We present a protocol for identifying and quantifying the components in mixtures of species possessing similar proteins. Mass spectrometry detects peptides for identification, and gives relative quantitation by ratios of peak areas. As a tool food for fraud detection, the method can detect 1% horse in beef.
We describe a simple protocol for identifying and quantifying the two components in binary mixtures of species possessing one or more similar proteins. Central to the method is the identification of 'corresponding proteins' in the species of interest, in other words proteins that are nominally the same but possess species-specific sequence differences. When subject to proteolysis, corresponding proteins will give rise to some peptides which are likewise similar but with species-specific variants. These are 'corresponding peptides'. Species-specific peptides can be used as markers for species determination, while pairs of corresponding peptides permit relative quantitation of two species in a mixture. The peptides are detected using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry, a highly specific technique that enables peptide-based species determination even in complex systems. In addition, the ratio of MRM peak areas deriving from corresponding peptides supports relative quantitation. Since corresponding proteins and peptides will, in the main, behave similarly in both processing and in experimental extraction and sample preparation, the relative quantitation should remain comparatively robust. In addition, this approach does not need the standards and calibrations required by absolute quantitation methods. The protocol is described in the context of red meats, which have convenient corresponding proteins in the form of their respective myoglobins. This application is relevant to food fraud detection: the method can detect 1% weight for weight of horse meat in beef. The corresponding protein, corresponding peptide (CPCP) relative quantitation using MRM peak area ratios gives good estimates of the weight for weight composition of a horse plus beef mixture.
The European horse meat scandal of 2013, in which undeclared horse meat was found in a number of supermarket beef products1, highlights the need for testing methods capable of detecting and measuring food fraud in meat. Several technologies have been explored, especially enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and DNA-based methods2. An alternative route, based on mass spectrometry, targets species-specific peptides which in turn arise from species-specific proteins. Here we outline one such peptide-based approach that offers both identification and relative quantitation of the adulterant species in a meat mixture3.
The protocol is framed in the context of red meats and the desire to determine the presence of one in another at the level of 1% by weight, the level considered by some to represent fraudulent food adulteration as opposed to contamination4. The method relies in the first instance on identifying a protein which is nominally 'the same' in all target meats. Myoglobin, the protein responsible for the red color of meat, is a good candidate since it is abundant, relatively heat tolerant and water soluble, and has been used for species determination of meat previously5,6. The myoglobins for beef (Bos Taurus), pork (Sus scrofa), horse (Equus caballus) and lamb (Ovis aries)3, for instance, are nominally the same, as required, but their sequences are not identical. Such groups of 'similar but different' proteins, like these four myoglobins, can conveniently be described as 'corresponding proteins'. The sequence differences in these four myoglobins are species-specific: for example, the full myoglobin proteins for beef and horse, P02192 and P68082 respectively, each comprise 154 amino acids with 18 sequence differences between the two. Subject to proteolysis using trypsin these proteins produce two sets of peptides, some of which are identical, and some which show one or more species-specific amino acid differences: corresponding proteins therefore give rise to corresponding peptides.
The CPCP approach, therefore, seeks first to identify proteins from two or more species where these proteins exhibit limited species-specific sequence variants. These are corresponding proteins. Following proteolysis, corresponding proteins give rise to peptides, some of which likewise display species-specific sequence variants inherited from the parent protein. These are corresponding peptides. The CPCP approach can be used to compare levels of two corresponding proteins in a mixed species sample by monitoring the levels of corresponding peptides.
The natural technology for the detection of known peptides is multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry, or MRM-MS7. Species-specific peptides yield precursor ions, which along with their mass spectrometry fragment ions, are easily itemized in advance by software tools. These lists are then used to instruct the mass spectrometer to record only specific precursor plus fragment ion pairs, called transitions. A particular target peptide is therefore identified not only by its retention time in the chromatography preceding the mass spectrometer, but also by a set of transitions sharing a common precursor ion. This is a highly selective means of detecting known peptides that makes efficient use of the mass spectrometer resource.
