing detergent and hot water.
  2. Spray all bottles, tubing, and other previously used equipment with 6% citric acid solution to remove mineral deposits, let stand 20 minutes, and rinse with tap water.
  3. Add a solution of 10-fold diluted household bleach (0.5-0.6% final concentration of sodium hypochlorite) to all bottles (approximately 10% of the container volume), shake, let it stand at least 1 h, then drain and rinse with tap water until no trace of bleach remains. Then rinse once with de....

Representative Results

Eight 500 mL water samples (450 mL each) taken from an aquarium housing two Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) were used to prepare eDNA using the described protocol. Another eight 500 mL water samples were filtered over 47 mm glass fiber filters of 1.5 µm porosity containing no binder and eDNA was extracted using the same extraction method as used for the flocculation protocol. DNA prepared using both methods was analyzed using quantitative PCR that targets the mitochondrial control region of .......


Although this technique is straightforward, some steps are critical to success. The collection and transfer of the flocs must be done completely so as not to lose DNA. Residual material must be gathered using strategic rinses. The described protocol uses a commercial DNA extraction kit for the final processing of flocculated material. Other extraction methods may perform similarly or may be superior in performance, but modifications of this part of the protocol have not been exhaustively tested.


The author has nothing to disclose.


This work was completed with funding from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Any use of trade, firm, or products names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.5M EDTA, pH 8.0Available from several commercial sources
1 x TE Buffer, pH 8.0Available from several commercial sources
15 ml Conical Centrifuge TubesSingle use
16 oz. PET Clear Square BottlesReusable with cleaning and decontamination
38/400 Polypropylene Cap with Pressure Sensitive LinerLeave caps loosely attached until use. Cap tightly to seal pressure sensitive liner.
50 mL Conical Centrifuge TubesSingle use
6% Citric Acid SolutionUse to remove mineral deposits from reusable sample bottles.
Fecal/Soil Microbe KitUse inhibitor removal resin or column
Lanthanum (III) chloride heptahydrate100 mM Stock Solution
Peristaltic DC PumpAny peristaltic pump will do, or can be syphoned
Polyacryl Carrier10% linear polyacrylamide
Sodium Bicarbonate1 M, filter sterilized and stored at room temperaruture


  1. Mathes, M. V., et al. . Presumptive Sources of Fecal Contamination in Four Tributaries to the New River Gorge National River, West Virginia, 2004. , (2007).
  2. Caldwell, J. M., Raley, M. E., Levine, J. F. Mitochondrial Multiplex Real-Time PCR as a Source Tracking ....

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Environmental DNAEDNASpecies ManagementDNA CaptureFlocculationMembrane FiltrationWater SamplingField SamplingCitizen ScienceInvasive SpeciesAt risk SpeciesDNA Signature Detection

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