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We describe procedures for processing newborn rat brain tissue to obtain high-resolution electron micrographs for morphometric analysis of synaptic vesicle distribution at nerve terminals. The micrographs obtained with these methods can also be used to study the morphology of a number of other cellular components and their dimensional structural relationships.


Our laboratory and many others have exploited the high resolving power of transmission electron microscopy to study the morphology and spatial organization of synaptic vesicles. In order to obtain high-quality electron micrographs that can yield the degree of morphological detail necessary for quantitative analysis of pre-synaptic vesicle distribution, optimal specimen preparation is critical. Chemical fixation is the first step in the process of specimen preparation, and of utmost importance to preserve fine ultrastructure. Vascular fixation with a glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde solution, followed by treatment of vibratome-sectioned specimens with osmium tetroxide, stabilizes the maximum number of molecules, especially proteins and lipids, and results in superior conservation of ultrastructure. Tissue is then processed with counterstaining, sequential dehydration and resin-embedding. En bloc staining with uranyl acetate (i.e., staining of vibratome-sectioned tissue before resin embedding) enhances endogenous contrast and stabilizes cell components against extraction during specimen processing. Contrast can be further increased by applying uranyl acetate as a post-stain on ultrathin sections. Double-staining of ultrathin sections with lead citrate after uranyl acetate treatment also improves image resolution, by intensifying electron-opacity of nucleic acid-containing structures through selective binding of lead to uranyl acetate. Transmission electron microscopy is a powerful tool for characterization of the morphological details of synaptic vesicles and quantification of their size and spatial organization in the terminal bouton. However, because it uses fixed tissue, transmission electron microscopy can only provide indirect information regarding living or evolving processes. Therefore, other techniques should be considered when the main objective is to study dynamic or functional aspects of synaptic vesicle trafficking and exocytosis.


We describe methods for the preparation of newborn rat brain tissue to obtain high-quality electron micrographs for in-depth morphometric analysis of synaptic vesicle spatial distribution at nerve terminals1,2. The high-contrast micrographs that can be obtained by processing specimens following these methods can also be used to study the detailed morphology of a number of cellular components and their dimensional structural relations3,4.

The transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a powerful tool to study the morphology of....


All studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA) and conducted in accordance with the National Institutes of Health guidelines.

1. Fixation by Vascular Perfusion

NOTE: A general description of the method for rat brain vascular perfusion has been already detailed in this journal13 and is beyond the scope of this protocol. However, the following steps are specific for the preparation of newborn rat brain tissue to obtain high-quality electron micrographs for quantitative analysis of synaptic vesicl....

Representative Results

General criteria that are mostly accepted as indicative of satisfactory or defective preservation of specimen for TEM have been established. These criteria are exemplified in four selected electron micrographs (two examples of optimal preparation, two examples of defective preparation) that were obtained by treating young rat brain tissue following the methods described in this protocol.

In general, a good-quality electron micrograph appears as an orderly, distinct and overall grayish image. I.......


Handling of tissue sections during specimen preparation for TEM requires a considerable degree of finesse, concentration and patience. When using a micropipette to add and remove solutions, specimens can be sucked into the pipette tip by surface tension, so great care should be taken to avoid tissue damage by the pipette. Also, certain steps of the dehydration sequence can be as quick as 1 min, hence the operator needs to work swiftly to ensure that the next dehydration step is started on time and the specimen does not d.......


The Authors have nothing to disclose.


This manuscript was supported by NIH/NIGMS K08 123321 (to N.L.) and by funds from the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Virginia. The Authors wish to thank Alev Erisir (Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA) for excellent training and technical assistance with TEM, and for her invaluable manuscript criticism. The Authors also thank the Advanced Electron Microscopy facility at the University of Virginia for technical assistance with specimen sectioning and post-staining.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
4% Osmium tetroxideElectron Microscopy Sciences19170acqueous
50% GlutaraldehydeElectron Microscopy Sciences16310EM grade, acqueous
Aclar 33 C embedding filmElectron Microscopy Sciences50425-257.8 mil thickness, size 8"x10"
BEEM capsule holderElectron Microscopy Sciences69916holds size "00" capsules
BEEM embedding capsulesElectron Microscopy Sciences70021size "00", flat
Butler block trimmerElectron Microscopy Sciences69945-01
Camel hair paint brushElectron Microscopy Sciences65576-01
Disc punchElectron Microscopy Sciences77850-09
Embed 812 kitElectron Microscopy Sciences14120
Lead acetateElectron Microscopy Sciences17600
Lead citrateElectron Microscopy Sciences17800
Lead nitrateElectron microscopy Sciences17900
Leica UC7 ultracut microtomeLeica
Micro scaleElectron Microscopy Sciences62091-23
ParaformaldehydeElectron Microscopy Sciences19208EM grade, granular
Precision Thelco laboratory ovenThelco51221159
Sodium azideSigma-AldrichtS2002
StatMark penElectron Microscopy Sciences72109-01
Tyrode solutionElectron Microscopy Sciences11760-05
Uranyl acetateElectron Microscopy Sciences22400powder


  1. Lunardi, N., Oklopcic, A., Prillaman, M., Erisir, A., Jevtovic-Todorovic, V. Early exposure to general anesthesia disrupts spatial organization of presynaptic vesicles in nerve terminals of the developing subiculum. Molecular Neurobiology. 52 (2), 942-951 (2015).
  2. Lunardi, N., Ori, C., Erisir, A., Jevtovic-Todorovic, V.

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Newborn Rat BrainUltrastructural Morphometric AnalysisSynaptic Vesicle DistributionNerve TerminalsTransmission Electron MicroscopyTissue PreparationOsmium TetroxidePhosphate BufferUranyl AcetateSynaptic FunctionSynaptic DevelopmentAnesthetics

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