Here, we present a protocol to analyze changes in mitochondrial density and longitudinal distribution by live-skeletal muscle imaging using confocal microscopy for mitochondrial network scanning.
The mitochondrion is an organelle that can be elongated, fragmented, and renovated according to the metabolic requirements of the cells. The remodeling of the mitochondrial network allows healthy mitochondria to meet cellular demands; however, the loss of this capacity has been related to the development or progression of different pathologies. In skeletal muscle, mitochondrial density and distribution changes are observed in physiological and pathological conditions such as exercise, aging, and obesity, among others. Therefore, the study of the mitochondrial network may provide a better understanding of mechanisms related to those conditions.
Here, a protocol for mitochondria imaging of live-skeletal muscle fibers from rats is described. Fibers are manually dissected in a relaxing solution and incubated with a fluorescent live-cell imaging indicator of mitochondria (tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester, TMRE). The mitochondria signal is recorded by confocal microscopy using the XYZ scan mode to obtain confocal images of the intermyofibrillar mitochondrial (IMF) network. After that, the confocal images are processed by thresholding and binarization. The binarized confocal image accounts for the positive pixels for mitochondria, which are then counted to obtain the mitochondrial density. The mitochondrial network in skeletal muscle is characterized by a high density of IMF population, which has a periodic longitudinal distribution similar to that of T-tubules (TT). The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a standard analysis technique performed to evaluate the distribution of TT that allows finding the distribution frequency and the level of their organization. In this protocol, the implementation of the FFT algorithm is described for the analysis of the longitudinal mitochondrial distribution in skeletal muscle.
Mitochondria form highly dynamic networks that are mainly regulated by the balance between its elongation (fusion) and fragmentation (fission)1,2, which are modulated by the expression and activity of proteins such as Mitofusin 1 and 2 (Mfn1 and Mfn2), and Optic protein atrophy 1 (Opa1), which regulate the fusion of the outer mitochondrial membrane and inner membrane, respectively1,2. Dynamin-related protein (Drp1) predominantly regulates mitochondrial fission when it is phosphorylated in the Ser6163.
In skeletal muscle, it has been well established that the mitochondrial network is arranged in structurally well-defined subpopulations based on their proximity to different cell regions (myofibrils, sarcolemma, and nuclei)4,5. Those mitochondria located right beneath the sarcolemma are called subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SSM), those located between the contractile filaments are called intermyofibrillar mitochondria (IMF), and the mitochondrial subpopulation around the nuclei are called perinuclear mitochondria network (PMN). Moreover, it has been suggested that these mitochondrial subpopulations have region-specific functions and are metabolically specialized4,5.
The maintenance of cellular energy homeostasis, which allows metabolic and contractile function, depends to a large extent on the interaction and communication on specific sites through the mitochondrial network (e.g., IMF and SSM interaction)4,6. In addition to mitochondria network interactions, the mitochondrion can also interact with other organelles, forming structural and functional complexes. In this regard, it has been shown that IMF can be located adjacent to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and in proximity to the Ca2+ release units (CRU), formed by the transverse tubules (TT)7. This fact is relevant due to the role of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in regulating ATP synthesis and apoptosis. Recently, a potential role in regulating cytosolic Ca2+ transients has also been suggested8.
TT are invaginations of sarcolemma that have a periodic distribution along the longitudinal axis of cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle fibers9,10, similar to the IMF distribution5. Changes in the distribution of TT have important physiological implications, given their role in contractile function. However, these changes have been mainly evaluated in cardiomyocytes. Using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis allows the conversion of periodic signals from the distance domain to the frequency domain, resulting in an FFT spectrum that indicates the frequency and the regularity of the signal11,12,13. Although there is evidence that the organization of the mitochondrial network in skeletal muscle fibers is essential for adaptation to different metabolic conditions, as during regeneration after muscle injury14,15, most analyses are performed qualitatively.
