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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
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Here, we propose a simple protocol combining metabolic oligosaccharide engineering, click chemistry, and expansion microscopy that allows bioimaging of intracellular sialylated N-glycoproteins with improved resolution using routine microscopy equipment.


Metabolic labeling techniques allow the incorporation of bioorthogonal reporters into glycans, enabling the targeted bioconjugation of molecular dyes within cells through click and bioorthogonal chemistry. Metabolic oligosaccharide engineering (MOE) has attracted considerable interest due to the essential role of glycosylation in numerous biological processes that involve molecular recognition and its impact on pathologies ranging from cancer to genetic disorders to viral and bacterial infections.

Although MOE is better known for the detection of cell surface glycoconjugates, it is also a very important methodology for the study of intracellular glycans in physiological and pathological contexts. Such studies greatly benefit from high spatial resolution. However, super-resolution microscopy is not readily available in most laboratories and poses challenges for daily implementation. Expansion microscopy is a recent alternative that enhances the resolution of microscopy by physically enlarging biological specimens labeled with fluorescent markers. By embedding the sample in a swellable gel and causing it to expand isotropically through chemical treatment, subcellular structures can be visualized with enhanced precision and resolution without the need for super-resolution techniques.

In this work, we illustrate the capacity of expansion microscopy to visualize intracellular sialylated glycans through the combined use of MOE and click chemistry. Specifically, we propose a procedure for bioorthogonal labeling and expansion microscopy that employs a reporter targeting sialylation, which may be associated with immunofluorescence for co-localization studies. This protocol enables localization studies of sialoconjugate biosynthesis, intracellular trafficking, and recycling.


Fluorescence microscopy, while widely used for labeling and visualizing specific molecules within cells, is inherently limited in resolution by Abbe's diffraction limit of light1, which restricts the ability to distinguish between objects closer than approximately 200-250 nm. This limitation arises from the wave nature of light and the numerical aperture of the microscope's objective lens, introducing a challenge when imaging subcellular structures. Overcoming these limitations provides better insights into certain biological processes at a nanometric scale.

To surpass the diffraction limit of light, super-re....


1. Cell seeding

NOTE: Carry out the next steps under sterile conditions under a laminar flow hood. This method can be applied to any of the cell lines used in the present work (HeLa, MCF7, primary fibroblasts), or to most adherent cell line models commonly used in research20,24,25.

  1. Grow cells in DMEM high glucose medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) in a T75 flask at 37 °C under a 5% CO2 atmosphere.
  2. Once the cells have reached full confluency, remove the cell culture medium and....


Shown below is the application of the protocol to visualize sialylated glycoproteins in HeLa cells (Figure 3A) and MCF7 cells (Figure 3B), omitting CQ treatment (protocol section 2) and immunofluorescence co-localization staining (protocol step 5.3).

Figure 3: Compar.......


The present CuAAC labeling protocol does not include aminoguanidine in the reaction buffer. Since it is aimed at visualizing intracellular glycoconjugates, it is performed on cells that are fixed after the metabolic incorporation step, to avoid any cytotoxicity issue and improve uptake of the catalytic system. The use of aminoguanidine is typically recommended for cell-surface labeling of living cells to prevent side reactions between dehydroascorbate and arginine, histidine, and lysine residues of proteins


The authors have no competing financial interests or other conflicts of interest.


We thank the TisBio facilities and the PLBS platform for providing the technical environment conducive to achieving this work. This work was supported by grants from the CNRS and the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche. We would like to thank Dr. François Foulquier, Dr. Zoé Durin, Mrs. Dorothée Vicogne, and Mrs. Céline Schulz for stimulating discussions and for providing us with the Fibroblast 533T cell line and the primary antibody GM130.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
(+) Sodium L-ascorbateSigma Aldrich11140
12 well cell culture plateCorning3513
AcrylamideSigma AldrichA8887
Acrylic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester Sigma AldrichA8060
Alexa Fluor 488 alkyne Jena BioscienceCLK-1277-5
Alexa Fluor 546 goat anti-mouse IgGInvitrogenA11003
Amonium persulfateSigma Aldrich9913
Bis-AcrylamideSigma Aldrich146072
BSASigma AldrichA7906
BTTAAJena BioscienceCLK-067-100
Centrifugation tube 2 mLEPPENDORF30120094
Chloroquine diphosphate saltSigma AldrichC6628
Conical tube 15 mLFalcon352097
cover slips 12 mm #1eprediaCB00120RA120MNZ0
cover slips 32 mm #1eprediaCB00320RA140MNZ0
CuSO4Sigma Aldrich209198
DMEM high glucose medium DutscherL0104-500
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) DutscherL0615-500
Fetal Bovine SerumbiowestS1810-500
Fibroblast 533T--Collected from healthy individual
FIJI ImageJ 2.9.0--
Guanidine HClSigma Aldrich50950
HeLa cellsATCCCCL-2
Hoechst 33342Sigma Aldrich14533
Imaris 10.2--
LSM 780 Confocal Microscopy Zeiss-
N-acetylmannosamine (ManNAc)BIOSYNTHMA05269
NaClCarlo Erba479687
N-azidoacetylmannosamine (ManNAz)BIOSYNTHMA46002
Objectif "Plan-Apochromat" 63x/1,4 Oil DIC M27Zeiss420782-9900-799 
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) 10xEuromedexET330
Proteinase KSigma AldrichP2308from Tritirachium album
purified mouse GM130 antibodyBD Bioscience61082250 µg
Sodium acrylate Sigma Aldrich408220
T75 FlaskCorning430641
TEMEDSigma AldrichT9281
tris Acetate EDTA (TAE) 10xEuromedexEU0202-B
Triton X-100Sigma AldrichX-100
Trypan BlueDutscher702630
Trypsine-EDTA 1xDutscherL0930-100


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  2. Tam, J., Merino, D. Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) in comparison with stimulated emission depletion (STED) and other imaging methods. J Neurochem. 135, 643-658 (2015).
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  4. Chen, F., Tillberg, P. W., Boyden, E. S. Expansion microscopy. Science. 347 (6221), 543548 (2015).
  5. Kang, S. et al. Expansion microscopy with a thermally a....

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