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Here, a simple and rapid approach for performing intracerebroventricular injections in mice using a free-hand approach (that is, without a stereotaxic device) is described.


The investigation of neuroendocrine systems often requires the delivery of drugs, viruses, or other experimental agents directly into the brains of mice. An intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection allows the widespread delivery of the experimental agent throughout the brain (particularly in the structures near the ventricles). Here, methods for making free-hand ICV injections in adult mice are described. By using visual and tactile landmarks on the heads of mice, injections into the lateral ventricles can be made rapidly and reliably. The injections are made with a glass syringe held in the experimenter's hand and placed at approximate distances from the landmarks. Thus, this technique does not require a stereotaxic frame. Furthermore, this technique requires only brief isoflurane anesthesia, which permits the subsequent assessment of mouse behavior and/or physiology in awake, freely behaving mice. Free-hand ICV injection is a powerful tool for the efficient delivery of experimental agents into the brains of living mice and can be combined with other techniques such as frequent blood sampling, neural circuit manipulation, or in vivo recording to investigate neuroendocrine processes.


The delivery of experimental agents, such as drugs1, viruses2, or cells3, to the brain is often necessary for neuroendocrine research. If the agent does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier or the experimental objective is to specifically test the central effects of the agent, it is important to have a reliable method for delivering injections into the brain. Moreover, injection into the intracerebroventricular (ICV) space provides the opportunity to distribute the agent widely in the brain and provides a large target area, thus increasing the likelihood of successful injection


All the procedures were approved by the Colorado State University (#3960) and University of California San Diego Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees, where the representative data were collected (S13235, PI Kellie Breen Church). Data from five adult female and two adult male C57/BL6 mice (9-16 weeks old) are depicted in the representative data section. Female mice were ovariectomized 3-4 weeks prior to ICV injection and blood collection as described previously7. Prior to experimentation, these mice were housed with a 12 h light/12 h dark light cycle and had free access to feed and water in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

When performed successfully, this technique allows the rapid delivery of an experimental agent into the ventricular system. A luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse profile from an ovariectomized mouse that received an ICV injection of 3 µL of sterile isotonic saline, the vehicle for many pharmacological compounds, is shown in Figure 2A. This example demonstrates that brief exposure to gas anesthesia and the injection of 3 µL of fluid into the ventricular system alone did not alter the pul.......


Here, a simple and effective means for making ICV injections in mice is described. Since this technique does not require a stereotaxic frame, this approach for the central delivery of drugs and experimental agents is accessible to more researchers. Additionally, this approach is relatively high throughput since the preparation and injection procedure can be performed quickly.

Since this procedure requires the manipulation of needles and a glass syringe by hand using approximate distances, it i.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to thank Dr. Kellie Breen Church, Mr. Michael Kreisman, and Ms. Jessica Jang for their contributions to collecting the data shown in the representative results. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) R00 HD104994 (R.B.M.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
18-gauge blunt needlesSAI InfusionB18-150
18-gauge needlesBD Medical305195
Alcohol padsFisher Scientific22-363-750
Bench padFisher Scientific14-206-62AC22
Betadine solutionFisher ScientificNC1696484
BuprenorphinePatterson Vet Supply07-892-5235Controlled substance
EyelubeFisher Scientific50-218-8442
Glass syringeHamilton7634-01
Injection needleHamilton7803-0127 gauge, Small Hub RN needle, point style: 4, Needle length: 10cm, Angle: 45
Isoflurane  Patterson Vet Supply07-893-8441
Isoflurane vaporizerVet EquipV-10
Laboratory TapeVWR89098-128
Medical grade oxygenAirgasOX USPEA
Phosphate Buffered SalineFisher ScientificJ67802.K2
PulsaR SoftwareOpen source, University of OtagoSee ref 9
RulerFisher Scientific12-00-152
Silastic tubing (0.040" I.D.)DOW508-005
Silastic tubing (0.078" I.D.)DOW508-009
Sterile salineVWR101320-574
Sucrose Fisher ScientificS5-500


  1. Roseweir, A. K., et al. Discovery of potent kisspeptin antagonists delineate physiological mechanisms of gonadotropin regulation. Journal of Neuroscience. 29 (12), 3920-3929 (2009).
  2. Kim, J. Y., Grunke, S. D., Levites, Y., Golde, T. E., Jankowsky, J. L.

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Intracerebroventricular InjectionICV InjectionFree hand InjectionNeuroendocrine ControlReproductive FunctionHormone RegulationMouse ModelBrain DeliveryNeural Circuits

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