Additionally, given that mitochondrial dysfunction has been associated with several skeletal muscle-related (e.g., disuse atrophy)2 and non-muscle diseases, particularly metabolic diseases, and the associated loss of muscle mass (i.e., atrophy)16, the quantitative evaluation of the mitochondrial network and distribution in skeletal muscle takes relevance. Recently, a significant difference in the longitudinal distribution of mitochondria of gastrocnemius muscle fibers between an obese group (Ob; Zucker fa/fa rats), and a lean group (Lean; Zucker +/+ rats) was identified through FFT17. This study demonstrated the usefulness of the FFT in analyzing the mitochondrial distribution. Therefore, this protocol presents a methodology to study mitochondria in live-skeletal muscle fibers from images obtained by fluorescence confocal microscopy. Mitochondrial density is quantified by background thresholding, and the analysis of longitudinal mitochondrial distribution by FFT analysis is also described. A workflow scheme is presented in Figure 1.
All animal experimentation procedures were evaluated and approved by the Animal Use and Care Committee (CICUAL) of Tecnologico de Monterrey (Protocol 2019-007). Male Zucker (+/+ and fa/fa) rats aged 12 to 13 weeks were used for this study. Animals were kept in standard husbandry conditions (12 h/12 h light/dark cycle, 40-60% humidity) and had access to food (standard rat chow) and water ad libitum.
1. Solution composition
2. Dissection of the gastrocnemius muscle fiber bundles
3. Live-cell imaging acquisition of mitochondria in skeletal muscle by confocal microscopy
4. Analysis of mitochondrial density
5. Analysis of mitochondrial distribution by Fast Fourier Transform
6. Optional preprocessing steps to reduce the image noise before image analysis
Following the present protocol, the analysis of the density and distribution of mitochondria can be achieved in live-skeletal muscle. The protocol is divided into three main stages: Skeletal muscle bundle dissection, confocal microscopy scanning, and image analysis. The workflow overview is presented in Figure 1. Figure 2A shows a whole rat gastrocnemius muscle in a Petri dish, marking the lateral head from which the fibers are obtained, while Figure 2B shows the fiber bundles in Relax solution. By confocal microscopy, the mitochondria can be recorded along the depth of live-skeletal muscle fiber using the fluorescent indicator TMRE. TMRE is a lipophilic cationic fluorophore that is selectively accumulated within mitochondria according to the mitochondrial membrane potential20.
An optimal confocal image of IMF can be obtained by selecting a Z distance above 15 µm of depth within the fiber (Figure 3A). Figure 3B shows representative XY confocal images of mitochondria loaded with TMRE acquired along gastrocnemius muscle fibers' Z distance (15 to 21 µm). The confocal images were processed by thresholding to transform them into binary images to allow mitochondrial analysis. Figure 3B (left panel) shows a fiber from an exercised Lean rat. It represents an expected confocal record of skeletal muscle fiber mitochondria since it has a consistent pattern along the fiber. In contrast, we selected a fiber from an Ob rat (Figure 3B, right panel) that shows substantial alterations in mitochondrial content and distribution. Figure 3C shows the quantification of the fiber area occupied by the mitochondria expressed as mitochondrial density, obtained from each binarized image (shown in panel B). As expected, the Ob fiber presented a lower mitochondrial density. It was quantified consistently along the Z distance analyzed, which is also observed in Figure 3D when the mitochondrial density is calculated per stack conformed by the three confocal images acquired at 15, 18, and 21 µm.
Similar to the mitochondrial density analysis, the confocal scanning of a fluorescent indicator for live-cell imaging, such as TMRE, allows for studying the longitudinal organization of mitochondria in live-skeletal muscle. IMF presents a periodic organization in the I-band close to TT7, which can be analyzed by FFT to quantify the frequency of the mitochondrial signal and the level of organization17. Figure 4 shows the differences in the organization of IMF found in gastrocnemius derived from Lean and Ob rats and how FFT allows finding the changes in the distribution of the mitochondrial signal. Figure 4A,B exhibit longitudinal ROIs selected in a central and lateral position in the fiber for FFT analysis. Before performing FFT, the thresholding for background subtraction is calculated. Then, the image is binarized; these procedures eliminate the variations in fluorescence intensity levels of the mitochondrial signal. The binary image provides the plot profile of fluorescence distribution necessary to perform the FFT.
