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We exposed a microphysiological system (MPS) with intestine and liver organoids to acetaminophen (APAP). This article describes the methods for organoid production and APAP pharmacokinetic and toxicological property assessments in the MPS. It also describes the tissue functionality analyses necessary to validate the results.


The recently introduced microphysiological systems (MPS) cultivating human organoids are expected to perform better than animals in the preclinical tests phase of drug developing process because they are genetically human and recapitulate the interplay among tissues. In this study, the human intestinal barrier (emulated by a co-culture of Caco-2 and HT-29 cells) and the liver equivalent (emulated by spheroids made of differentiated HepaRG cells and human hepatic stellate cells) were integrated into a two-organ chip (2-OC) microfluidic device to assess some acetaminophen (APAP) pharmacokinetic (PK) and toxicological properties. The MPS had three assemblies: Intestine only 2-OC, Liver only 2-OC, and Intestine/Liver 2-OC with the same media perfusing both organoids. For PK assessments, we dosed the APAP in the media at preset timepoints after administering it either over the intestinal barrier (emulating the oral route) or in the media (emulating the intravenous route), at 12 µM and 2 µM respectively. The media samples were analyzed by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Organoids were analyzed for gene expression, for TEER values, for protein expression and activity, and then collected, fixed, and submitted to a set of morphological evaluations. The MTT technique performed well in assessing the organoid viability, but the high content analyses (HCA) were able to detect very early toxic events in response to APAP treatment. We verified that the media flow does not significantly affect the APAP absorption whereas it significantly improves the liver equivalent functionality. The APAP human intestinal absorption and hepatic metabolism could be emulated in the MPS. The association between MPS data and in silico modeling has great potential to improve the predictability of the in vitro methods and provide better accuracy than animal models in pharmacokinetic and toxicological studies.


Due to genomic and proteomic differences, animal models have limited predictive value for several human outcomes. Moreover, they are time-consuming, expensive and ethically questionable1. MPS is a relatively new technology that aims at improving the predictive power and reduce the costs and time spent with pre-clinical tests. They are microfluidic devices cultivating organoids (artificial mimetics functional units of organs) under media flow that promotes organoid-organoid communication. Organoids made of human cells increase translational relevance2,3,4


1. Production of tissue equivalents for cultivation in the 2-OC

  1. Small intestine barrier equivalent production
    1. Maintain Caco-2 and HT-29 cells using the intestine equivalent medium: DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% penicillin and streptomycin, and 1% non-essential amino acids, which is named as “DMEM S” in this manuscript.
    2. Remove the medium, wash twice with 1x DPBS and add 8 mL of 0.25% Trypsin/EDTA to dissociate Caco-2 cells grown in cell culture flasks (175 cm2). Incubate for 5 min at 37 °C and stop the reaction by adding at least the double volume of trypsin inhibitor. Perform the same procedure for HT....

Representative Results

To perform the PK APAP tests in the 2-OC MPS, the first step is to manufacture the human intestine and liver equivalents (organoids). They are integrated into the 2-OC microfluidic device (Figure 1A) 24 h before starting of the PK APAP assay. The next day, the medium is changed, and the model is exposed to APAP. Figure 1 illustrates the intestine and liver equivalents placed inside the 2-OC device (Figure 1B) and the APAP PK experim.......


