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* These authors contributed equally
Here, we present a protocol to perform bioinformatics correlation analysis to predict the physicochemical properties, secondary structure, and B and T helper cell epitopes of mugwort pollen main allergen Art v 1 protein to provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent development of artemisia pollen allergic disease vaccine and disease treatment.
To analyze the sequence characteristics of mugwort pollen allergen Art v 1 protein and predict its B cell and Th (helper T cell) cell epitopes, the gene sequence and amino acid sequence of Art v 1 protein were obtained by referring to Genebank. ExPASy's Prot Param, TMHMM, DNAstar Protean, Swiss-Model, UCLA-DOE LAB SAVES v6.0, and IEDB were used to analyze and predict physicochemical properties, transmembrane region, secondary structure, tertiary structure, and B cell and Th cell epitopes of the protein.
The Art v 1 protein is composed of 132 amino acid residues, the relative molecular weight is 13404.26, the molecular formula is C584H903N157O181S12, pI value is 7.49, the lipid solubility index is 41.59, and the hydrophilic index is -0.454, which is considered as hydrophilic protein. The instability index (ii) is 78.11, which is classified as an unstable protein. The N-terminus of the protein has an α-helical transmembrane region, which is located in the 5-27 amino acid residue sequence, and the 1-24 position is the signal peptide sequence. There are random coil, β-turn, α-helix, and β-sheet, and it also contains hydrophilic region, flexible region, and surface accessibility region structures.
The prediction results of tertiary structure are consistent with the analysis results of secondary structure. Five dominant B cell epitopes were predicted, which were Art v 1 71-87, Art v 1 33-49, Art v 1 104-120, Art v 1 95-111, and Art v 1 86-102. There were five Th cell dominant epitopes, which were Art v 1 2-16, Art v 1 3-17, Art v 1 4-18, Art v 1 5-19, and Art v 1 6-20. The Art v 1 protein is predicted to have good antigenicity due to the presence of B cell and Th cell epitopes.
Mugwort, a genus of Artemisia in Compositae, is widely distributed in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, and other regions of China1. Various allergic diseases induced by mugwort pollen are usually type I allergies caused by the repeated exposure of atopic individuals to pollen allergens and the generation of bioactive mediators, resulting in catarrhal inflammation of nasal mucosa, conjunctiva, and bronchus and even asthma attacks2. The WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclatory Subcommittee3 has officially recognized seven mugwort allergens at present, namely, Art v 1-Art v 6 and Art AN 7. Art v 1 protein is one of the ....
1. Physical and chemical properties of Art v 1 protein
ExPASy's Prot Param Tool online software was used for the physiochemical and functional characterization of the protein10. The length of the open text reading frame was 624 bp, encoding 132 amino acids, encoding proteins with a total of 1,837 atoms and a relative molecular weight of 13,404.26. The molecular formula is C584H903N157O181S12, of which the top three amino acids are proline (Pro, 15.9%), alanine (Ala, 12.1%), glycine (Gly, 11.4%.......
Artemisia is one of the most important outdoor allergens in China, and its pollen particles are small, with a diameter of 19-25 µm, which are easily dispersed by wind and produce large amounts of powder. In addition, the severity of allergic symptoms of patients is correlated with the pollen content in the air5. Art v 1 is regarded as the landmark allergen of mugwort pollen allergy, and more than 95% of patients with mugwort allergy are sensitive to Art v 1. In China, ~81% of patients with mu.......
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Ningxia (2022AAC03601 and 2023AAC02087) and the Research Foundation of Ningxia Medical University (XM2019052).
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
ABCpred | Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, India | https://webs.iiitd.edu.in/raghava/abcpred/ABC_submission.html | |
DNAstar Protean software | DNASTAR, Inc. | Version 7.1 | |
Expasy ProtParam Tool | SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | https://web.expasy.org/protparam/ | |
GeneBank | National Center for Biotechnology Information | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/ | |
IEDB Analysis Resource | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | http://www.iedb.org/ | |
SignaIP-5.0 Server | DTU Health Tech | https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/SignalP-5.0/ | |
Swiss-Model online software | BIOZENTRUM | https://swissmodel.expasy.org/interactive | |
TMHMM Server | DTU Health Tech | Version 2.0 | https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/TMHMM-2.0/ |
UCLA - DOE LAB SAVES | US Department of Energy Office of Science | Version 6.0 | https://saves.mbi.ucla.edu/ |
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