Figure 4C,D show the selected ROIs in panels A and B with their plot profiles (upper panels). From the plot profiles, differences in the fluorescence distribution between the fibers derived from Lean and Ob rats can be observed, as well as the variations between ROIs within the same fiber. For every plot profile, their respective FFT spectrum is presented (lower panels). The peak of the maximum FFT spectrum indicates the FFT frequency (X-axis) of the mitochondrial signal distribution along the longitudinal axis. It can be transformed into a distance value close to 2 µm in the lateral and central ROIs from the Lean rat. Notably, the FFT magnitude of the peak is an index of the regularity of the mitochondrial signal, and changes in this amplitude reveal alterations in the mitochondrial distribution.
Figure 4E,F show the differences in the FFT spectrum between Lean and Ob-derived fibers where lateral and central ROIs were analyzed, respectively. In lateral ROIs (Figure 4E) the frequency of mitochondrial longitudinal distribution was similar in the lean and Ob-derived fibers; nonetheless, the amplitude of the maximum FFT peak in the Ob-derived fibers was higher, which is in agreement with the higher regularity of the signal observed in the image in Figure 4B. Nevertheless, the central ROI (Figure 4F) of the Ob is observed as an example of a critical reduction of the FFT peak compared to Lean when an important alteration of the mitochondrial distribution is present.
Figure 1: Scheme for mitochondrial analysis in skeletal muscle by confocal microscopy. This scheme summarizes the protocol's main steps in three separate phases. The first phase, dissection of gastrocnemius muscle fiber bundles, is subdivided into three subsequent steps, gastrocnemius muscle isolation, followed by muscle mechanical dissection into bundles to finally make a visual selection of the viable ones. The second phase consists of live-cell imaging acquisition by confocal microscopy, which consists of incubation with the fluorophore (TMRE) for 20 min at room temperature to place the fibers in the chamber. Afterward, the appropriate settings are made in the microscope to conduct the acquisition of the confocal images. During the third phase, confocal image processing and data analysis are conducted. Starting with image processing, where a threshold is required to generate binary images from which mitochondrial density calculations and mitochondrial distribution by FFT are done. Abbreviations: TMRE = tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester; FFT = Fast Fourier Transform. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Skeletal muscle bundle dissection. (A) Dissected rat lateral gastrocnemius head (black arrow) in a Petri dish with Relax solution. (B) Representative image of gastrocnemius muscle fiber bundles in Relax solution before TMRE loading. Abbreviation: TMRE = tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Mitochondrial density analysis. (A) Illustration that represents the Z distance recommended for confocal scanning of IMF mitochondria in skeletal muscle fibers. (B) Series of confocal images of mitochondria loaded with TMRE in skeletal muscle fibers, obtained from an exercised Zucker +/+ rat (Lean) and from an obese Zucker fa/fa rat (Ob) recorded in the Z distance (from 15 to 21 µm of depth). The images were processed by thresholding and transformed into binary images. (C) Calculated mito-density of the confocal slices obtained at different Z distances observed in panel B. (D) The mito-density obtained from the stack composed by the images observed in panel B. Images in panel B are 65 x 50 µm. Scale bar = 10 µm. Abbreviations: Mito-density = Mitochondrial density; IMF = intermyofibrillar mitochondria; Ob = Obese; SSM = subsarcolemmal mitochondria. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Mitochondrial distribution analysis by FFT. Representative confocal images of mitochondria loaded with the fluorescent indicator TMRE acquired at 21 µm of the depth of skeletal muscle fibers obtained from an exercised Zucker +/+ rat (Lean, panel A) and from an obese Zucker fa/fa rat (Ob, panel B). The images were processed by thresholding and transformed into binary images. Lateral and central ROIs from panel A (panel C) and panel B (panel D) with their respective plot profiles of fluorescence intensity (upper plot) and FFT spectrum (lower plot). FFT was calculated from ROIs with 256 pixels of width, which corresponds to an ROI size of 39 x 5 µm in panel A and an ROI size of 50 x 5 µm in panel B. Panel E shows the differences of the FFT spectrum found between mitochondria derived from Lean and Ob rats in the lateral ROI, while panel F shows the differences of the FFT spectrum of central ROI. Scale bar = 10 µm. Abbreviations: A.U. = Arbitrary Units; FFT = Fast Fourier Transform; ROIs = regions of interest; Ob = Obese. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Reagent | Final Concentration in 100 mL | Stock |
K-aspartate | 100 mM | |
KCl | 20 mM | |
HEPES | 20 mM | |
L-glutamic acid | 3 mM | |
Malic acid | 3 mM | |
EGTA | 0.1 mM | 10 mM |
MgCl2 | 1 mM free Mg2+ | |
CaCl2 | 0.00002 mM free Ca2+ | |
Phosphocreatine di-Na | 5 mM | 500 mM |
Creatine phosphokinase | 5 U/mL | 200 U/mL |
MgATP | 5 mM | |
pH 7.3 (with NaOH) |
Table 1: Relax solution reagents and concentration.
