This protocol describes the hand fabrication and surgical implantation of electromyographic (EMG) electrodes in the forelimb muscles of mice to record muscle activity during head-fixed behavior experiments.
Powerful genetic and molecular tools available in mouse systems neuroscience research have enabled researchers to interrogate motor system function with unprecedented precision in head-fixed mice performing a variety of tasks. The small size of the mouse makes the measurement of motor output difficult, as the traditional method of electromyographic (EMG) recording of muscle activity was designed for larger animals like cats and primates. Pending commercially available EMG electrodes for mice, the current gold-standard method for recording muscle activity in mice is to make electrode sets in-house. This article describes a refinement of established procedures for hand fabrication of an electrode set, implantation of electrodes in the same surgery as headplate implantation, fixation of a connector on the headplate, and post-operative recovery care. Following recovery, millisecond-resolution EMG recordings can be obtained during head-fixed behavior for several weeks without noticeable changes in signal quality. These recordings enable precise measurement of forelimb muscle activity alongside in vivo neural recording and/or perturbation to probe mechanisms of motor control in mice.
In recent decades, mice have become an attractive model organism for studying the mammalian motor system. Common experimental approaches involve head-fixed mice performing motor tasks alongside the monitoring and/or perturbation of neural activity1,2,3,4,5. Motor system studies in larger species (such as cats and primates) have traditionally relied upon electromyography (EMG) to measure motor output directly during such experiments6,7,8. However, recording muscle activity in mice is challenging because their musculature is too small for commercially available EMG electrodes used in large mammal experiments9. Many researchers opt to track limb kinematics through video4,10,11 and/or behavioral performance2,4,12 to probe motor output indirectly, but these methods lack the resolution to detect the millisecond-timescale influence of neural activity and perturbation thereof on muscles. Thus, recording EMG is desirable for researchers interested in direct neural control of muscles.
EMG involves measuring the voltage between two points, typically separated by a short distance roughly parallel to the fibers of the muscle being recorded. EMG electrodes come in surface (or "patch") and intramuscular (or "needle") varieties. Surface electrodes are placed atop the skin or overlaid on the muscle tissue and secured with adhesive or suturing. As such, surface electrodes are less invasive than intramuscular electrodes and are most popular with humans, cats, and primates due to their relative ease of use. Surface electrodes have also been used successfully with rats and mice13,14; however, they must be hand-fabricated and surgically implanted under the skin due to the tendency of rodents to try to remove foreign objects while grooming. Intramuscular EMG electrodes, on the other hand, are surgically implanted within the muscle tissue. Because they are engulfed in muscle tissue, they provide high spatial resolution and remain fixed in position indefinitely. Thus, implanted intramuscular EMG electrodes are ideal over surface electrodes for long-term experiments using rodents. To record intramuscular EMG reliably in mice, researchers have developed a method for hand fabricating and implanting EMG electrodes in muscles as small as those in an adult mouse's forearm. These electrodes enable chronic muscle recording during motor behavior in rodents over several weeks.
The protocol described here is the result of a decade-long refinement of established methods15,16,17,18, which has yielded a procedure for hand fabricating, implanting, and recording from wire EMG electrodes chronically implanted in flexor/extensor muscle pairs of the elbow and wrist in behaving mice. The first section describes the hand fabrication of an electrode set with four electrode pairs and an 8-pin connector for the head stage interface. The next section details the surgical implantation of the electrodes intramuscularly in upper and lower arm muscles in the same surgery as headplate implantation. Finally, representative recordings from mice performing a variety of behaviors are discussed. Overall, this method is a cost-effective and customizable way to include muscle activity measurements in head-fixed behavior experiments that is ideal for labs with some electrode fabrication experience.
All experiments and procedures were performed according to NIH guidelines and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Northwestern University. Other countries and/or institutions may have different regulations that require modifications to this procedure. Animals included in the present study were C57BL6/J adult males (see Table of Materials) aged 12-20 weeks with a minimum body weight of 20 g.
1. Electrode set fabrication
NOTE: Perform these steps on a clean benchtop using a stereomicroscope with a magnification range of 10x-40x and clean, bare hands. See Figure 1 for diagrams detailing electrode wire stripping (Figure 1A) and connector assembly (Figure 1B).
2. Electrode implantation surgery
NOTE: This section describes a single surgical procedure to implant a headplate and electrodes fabricated in the previous section into the triceps, biceps, extensor carpi radialis (ECR), and palmaris longus (PL). For the latter two muscles, it is very difficult to implant the electrode exclusively in these individual muscles without going through nearby synergist muscles. See the discussion below regarding the caveats of attempting to isolate recordings from individual muscles. Headplates are typically custom-designed and fabricated for specific experiments. The present study used 3D-printed plastic RIVETS headplates19. Many open-source headplate designs are available online through Janelia, the Allen Institute, and independent research groups. The headplate procedure described here has been used successfully with titanium and plastic headplates. The surgical procedure must be performed on a stereotaxic instrument (see Table of Materials) with a stereomicroscope ranging from 10-40x magnification.
