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The presented protocol describes sample homogenization with a laboratory mixer, acid digestion of food samples using a mixture of 68 wt% HNO3 and 30 wt% H2O2 via microwave-assisted wet acid digestion, and multi-element determination performed with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.


Sample preparation is crucial for elemental determination, and various techniques are available, one of which involves homogenization followed by acid digestion. Special care is required during sample handling in the preparation stage to eliminate or minimize potential contamination and analyte loss. Homogenization is a process that simultaneously reduces particle size and uniformly distributes sample components. Following homogenization, the sample undergoes acid digestion, wherein it is digested with acids and auxiliary chemicals at elevated temperatures, transforming solid samples into a liquid state. In this process, metals in the original sample react with acids to form water-soluble salts. Samples prepared through acid digestion are suitable for elemental analysis using techniques such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, electrochemical methods, and other analytical techniques. This work details the preparation of food samples for multi-element determination using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The step-by-step procedure involves the homogenization process using a laboratory-sized mixer with ceramic blades, followed by acid digestion in closed vessels using microwave-assisted wet acid digestion. A mixture of 5.0 mL of 68 wt% HNO3 and 1.0 mL of 30 wt% H2O2 serves as an auxiliary reagent. This guide provides an explanation of the processes involved in both stages.


Elemental analysis is an analytical process for determining the elemental composition of various samples. It can be used to control the intake of metals into human bodies (especially heavy metals1) since their high concentrations may cause unwanted health problems. Heavy metals are also one of the main environmental contaminants, therefore, control of their presence in the environment is necessary2. Moreover, elemental analysis can be employed to determine the geographical origin of food products3 and to control the quality of food and water resources4. In addition, it is u....


1. Sample homogenization

  1. Using a clean ceramic knife, manually cut the food samples (broccoli, mushrooms, sausages, and noodles) into smaller pieces to speed up the drying process. Prepare enough samples for a minimum of 6 replicates of the acid digestion (ensure that the minimum mass of the dried samples is 1500 mg).
    NOTE: Increasing the surface area of the sample exposes a larger portion of the sample to the heated surrounding air, increasing the rate of evaporation of the water.
  2. Place the sample in a 250 mL glass beaker and dry it at 105 °C to a constant weight using a dryer.
  3. Remove the glass beaker with ....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

All samples were dried to a constant mass with the laboratory dryer to eliminate any moisture. Transferring the sample to a desiccator allowed it to cool to room temperature without binding moisture from the surrounding environment. The food samples were then homogenized using the laboratory mixer to obtain a fine powder. The resulting homogenized particles were uniform in size and evenly distributed, ensuring that subsamples (samples drawn from a larger sample) used for acid digesti.......


To ensure reproducible results in elemental determination, it is necessary to homogenize samples before acid digestion due to their complex and inhomogeneous structure and composition. Homogenization aims to eliminate constitutional and distributional heterogeneity. Mixing the sample minimizes distributional heterogeneity by evenly redistributing components throughout the sample. Similarly, by bringing the particle size down to a uniform size, constitutional heterogeneity is reduced<.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Slovenian Research Agency (Grant Nos. P2-0414, P2-0118, J1-2470, NK-0001, and J1-4416).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Ar gasMesser7440-37-1Ar 5.0 gas (purity 99.999%).
AS-10 Autosampler systemShimadzuAutosampler connected to the ICP-MS, containing 68 ports for samples.
Automatic pipettesSartorius200 µL, 1 mL, and 5 mL automatic pipettes.
Balance XSE104Mettler Toledo, Columbus, Ohio, USAAnalytical balance scale with a maximum weighing mass of 120 g.
Ceramic knifeCeramic knife used for cutting fresh food samples.
DessicatorGlass desiccator with lumps of silica gel.
ETHOS LEANMilestone, Sorisole, ItalyMicrowave system for wet acid digestion in closed 100 mL vessels made of TFM-PTFE.
Fume hoodLaboratory fume hood with adjustable air flow.
Glass beakers RASOTHERMCarlRoth GmbH + Co.KG50 mL, 250 mL glass beakers
Glass funnelsSmall glass funnels fitting into the neck of volumetric flasks.
He gasMesser7440-59-7He 5.0 gas (purity 99.999%).
Hydrogen peroxideThermoFisher Scientific7722-84-1Hxdrogen peroxide 100 volumes 30 wt.% solution. Laboratory reagent grade.
ICP multi-element standard solution VIIISupelco109492100 mg/L ICP multi-element standard solution containing 24 elements (Al, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Te, Tl, Zn) in 2 % dilute nitric acid.
ICPMS 2030ShimadzuInductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry system for multi-element analysis of digested samples.
ICP-MS Tuning Solution ACarlRoth GmbH + Co.KG250 mL tuning solution containing 6 elements (Be, Bi, Ce, Co, In, Mn) in 1 % nitric acid.
KIMTECH Purple Nitrile glovesKimberly-Clark GmbHDisposable Purple Nitrile gloves (S, M or L).
Laboratory coatAny available supplier/
Mixer B-400BÜCHI Labortechnik AG, Flawil, SwitzerlandLaboratory mixer with ceramic blades.
Nitric acidThermoFisher Scientific7697-37-2Nitric acid, trace analysis grade, 68 wt%, density 1.42, Primar Plus, For Trace Metal Analysis.
Plastic centrifuge tubesIsolab50 mL plastic centrifuge tubes with screw caps, single use.
Plastic syringes InjektB. Braun2 pice, single use 20 mL syringes.
Plastic tubes for autosamplerShimadzu046-00147-04Plastic tubes for autosampler, 15 mL capacity, 16 mm diameter, 100 mm length.
Plastic waste containersPlastic containers for the removal of chemicals after the cleaning procedure of reaction vessels.
Protective googles/
Samples (broccoli, sausage, noodles, zucchini, mushrooms)Fresh samples, which were dried to a constant weight and homogenized during the procedure. The samples were purchased from a local shop.
SpatulaPlastic spatula.
Sterilizator Instrumentaria ST 01/02InstrumentariaDryer with adjustable temperature.
Syringe filtersCHROMAFIL Xtra729212Syringe filters with polypropylene housing and polyamide hydrophilic membrane. Membrane diameter 25 mm, membrane pore size 0.2 µm.
Ultrapure waterELGA Labwater, Veolia Water Technologies.Ultrapure water with a resistivity of 18.2 MΩcm, obtained with laboratory water purification system.
Volumetric flasks25 mL glass volumetric flasks.


  1. Catenza, K. F., Donkor, K. K. Determination of heavy metals in cannabinoid-based food products using microwave-assisted digestion and ICP-MS. Food Analytical Methods. 15, 2537-2546 (2022).
  2. Güven, D. E., Akinci, G.

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Food Sample PreparationHomogenizationMicrowave assisted Wet Acid DigestionMulti element DeterminationICP MSICP OESAtomic Absorption SpectroscopyIon ChromatographyX ray Photoelectron SpectroscopyTOF SIMSSample ThroughputSample ContaminationSample HandlingParticle Size ReductionSample DissolutionWater soluble Salts

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