Supplementary Figure S1: Effect of image preprocessing methods. (A) Representative confocal images of mitochondria loaded with the fluorescent indicator TMRE acquired at a depth of 18 µm in skeletal muscle fibers obtained from an exercised Zucker +/+ rat (Lean, upper panel) and from an obese Zucker fa/fa rat (lower panel), along with their respective images obtained after preprocessing using Otsu´ thresholding, median filter and Otsu´ thresholding, and 2D deconvolution and Otsu´ thresholding. (B) Plot profile of mito-density obtained from the confocal images (panel A) after preprocessing with different methods. Images in panel A are 65 x 50 µm. Scale bar = 10 µm. Abbreviations: 2D-Decon = 2D deconvolution; Mito-density = Mitochondrial density. Please click here to download this File.
Mitochondria are organelles with a high remodeling capacity. Their content, density, and distribution can be rapidly modified through the activation of the mitochondrial fusion and fission mechanisms, known as mitochondrial dynamics1, and the balance between the mitochondrial turnover mechanisms: the mitochondrial biogenesis and the specialized mitochondria degradation pathway, mitophagy21,22. Mitochondrial content and morphology can vary according to cell type and stage of development and can be remodeled under different physiological and pathological stimuli17,22,23,24. Therefore, the study of mitochondrial morphology has been relevant for over half a century25. Notably, the analysis of mitochondria through electron microscopy has been the standard technique applied in multiple studies26.
Fluorescent studies by confocal microscopy have gained relevance in the last few years due to their capacity for live-cell imaging of mitochondria at different fiber depths, which could help better understand the role of mitochondria in skeletal muscle in different adaptive and maladaptive conditions27. In this study, a methodology for the analysis of mitochondria density and distribution in live-skeletal muscle fibers by confocal microscopy is described. One of the main challenges of working with live-skeletal muscle fibers is to avoid contraction from the isolation processes up to the mitochondrial confocal recording. To achieve this goal, a high Mg and ATP Relax solution17 is used to keep the fibers relaxed for at least 2 h, which gives enough time to carry out the fiber isolation process, the fluorophore load, and the acquisition of mitochondrial signal by confocal microscopy. A critical point of the protocol is obtaining the fibers mechanically since it requires high precision and fresh tissue; however, it is possible to obtain viable fiber bundles from rat muscle with this previously used and reported technique28. Obtaining intact fibers allows for preserving the sarcolemma and the intracellular environment, keeping the metabolic and functional crosstalk between cell structures28,29.
Unlike working with tissues or fixed cells, the acquisition of live-cell imaging fluorescent images by confocal microscopy allows real-time monitoring of the effect of diverse experimental conditions. The present protocol can be used to explore changes in mitochondrial density and distribution in real-time and explore differences between experimental groups, such as the examples presented here between Lean and Ob-derived fibers (Figure 3 and Figure 4). It should always be considered that live-cell imaging implies standardizing optimal working conditions with minor cell damage. The working time, the quality of the solutions used, the acquisition parameters, and the exposure of lasers must be finely controlled. Hence, essential considerations are mentioned below.
Mitochondria of muscle fibers cannot be recorded entirely longitudinally by confocal microscopy due to the size of the fiber and the damage of the fiber that can be caused by long laser exposure. Nevertheless, a representative sample of the fiber is recorded under this technique. Although it is possible to record the entire thickness of the skeletal muscle fiber of a rat by confocal microscopy, this implies a longer recording time and exposure to the laser beam. In the case of control rats, issues with these recordings have not been encountered. However, fibers from pathological conditions may be more susceptible to damage as observed in the fibers from Ob rats. Consequently, acquiring a stack of representative confocal images obtained at different Z distances is preferred. When only a section of fiber thickness is recorded, it is recommended to take the stack at the same depth on all fibers tested since mitochondrial distribution and density can vary according to its position within the fiber. Acquisition of the signal at a depth above 15 µm is recommended to obtain representative confocal images of IMF, avoiding SSM populations that are situated close to the periphery.