Other authors have used mass spectrometry to test for meat adulteration via peptide markers but from disparate proteins8-14. Using the corresponding proteins, corresponding peptides (CPCP) scheme, however, means experimental conditions can be optimized, aiding identification of the species in the mixture from known species-specific transitions. In addition, corresponding proteins and peptides will generally behave similarly in the extraction, proteolysis and detection stages. Since transition peak areas are quantitative and reproducible, ratios of peak areas arising from pairs of corresponding peptides from different species provide a direct estimate of the relative quantities of two meats in a mixture. In contrast, more traditional quantitation routes exploit calibrations based on reference materials to establish absolute quantitation14,15.
Though the protocol is outlined in the context of myoglobin and meat, proteins other than myoglobin could be used for identification and relative quantitation via the CPCP strategy in meat mixtures, though potentially with modifications to the protocol. In addition the strategy is also applicable to binary mixtures of other species sharing one or more corresponding proteins.
The starting point for the protocol is purified 'reference' myoglobin, which for some species can be purchased but which for others must be prepared by conventional size-exclusion chromatography. The procedure for preparing reference myoglobin is not included in the protocol, but is described elsewhere3. Software tools16 are used to list candidate peptides and transitions arising from myoglobins of interest. Each reference myoglobin is subjected to proteolysis and the resultant peptides analyzed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) to discover which of the candidate precursor ions and transitions are most useful, and to determine the matching peptide retention times. The outcome of this stage is a revised list of target peptides with their transitions, suitable for species determination, and a list of CPCP pairs, suitable for relative quantitation. To test real meats, sample extractions are prepared then subjected to proteolysis to generate peptides both from myoglobin and other extraneous proteins. The myoglobin-based peptides are then monitored by LC-ESI-MS/MS based on their listed transitions. The species present in a mixture are identified by the transition peaks associated with marker peptides. Estimates of the relative amounts of two meats in a binary mixture are calculated using ratios of transition peak areas. A set of test mixtures of pairs of meats will allow the ratio of peak areas for a given pair of transitions to be checked and calibrated against actual mixtures.
1. Proteolysis and Analysis of Reference Myoglobins
2. Preparation and Analysis of Calibration Samples
3. Meat Samples
In a single dynamic-mode MRM experiment each programmed transition is recorded separately (as detector counts per sec, cps) over a specified retention time window. Therefore, from all the data collected in one experiment, the peak intensity for each transition can be individually extracted. Then the only finite signal is for the retention time window set for that transition. Outside of the window, the signal is zero by definition. The signal for any one transition, for example, 752 → 1269 from horse (peptide monoisotopic mass 1,501.66 daltons, precursor ion m/z 751.84 daltons, charge state = 2, fragment ion y13) typically has to compete only with measurement noise and not from other transition peaks that might perhaps be from other species. The output is therefore a set of clean peaks, one per transition, at a common retention time for those transitions sharing a common precursor ion.
Figure 1 shows the output for the set of four transitions 752 → (1269, 706, 248, 1366) for a mixture of 1% w/w horse in beef. Since the four transitions displayed are associated with horse, and are absent in samples of pure beef, lamb or pork, these peaks signify the presence of horse. Depending on robustness criteria, a set of two or more transitions each exceeding some specified signal to noise level establishes identification. This figure therefore establishes the presence of horse in the mixture of 1% w/w horse in beef.
Occasionally, a single isolated transition is detected. This indicates a chance match of precursor ion and a single fragment, possibly from an extraneous protein, with those expected from the system and programed into the mass spectrometer. The singular nature of the peak, and its occurrence at an unexpected retention time, is the signature of an accidental transition that can be ignored.