3. Inserting electrodes into muscles
4. Post-operative care
Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 show normalized muscle activity recorded from the forelimb muscles of mice performing different behaviors: treadmill walking without head-fixation (Figure 2), climbing a rotating wheel under head-fixation (Figure 3), and reaching for water droplets under head-fixation (Figure 4). Figure 2 shows 1.5 s of treadmill locomotion with an approximate step cycle estimated from the time between two elbow flexor activations. Figure 3 shows 5 s of EMG data from an animal that had the wrist extensor electrode fail 6 weeks after implantation. In Figure 3A, all four electrodes produce a clean EMG signal that aligns with the turning of the wheel (which indicates climbing). Figure 3B shows the signal from the same electrodes after failure: the wrist extensor electrode produces a noisy signal that does not change with the animal's movement. Figure 4 shows 1 s of EMG from the four forelimb muscle groups during a task in which the mouse transitioned from immobility to reaching for a water droplet.
In Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4, the voltage signals were amplified and bandpass filtered (250-20,000 Hz) using a differential amplifier. Raw voltage was then subsampled to 1 kHz and z-scored for comparison across datasets. Note again that while electrodes were implanted in the four muscles specified in the protocol (biceps, triceps, ECR, and PL), it is not guaranteed that adjacent synergistic muscles did not influence EMG signal; therefore, each recording is assigned to its synergy group (elbow flexor, etc.) for accuracy. Verifying isolated recordings from single muscles would require simultaneous recordings in multiple synergists to assay for crosstalk between muscle recordings, which may be prohibitively difficult, especially in the lower arm of mice.
Figure 1: Schematics of the electrode set fabrication. (A) Diagram of a single electrode pair. Gray areas indicate where to strip. (B) Diagram of the connector assembly with a single completed electrode pair inserted into the connector. The diagram in (B) is not to scale. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Representative EMG recording from four muscles of a freely moving (not head-fixed) mouse walking on a treadmill. The total duration is 1.5 s. The step cycle was estimated from the time between sequential elbow extensor activations. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Representative EMG recording from four muscles of a head-fixed mouse performing a naturalistic climbing behavior. The 5th row shows the position of the climbing wheel read out by a rotary encoder; changes in this value indicate that the wheel is turning and the animal is actively climbing. The total duration is 5 s. (A) Recording 36 days after implantation during climbing. (B) Recording 72 days after implantation in the same mouse after the wrist extensor electrode failed. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative EMG recording from four muscles of a head-fixed mouse transitioning from immobility to performing a reaching movement. The total duration is 1 s. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
This protocol enables stable muscle activity recordings from head-fixed mice performing a variety of behaviors for several weeks. Recently, this method has been employed to examine neural control of limb musculature during behaviors such as treadmill locomotion18,20, a joystick pulling task18, and a co-contraction task21. While the protocol described here is specific for mouse elbow and wrist muscles, it is easily modified to record from different muscles or a different number of muscles by changing the length and/or total number of electrode pairs. The method described here was adapted from those used previously to record forelimb and hindlimb muscle activity in mice without head restraint15,16,17.
Electrode fabrication requires significant practice to master. Daily practice for 1-2 h is recommended while learning. Stripping the electrodes is the most challenging step due to the precise level of force required to cut the insulation without damaging the underlying wire. This level of force is dependent on the sharpness of the blade, so frequently replacing the scalpel blade can help ensure reproducibility during learning. Soldering the wires to the brass blades of the connector can also be difficult because stainless steel does not readily solder. Applying a liberal amount of stainless steel-compatible flux helps promote the connection.
The main challenge during the implantation surgery is tying the distal knot without disturbing the implanted wire or proximal knot. The proximal knot must be large enough to resist slipping into muscle at the insertion site - thus, avoid tying the knot too tight in step 2 of electrode set fabrication. If the proximal knot migrates after implantation, use carbon fiber-tipped forceps to reposition it carefully. Tighten the distal knot slowly while maintaining a firm grip on the wire with forceps to avoid pulling the entire electrode through. This step is critical to ensure the longevity of implanted electrodes: too much tension placed on the electrode can cause it to break when the animal moves, while a loose electrode can shift during recovery and lose contact with its associated muscle as the tissue heals.
Animals recover remarkably well from the surgery, though there are potential complications to note. First, mice will chew on their sutures and electrodes if given the chance. While the Elizabethan collar prevents this, it also prevents the animal from grooming itself. Some mice develop a mucus-like build-up around their eyes. Occasional male mice, particularly older ones, experience urethra blockages that can be distressing to the animal. Allowing the animal to groom itself for 20 min each day before inspecting sutures should give the animal enough time to prevent these issues.
There are important limitations of this method to note. First, these custom electrodes generally cannot resolve single motor unit activity. Furthermore, the electrical signal is not guaranteed to emanate exclusively from a specific muscle (i.e., biceps), as it is difficult to rule out crosstalk from activity in nearby synergist muscles. Therefore, in publications, researchers commonly refer to the recorded muscles by their synergy group (i.e., elbow flexor). It is recommended to perform post-mortem dissections after each experiment to verify the position of each electrode, as they could shift in the tissue during recovery.