During the confocal acquisition, some important considerations must be taken into account. First, the selection of the immersion objective lens considering the magnification, high NA, and immersion medium. Since cells are maintained in a hydrophilic incubation medium, the refractive index of the incubation and immersion medium must be similar to obtain a good signal and scan deep into the tissue. Usually achieved using a water immersion objective lens. Confocal images of Figure 3 and Figure 4 were acquired with a 20x, 0.7 NA, water immersion objective. This objective allows the record of the fiber in all its depth, but scanning at 15, 18, and 21 µm was decided since representative confocal images of IMF can be obtained with high fluorescence intensity signal and minor fiber damage. Other magnification, such as 40x and oil as an immersion medium, can be considered but needs to be evaluated.
Second, the pixel size for imaging acquisition is calculated according to the Nyquist theorem, which allows the selection of an appropriate pixel size that avoids over-sample (higher laser exposure) and under-sample (leads to less resolution)30. The calculation depends on the characteristics of the objective lens selected and the wavelength (~90 nm). It can be adjusted with the zoom; therefore, only one zoom setting provides an optimal pixel size30. Nevertheless, in practice, the zoom also depends on the area of the specimen to be analyzed. Thus, finding balance allows working with a pixel size that is closest to the Nyquist criterion and that also fits the area to be analyzed. Figure 3 and Figure 4 were acquired with a pixel size of 150 and 190 nm, which allowed for analysis of the full width of the fiber which is ~50-80 µm.
Third, an appropriate pinhole diameter that prevents out-of-focus light from reaching the detector should be used. Typically, 1 Airy is considered the optimal pinhole size since it allows the detection of ~80% of photons originating from the plane of focus30. Nevertheless, some stained biological samples that show low fluorescence levels require a pinhole increase30. Confocal images of Figure 3 and Figure 4 were acquired with a pinhole size of 3 Airy due to a low signal captured with a lower Airy. It is important to consider that the rise in the signal intensity resulting from increasing the pinhole size leads to the reduction of the resolution due to increased out-of-focus captured light. For this reason, we recommended using a pinhole size as close to 1 airy as possible.
When adequately acquired, confocal images can be processed to obtain quantitative information on mitochondrial density and distribution. Regardless, the critical processing image step of thresholding needs to be performed before analysis to improve the quantification of the signal. During this crucial step, the fluorescence intensity value that separates the positive pixels for mitochondria from those of the background is defined. The threshold can be defined by a Gaussian fit of the peak representing mitochondria when the histogram of the image displays two peaks, one corresponding to the background and the other to the mitochondria. However, a bimodal distribution is not always achieved in each of the images, so other thresholding methods have to be applied.
In this protocol, the implementation of Otsu's thresholding is described, which is a non-parametric and unsupervised method designed to find the threshold value when the two peaks are not separated, or other peaks are present31. Otsu can easily be applied using an open-source platform for biological-image analysis; however, other thresholding methods can be tested. The same thresholding method must be applied to all the confocal images and has to be calculated independently for each confocal image. Applying the threshold to a whole stack leads to incorrect results. Once the binary images are obtained after the thresholding process, the analysis of mitochondrial density and FFT can be easily carried out by following the instructions described in this protocol. However, care should be taken when performing both analyses to avoid including nuclei and capillaries, as it would lead to quantification errors. Regarding density, it is enough to subtract the pixels, or the area occupied by the nuclei or capillaries, from the pixels or total area to be analyzed. In addition, when performing the FFT analysis, it must be verified that the mitochondria signal is straight. Conversely, when the mitochondria signal is tilted, it can produce profiles that do not represent the mitochondrial longitudinal distribution, yielding incorrect FFT spectrum data. In addition, a preprocessing step can be applied to reduce the noise in the images. This protocol describes two optional preprocessing steps using a median filter and 2D deconvolution. The effects of these preprocessing methods on the image and mitochondrial density content are presented in Supplementary Figure S1. It is important to consider that while these preprocesses can improve the image quality, they can also result in the loss of certain image details. Therefore, they should be used with caution and consistently applied to all the images being analyzed.
