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Immunology and Infection

Swab Sampling Method for the Detection of Human Norovirus on Surfaces

Published: February 6th, 2017



1Division of Viral Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

A macrofoam based sampling methodology was developed and evaluated for the detection and quantification of norovirus on environmental hard surfaces.

Human noroviruses are a leading cause of epidemic and sporadic gastroenteritis worldwide. Because most infections are either spread directly via the person-to-person route or indirectly through environmental surfaces or food, contaminated fomites and inanimate surfaces are important vehicles for the spread of the virus during norovirus outbreaks.

We developed and evaluated a protocol using macrofoam swabs for the detection and typing of human noroviruses from hard surfaces. Compared with fiber-tipped swabs or antistatic wipes, macrofoam swabs allow virus recovery (range 1.2-33.6%) from toilet seat surfaces of up to 700 cm2. The protocol includes steps for the extraction of the virus from the swabs and further concentration of the viral RNA using spin columns. In total, 127 (58.5%) of 217 swab samples that had been collected from surfaces in cruise ships and long-term care facilities where norovirus gastroenteritis had been reported tested positive for GII norovirus by RT-qPCR. Of these 29 (22.8%) could be successfully genotyped. In conclusion, detection of norovirus on environmental surfaces using the protocol we developed may assist in determining the level of environmental contamination during outbreaks as well as detection of virus when clinical samples are not available; it may also facilitate monitoring of effectiveness of remediation strategies.

Human noroviruses are a leading cause of epidemic and sporadic acute gastroenteritis worldwide 1,2,3. The virus is extremely contagious and transmission occurs through direct person to person interaction or indirectly through contact with contaminated food, water or environmental surfaces. Noroviruses can be shed for extended periods and prolonged survival of the virus on environmental surfaces has been documented 1,2,3. During peak shedding, billions of virus particles are released ....

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1. Swab Sampling in the Field

  1. Wear a clean pair of gloves.
  2. Measure the size of the sampling area without touching the surface using a measuring tape or ruler. Try to estimate the area as accurately as possible and fill out a report form (Supplementary Table 1).
  3. Check the swab kit for possible leakages and label sample transport bags and swab kits.
  4. Move the swab across the sampling area as follows: one stroke in horizontal direction, one stroke in vertical directi.......

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Figure 1 presents a flowchart of the swab sampling protocol. This protocol consists of four main steps; 1) sample collection, 2) sample storage and transportation, 3) viral RNA purification and concentration and 4) RT-qPCR assay and genotyping.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Flow chart of the final protocol for environmental surface sampling of noroviru.......

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Noroviruses have a 50% human infectious dose between 18 and 103 virus particles20. Therefore, even low-level contamination of surfaces may pose a public health risk. Several aspects of the swab sampling protocol were evaluated including: 1) different swab materials, 2) storage condition swabs during transport, 3) viral RNA concentration, and 4) coliphage MS2 as internal extraction control.

Until recently, only the performance of swabs made from cotton, polyes.......

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The authors have no acknowledgements.


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NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Generic name for kits
Macrofoam swabPremoistened EnviroMax Swab kit Puritan2588060PFUW
 RNA Lysis buffer CDC UNEX bufferMicrobiologicsCat No MR0501
RNA extraction spin columnMidi columnOmega BiotekCat No R6664-02
RNA purification spin columnZymol RNA Clean and Concentrator kit Zymo ResearchCat No R1016
Real time RT-PCR kitAgPath kit One-Step RT-PCR KitLife TechnologiesCat No 4387391
Conventional RT-PCR kitQiagen one step RT-PCR kitQiagen kitCat No 210212
Gel extraction kitQiagen QIAquick gel extraction kitQiagen kitCat No 28704 or 28706
Coliphage MS2ATCCCat No 15597-B1
RNA run-off transcriptsBacteriophage MS2 (ATCC No. 15597-B1) can be cultivated using Escherichia coli (E.coli) Famp (ATCC No. 700891). 
Realtime PCR platformApplied BiosystemsModel ABI 7500GI and GII RNA run off transcripts were quantified spectrophotometrically at A260, diluted in diethyl pyrocarbonate-treated water to 1 × 106 copies/ μl, and stored at −80°C with 1.0 U /μl RNasin (Promega, Madison, WI). 
Optical 96-well reaction plateThermo ScientificCat No 4316813
MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film Thermo ScientificCat No 4306311

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