The area under each transition peak can be calculated individually. Based on a suitable fragment, the ratio of horse to beef transition peak areas, for example, 752 → 1269 (horse) to 767 → 1299 (beef), will be proportional to the ratio of actual meats in the mixture. Figure 2 shows a plot of percentage by peak area for these two transitions versus the percentage weight for weight of horse in a mixture of horse with beef. If the percentage transition peak areas match the percentage weight for weight of meat then the slope is 1. The slope in this plot is 1.03, indicating that, for these transitions and CPCP pair, the transition peak areas give a reliable measure of the relative amounts of the two meats in the mixture. If the horse meat in the sample was twice as rich in myoglobin as the beef then, with other factors unchanged, the slope of the line would be greater than one.
Figure 1. MRM transition intensities versus retention time for 1% w/w horse in beef. The transitions are 752 → (1269, 706, 248, 1366), shown in orange, black, blue and green, respectively. The marker peptide is HPGDFGADAQGAMTK. The four transition fragments can be denoted y13, y7, y2 and y14, respectively, where yn denotes counting in n amino acids from the peptide C-terminal end. The signal to noise varies from 23 to 53 over the four transitions. An additional red line denotes the 752 → 1269 transition for 0% horse, 100% beef for comparison. Only the non-zero region of the retention time is displayed. This figure has been modified from Watson et al.3. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Plot of horse in beef, as percent weight for weight, versus horse in beef as percent transition peak area. The plot uses the pair of peptides beef (767) and horse (752) and the y13 fragment ion for both. If A denotes peak area then the ordinate is 100AH / (AH + AB). The slope of the best fit line (R2 = 0.99) is 1.03. This figure has been modified from Watson et al.3. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The selection of a suitable target protein is important. A good target protein needs to have corresponding forms in species of interest, sufficient species-dependent sequence variation, species specificity, and exist in accessible quantities within the organisms. For assessing mixtures that have undergone processing (for example, heat treatment), a protein having a sequence relatively immune to that processing is desirable. Myoglobin is a good candidate for red meats, including cooked red meats, but is not the only possibility. Once the target protein is decided, the most critical part of the protocol is the protein proteolysis. A protein different from myoglobin may well demand an alternative proteolysis protocol.
The protocol as described includes a segment based on reference purified protein. This aims to discover retention time windows and suitable precursor and fragment ions. This segment is very helpful but not essential.
Although corresponding peptide pairs from two species of interest can be listed even without experiment, it is sometimes the case that a sequence difference has dramatic consequences on the digestion profile. For example, the peptide pair VLGFHG (beef) and ELGFQG (horse) give an anomalous quantitation result (manifest as a gradient less than one in Figure 2). This is because the latter peptide arises from a relatively suppressed K-E cleavage, causing an under-estimate of the level of horse in the mixture. Corresponding peptides starting with different amino acids are therefore best avoided. Often the fragments from two corresponding peptides have identical amino acid sequences and are well-behaved, but this is not always the case and needs to be checked during method development. Species identification is much less sensitive to these issues than relative quantitation.
The protocol has been demonstrated for four red meats3. Additional meat species can be included, though the quality of the transition peak shape may deteriorate if too many marker peptides co-elute, effectively reducing the dwell time and ultimately degrading relative quantitation estimates. Improved instrumentation, already available, will improve this. A related issue is that not all meats have different myoglobins. For example, horse, donkey and zebra myoglobins are identical and thus strictly speaking the method is only capable of detecting horse or donkey or zebra in beef. In some cases, even though myoglobins are not identical, some key peptides can be. For example, some lamb myoglobin-derived marker peptides also appear in goat.
A complication facing this and any other protein-based quantitation method is that the protein level must be assumed constant across all species if the protein or peptide levels are to equate trivially to levels of meats in a mixture. For myoglobin and the four red meats this is not universally true. The levels in general are species dependent, with pork exhibiting the lowest level of the four. In addition, the myoglobin level varies with meat cut and animal age. So although ratios of transition peak areas map reliably to ratios of myoglobin, the mapping to ratio of actual meats is an estimate drawing on assumptions regarding likely sources of the meats in the mixture.