Researchers interested in single motor unit activity should consider trying newly developed EMG electrodes by the Center for Advanced Motor Bioengineering Research (CAMBER) at Emory University. These electrodes are still being developed, but CAMBER will provide the latest electrode design. The main drawback of these electrodes is longevity: the hand-fabricated electrodes described in this protocol generally allow recordings for several weeks, whereas CAMBER electrodes work best for short-term experiments. Researchers selecting an EMG recording method can contact CAMBER directly to determine if their electrodes will be suitable for a given experiment.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Claire Warriner for contributing to the development of this method. Mark Agrios and Sajishnu Savya assisted with preparing figures. This research was supported by a Searle Scholar Award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, a Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain Pilot Award, a Whitehall Research Grant Award, The Chicago Biomedical Consortium with support from the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust, NIH grant DP2 NS120847 (A.M.), and NIH grant 2T32MH067564 (A.K.).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
#11 Scalpel Blades | World Precision Instruments | 504170 | For EMG electrode fabrication |
#3 Scalpel Handle | Fine Science Tools | 10003-12 | For EMG electrode fabrication |
1 mL Sub-Q Syringe (100 pack) | Becton Dickinson | 309597 | For administering injectable drugs |
12-pin connector | Newark | 33AC2371 | 12-pin connector with brass fittings; for EMG electrode fabrication |
18 G Needles | Exel International | 26419 | For EMG electrode fabrication |
27 G Needles | Exel International | 26426 | For EMG electrode fabrication |
3 M Transpore Surgical Tape | 3M | 1527-0 | For taping animal's limbs out during surgery |
6-0 silk sutures | Henry Schein | 101-2636 | These sutures work well with delicate skin around the wrists |
C&B Metabond Complete Kit | Pearson Dental | P16-0126 | Dental cement to affix connector to headplate |
C57BL6/J Mice | Jackson Laboratories | #000664 | Wild type mice |
Carbofib 5-CF Tweezers (2) | Aven tools | 18762 | Carbon fiber tipped forceps, used to manipulate delicate parts of electrode (stripped or inserted sections) |
Carprodyl (Carprofen) 50 mg/mL Injection | Ceva Animal Health, LLC | G43010B | Injectable analgesic for pain management during and after surgery |
Castroviejo Micro Needle Holder | Fine science tools | 12060-01 | For suturing |
Castroviejo Needle Holder (large) | Fine science tools | 12565-14 | For inserting needle into muscle |
Delicate Bone Scraper | Fine science tools | 10075-16 | To separate skin from underlying tissue |
Dietgel 76A Dietary Supplement | Clear H2O | 72-07-5022 | For post-operative care |
Dumont #5/45 Forceps | Fine science tools | 11251-35 | To remove fascia overlying muscle |
Elizabethan collar for mouse | Kent Scientific Corporation | EC201V-10 | For post-operative care |
Enrofloxacin 2.27% | Covetrus | #074743 | Injectable antibiotic for use during and after surgery |
Epoxy gel | Devcon | 14265 | For EMG electrode fabrication |
Hopkins Bulldog Clamp (4) | Stoelting | 10-000-481 | Tissue clamps for headplate implantation |
Isoflurane Solution | Covetrus | 11695067771 | Inhalable anesthesia |
Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injectable - 2% | Covetrus | #002468 | Topical analgesic for pain management during surgery |
Medical Grade Oxygen | Airgas | OX USP200 | For administering isoflurane during surgery |
MetriCide 1 Gallon | Metrex | 10-1400 | Glutaraldehyde solution for cold-sterilization of headplate and electrodes |
MetriTest Strips 1.5% | Metrex | 10-303 | Test strips for monitoring glutaraldehyde solution (recommended) |
Model 900LS Small Animal Stereotaxic Instrument | Kopf Instruments | 900LS | Stereotax with lazy susan feature that allows platform rotation during surgery |
PFA-coated 0.0055" braided stainless steel wire | A-M systems | 793200 | For EMG electrode fabrication |
Povidone-iodine prep pads | Dynarex | 1108 | For cleaning skin |
Puralube Vet Ointment | Dechra | 37327 | Eye ointment for surgery |
Sterile alcohol prep pads | Dynarex | 1113 | For cleaning skin |
Straight fine #5 forceps | Fine science tools | 11295-10 | For curling wire after insertion |
Straight fine scissors | Fine science tools | 14060-11 | For cutting wire |
Student Vannas Spring Scissors | Fine science tools | 91500-09 | For making incisions, trimming fat and fascia, and suturing |
Technik Tweezers 7B-SA (2) | Aven tools | 18074USA | Curved blunt forceps, for general use during surgery |
Triple Antibiotic Ointment | Walgreens | 975863 | Topical antibiotic for surgery |
V-1 Tabletop Laboratory Animal Anesthesia System | VetEquip | 901806 | Contains all necessary equipment for anesthesia induction and scavenging including vaporizer, induction chamber, moveable plastic nose cone, and tubing |
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