The accurate and reliable assessment of the pharmacologic properties of investigative new drugs is critical for reducing the risk in the following development steps. The MPS is a relatively new technology, that aims at improving the predictive power and reducing the costs and time spent with preclinical tests. Our group is advancing in the assessment of pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties mostly needed for lead optimization. We worked with the 2-OC microfluidic device, which has two chambers, allowing the integr.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thanks to Dr. Christie Guguen-Guillouzo, Dr. Philippe Gripon at Unit 522 INSERM and to Dr. Christian Trepo at Unit 271 INSERM for the use of the Biological Material (Hepa RG cells) and for making then available for us in order to perform the academic research.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1x DPBSThermo Fisher Scientific14190235No calcium, no magnesium
2-OCTissUse GmbHTwo-organ chip
384-well Spheroid MicroplateCorning3830Black/Clear, Round Bottom, Ultra-Low Attachment
4% ParaformaldehydeUse to fix cell
AcetaminophenSigma AldrichA7085Use to MPS assays
AcetonitrileTediaUsed to perform HPLC
Alexa Fluor 647 phalloidinThermo Fisher Scientificconfocal experiment
Ammonium acetateSigma AldrichUsed to perform HPLC
Caco-2 cellsSigma Aldrich86010202
Cacodylate buffer
Cell culture flasksSarstedt
Confocal Fluorescence microscopeLeicaDMI6000
DMEM high glucoseThermo Fisher Scientific12800017Add supplements: 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 units per mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin, and 1% non-essential amino acids
DMSOSigma AldrichD4540Add 2% to HepaRG media
Fetal Bovine SerumThermo Fisher Scientific12657029
Freezing medium OCTTissue-TekTissue-Tek® O.C.T.™ Compound is a formulation of watersoluble glycols and resins, providing a convenient specimen matrix for cryostat sectioning at temperatures of -10°C and below.
Hematoxylin & Eosin
HepaRG cellsBiopredic InternationalHPR101Undifferentiated cells
HHSTeCScienCell Research Laboratories5300Cells and all culture supplements
Hoechst 33342HCA experiments
HT-29 cellsSigma Aldrich85061109
Human InsulinInvitrogen - Thermo Fisher Scientific12585014
HydrocortisoneSigma AldrichH0888
Karnovsky’s fixative
L-glutamineThermo Fisher ScientificA2916801
Luna C18 guard column SSPhenomenexUsed to perform HPLC
Millicell 0.4 µm pore size insertsMerckPIHP01250
Millicell ERS-2 meterMerckMERS00002Used to TEER measurement
MitoTracker Deep RedHCA experiments
MTTThermo Fisher ScientificM6494
MX3000P systemAgilent Technologies
Neubauer chamberCounting cells
Operetta High Content Imaging SystemPerkin ElmerUsed to perform HCA
P450-Glo CYP3A4 Assay with Luciferin-IPAPromegaCat.# V9001
Penicillin/StreptomycinThermo Fisher Scientific15070063Cell culture
PermountThermo Fisher ScientificHistology
PVDF membraneBioRad
PVDF Syringe filter0.22 μm pore size
Reversed-phase Luna C18 columnPhenomenexUsed to perform HPLC
Shaker (IKA VXR Basic Vibrax)IKA Works GmbH & Co2819000Used for spheroids to improve MTT assay
Stellate Cell Media (STeC CM)ScienCell5301Add STeC CM supplements
SuperScriptIITM Reverse TranscriptaseThermo Fisher Scientific
SYBR Green PCR Master MixThermo Fisher Scientific
TRizol TM reagentThermo Fisher ScientificTrizol is a monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate.
Trypsin/EDTA solutionThermo Fisher ScientificR001100
Ultra-low-attachment platesCorningCLS3471-24EA6 wells
Vectashield plus DAPI mounting media
White Opaque 96-well MicroplatePerkinHelmer
Wide-bore tips
Williams EPan BiotechP04-29510Add supplements: 10% fetal bovine serum, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 units per ml penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin and 5 µg/mL human insulin


  1. Zhang, D., Luo, G., Ding, X., Lu, C. Preclinical experimental models of drug metabolism and disposition in drug discovery and development. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2 (6), 549-561 (2012).
  2. Hynds, R. E., Giangreco, A.

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Microphysiological SystemPharmacokinetic AssessmentToxicological AssessmentIntestineLiverDrug TestingIn VitroOrgan on a chipAcetaminophenHPLC AnalysisCell Viability

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