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Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections are found in humans and animals and lead to serious health issues. The two parasites share similar nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases and play important roles in propagation and survival. We established a high-standard assay of the enzymes requiring robot arm usage.


Protozoan parasites infect humans and many warm-blooded animals. Toxoplasma gondii, a major protozoan parasite, is commonly found in HIV-positive patients, organ transplant recipients and pregnant women, resulting in the severe health condition, Toxoplasmosis. Another major protozoan, Neospora caninum, which bears many similarities to Toxoplasma gondii, causes serious diseases in animals, as does Encephalomyelitis and Myositis-Polyradiculitis in dogs and cows, resulting in stillborn calves. All these exhibited similar nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases (NTPase). Neospora caninum has a NcNTPase, while Toxoplasma gondii has a TgNTPase-I. The enzymes are thought to play crucial roles in propagation and survival. In order to establish compounds and/or extracts preventing protozoan infection, we targeted these enzymes for drug discovery. The next step was to establish a novel, highly sensitive, and highly accurate assay by combining a conventional biochemical enzyme assay with a fluorescent assay to determine ADP content. We also validated that the novel assay fulfills the criteria to carry out high-throughput screening (HTS) in the two protozoan enzymes. We performed HTS, identified 19 compounds and six extracts from two synthetic compound libraries and an extract library derived from marine bacteria, respectively. In this study, a detailed explanation has been introduced on how to carry out HTS, including information about the preparation of reagents, devices, robot arm, etc.


Robotics have been established as sophisticated and powerful tools for achieving significant breakthroughs in various fields beyond industry and fabrication engineering, such as biochemistry, molecular biology, and clinical research, and notably HTS1,2,3. Toxoplasma gondii is a major parasite and a single-cell parasitic eukaryote4 that causes serious health issues in humans5 and many homeothermic animals4, resulting in infections leading to Toxoplasmosis, a particularly severe condition in AIDS p....


1. Expression and purification of recombinant TgNTPase-I and NcNTPase

  1. Prepare the expression plasmid and introduce it to the E. coli. strain BL21.
    ​NOTE: Detailed information on constructs and procedures is shown in a previous report14. In this study, both TgNTPase-I and NcNTPase constitutively active mutants were kindly gifted by Prof. Asai and Prof. Harada.

2. Preparation and placement of biofluorescent reaction solution onto the plate

  1. Prepare 2x biofluorescent reaction solution as described in Table 1 for 2 mL o....


A principle of the assay is summarized in Supplementary Figure 1 and based on a previous report12,18. The assay was designed in a 384-well format, as shown in Figure 1. The far-right and left lines were avoided on the plate. The two lines next to the far left and right lines were then used as negative control and positive control with or without the enzyme, respectively (n = 16). This allowed for the 320 compounds on.......


We succeeded in establishing a novel high-dynamic range and -accuracy assay with a combination of a classical enzyme assay and a fluorescent assay for ADP, which is the end product through ATPase, including Tg and Nc ATPase22. In order to carry out HTS, it is important that the assay has better values of S/B, S/N, and Z' factor than a classical enzyme assay15,22. Additionally, omitting the step of stopping the enzyme reaction with an acid .......


The authors have no financial interest in this study.


This work was partly supported by the Platform for Drug Discovery, Informatics and Structural Life Science, a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) from Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS-21K06566). The authors sincerely thank Asai (Keio University School of medicine) and Harada (Kyoto Institute of Technology) and Stephen Stratton for gifting recombinant two NTPase active mutants and his contribution in the preparation of this manuscript, respectively.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
12 stage-workstation EDR-384 SXBiotec Co., Ltd.EDR-384SXRobot arm Pippeting system
384 well tipsBiotech Co., Ltd.Custom made
ADP-hexokinaseAsahi Kasei Pharma Co., Ltd.T-92
ATPOriental Yeast, Co, Ltd.45140000
BSAWako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.011-15144
Diaphorase-IUnitika Ltd.Di-1
DMSONacalai Tesch, Inc.13406-55
G6P dehydrogenaseOriental Yeast, Co, Ltd.306-50143
GlucoseWako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.049-31165
Greiner 384 well micro-plate non-binding shallow well Black#784900
HEPESWako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.342-01375
Mg(CH3COO)2Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.130-00095
NADPOriental Yeast, Co, Ltd.44332000
N-ethylmaleimideWako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.056-02062
PHERAstar FSBMG LABTECH JAPAN L.t.d.PHERAstar FSMultimode microplate reader
ResazurinWako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.191-07581
Seahorse Labware 384 Well Low profile reservoirsS30022 25/CS
TrisHClWako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.W01COBQE-4120
Triton X-100Nacalai Tesch, Inc.35501-02


  1. Bianca, C. B., et al. A robotic platform to screen aqueous two-phase systems for overcoming inhibition in enzymatic reactions. Bioresource Technology. 280, 37-50 (2019).
  2. Aliaksei, V., Jan, D. B.

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Nucleoside Triphosphate HydrolasesNTPaseToxoplasma GondiiNeospora CaninumToxoplasmosisEncephalomyelitisMyositis PolyradiculitisHigh throughput ScreeningHTSADP AssayProtozoan InfectionDrug Discovery

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