Despite its advantages, confocal microscopy is limited by a lateral resolution (XY) of 180-250 nm when the optimal conditions for acquisition are implemented32. Mitochondrial diameter is ~200-700 nm, close to the diffraction limit of confocal microscopy; thus, sub-mitochondrial structures cannot be adequately detected33 and cannot be evaluated by density and FFT analyses shown in this protocol. Other super-resolution techniques of microscopy, such as stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy, or structured illumination microscopy (SIM), can be explored to resolve sub-mitochondrial structures32. In this protocol, the confocal images of mitochondria are obtained using the fluorophore TMRE, which depends on the mitochondrial membrane potential. Therefore, mitochondrial fluorescent intensity can vary according to their membrane potential. A thresholding process is performed before the data analysis to overcome this issue. All the pixels above a defined threshold are considered positive for mitochondrial signal independent of their fluorescence value. Nevertheless, it must be noted that mitochondria with a very low membrane potential cannot be resolved with this technique. Thus, complementary studies of mitochondrial protein content quantification are recommended. An advantage of using TMRE is that confocal images can also be used for mitochondrial membrane potential analysis, but adequate controls with uncoupling agents need to be performed such as carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP). In addition, the instructions for mitochondrial density and distribution analysis can be achieved using green fluorescent indicators for mitochondria, which load mitochondria regardless of their membrane potential, but incubation strategy and confocal acquisition settings need to be standardized.
Given that mitochondria structure is related to essential mitochondrial and cellular functions, the protocol described here can provide valuable information about their remodeling during disease or by a particular stress insult. It could contribute to a better understanding of key functions of skeletal muscle governed by mitochondria, such as energy production, or in which mitochondria play an important role in interacting with other organelles, such as contraction-metabolism coupling. Following the protocol instructions allows the estimation of mitochondrial density and distribution in live-skeletal muscle. The protocol steps are divided into three main stages focused on skeletal muscle bundle dissection, confocal microscopy scanning, and image analysis, where detailed instructions and important considerations are included. Notably, the protocol can be further optimized to explore additional Z steps for full mitochondrial reconstruction within the fiber according to the user's necessities. For instance, the confocal image and analysis steps can be tested to study cellular structures with similar distribution, such as TT in live and fixed samples.
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
This work was supported by the School of Medicine and The Institute for Obesity Research of Tecnologico de Monterrey. Figure 3A was created with Scientific Image and Illustration software.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Adenosine 5’-triphosphate disodium salt hydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | A6419 | |
Borosilicate glass coverslip | Warner Instruments | 64-0709 | |
Calcium chloride | Sigma-Aldrich | C5670 | |
Confocal microscope | Leica | TCS SP5 | |
Confocal microscope software Leica Application Suite | Leica | | |
Creatine Phosphokinase | Sigma-Aldrich | C3755 | |
DeconvolutionLab2 (DeconvolutionLab_2.jar) | Biomedical Imaging Group, EPFL | | |
Dimethyl Sulfoxide | Sigma-Aldrich | D2650 | |
DL-Aspartic acid potassium sat hemihydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | 11240 | |
Ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N´N´-tetraacetic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | E4378 | |
Forceps | Miltex | MH-18 | |
HC PL APO 20x/ 0.7 IMM objective | Leica | 506517 | |
HEPES | Sigma-Aldrich | H3375 | |
Iris scissors | Miltex | 5-304 | |
L-(-)-Malic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | M7397 | |
L-glutamic acid monosodium salt hydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | G1626 | |
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | M2393 | |
Maxchelator | UC Davis Health | | |
Micro scissors | Miltex | 18-1633 | |
Open-source platform for biological-image analysis Fiji | Public, maintained by Eliceiri/LOCI group, Jug group, and Tomancak lab.Fiji | | |
Phosphocreatine disodium salt hydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | P7936 | |
Potassium chloride | Sigma-Aldrich | P9333 | |
PSF Generator (PSF_Generator.jar) | Biomedical Imaging Group, EPFL | | |
Recording chamber | Warner Instruments | RC-27N | |
Sodium hydroxide | Sigma-Aldrich | S5881 | |
Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel | Microsoft | ||
Stereo microscope | Zeiss | Stemi 508 | |
Tetramethylrhodamine, ethyl ester | Invitrogen | T669 |
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