The approach outlined in this work differs in a number of ways from other published contributions. A more typical route is to use proteomic methods to identify various disparate species-dependent marker peptides, in which case the markers for different species possess no particular relationship with one another8-12,14,19. By contrast, we have selected proteins common to all species of interest up to species-dependent sequence variants3. Apart from being central to our relative quantitation strategy, this has the advantage that sample preparation strategies can be optimized. In addition, such corresponding proteins might be expected to behave similarly, for example, in extraction or in commercial processing of samples such as cooking or canning. Species identification then normally proceeds via detection of disparate marker peptides, whereas in the CPCP approach species identification proceeds via detection of closely related peptides possessing typically one or two sequence differences. Finally, quantitation of proteins to estimate the percent by weight of one species in another might conventionally proceed via absolute quantitation of each protein separately based on known standards7,14,15. However using the CPCP method there is no need for calibration methods. Instead, relative levels are estimated by comparing signal strengths of two corresponding peptides from the two species, bypassing the absolute measurement stage altogether. Since the ultimate goal is a percentage by weight of one species in another, a relative quantitation, then the CPCP is both more direct and simpler than comparing two absolute quantitation measurements. These features translate into short experimental times, anticipated to be approximately two hr using refined protocols, making the technique useful as a rapid surveillance tool in the realm of food fraud detection.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We acknowledge financial support from Institute of Food research BBSRC Core Strategic Grant funds, BBSRC Project BB/J004545/1.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Uniprot database | www.uniprot.org | Freely accessible database of protein sequences | |
Skyline software | www.skyline.gs.washington.edu | Free software to download that enables the creation of targeted methods for proteomic studies, peptide and fragment prediction | |
Ammonium bicarbonate | Sigma-Aldrich Co Ltd, Gillingham, UK www.sigmaaldrich.com | O9830 | |
Methanol, HPLC grade | Fisher Scientific, Loughoborough, UK www. fisher.co.uk | 10674922 | |
Acetonitrile, HPLC grade | Fisher Scientific, Loughoborough, UK www. fisher.co.uk | 10010010 | |
Urea | Sigma-Aldrich Co Ltd, Gillingham, UK www.sigmaaldrich.com | U5378 | |
Trypsin(from bovine pancreas treated with TPCK) | Sigma-Aldrich Co Ltd, Gillingham, UK www.sigmaaldrich.com | T1426 | |
Formic acid | Sigma-Aldrich Co Ltd, Gillingham, UK www.sigmaaldrich.com | F0507 | |
Coomassie Plus Protein Assay Reagent | Thermo Fisher Scientific www.thermofisher.com | 1856210 | |
Protein standard | Sigma-Aldrich Co Ltd, Gillingham, UK www.sigmaaldrich.com | P0914 | |
Ultra Turrax homogeniser T25 | Fisher Scientific, Loughoborough, UK www. fisher.co.uk | 13190693 | |
Edmund and Buhler KS10 lab shaker | |||
Heraeus Fresco 17 Centrifuge | Thermo Fisher Scientific www.thermoscientific.com | 75002420 | |
Vacuum centrifuge RC 1022 | Jouan | ||
Plate Reader | |||
Strata-X 33u polymeric reversed-phase cartridges 60 mg/3 ml tubes | Phenomenex, Macclesfield, UK | 8B-S100-UBJ | |
4000 QTrap triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer | AB Sciex, Warrington, UK www.sciex.com | ||
1200 rapid resolution LC system | Agilent, Stockport, UK | ||
XB C18 reversed-phase capillary column (100 x 2.1mm, 2.6µ particle size) | Phenomenex, Macclesfield, UK www.phenomenex.com | ||
Analyst 1.6.2 software | AB Sciex, Warrington, UK www.sciex.com | QTrap data acquisition and analysis, including peak area integration | |
Autosampler vials |
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