We describe an in vivo method to investigate the functional loss of a specific gene in satellite cells by using a combination of cardiotoxin mediated injury of skeletal muscle and the injection of a self-delivering siRNA.
Skeletal muscle possesses an enormous capacity to regenerate after injury. This process is mainly driven by muscle stem cells, also termed satellite cells. Satellite cells are characterized by the expression of the transcription factor Pax7 and their location underneath the basal lamina in the resting skeletal muscle. Upon injury, satellite cells get activated, undergo self-renewal or differentiation to either form new myofibers or to fuse with damaged ones. The functionality of satellite cells in vivo can be investigated using a cardiotoxin based injury model of skeletal muscle. To study the function of one gene during the regeneration of skeletal muscle, transgenic mouse models are mostly used. Here, we present an alternative method to transgenic mice, to investigate the gene function in satellite cells during regeneration, e.g., in cases where transgenic mice are not available. We combine the cardiotoxin mediated injury of a specific skeletal muscle with the injection of a self-delivering siRNA into the regenerating muscle which is then taken up by satellite cells among other cells. Thereby, we provide a method to analyze gene function in satellite cells during regeneration under physiological conditions without the need for transgenic mice.
Skeletal muscle is the body’s largest tissue representing approximately 40% of total body weight enabling voluntary locomotion. The tissue architecture of skeletal muscle is mainly composed of postmitotic, terminally differentiated, multinucleated myofibers as well as various other cells from the peripheral nervous system, vascular system, and interstitial cells1. Importantly, skeletal muscle has a tremendous capacity to regenerate and restore function upon injury or damage2. This process depends on the tissue resident muscle stem cells also called satellite cells3,4. Satellite cells are located between the myofiber and the basal lamina and characterized by the expression of the transcription factor Pax75,6,7. Under homeostatic conditions, satellite cells are quiescent but get activated due to traumatic injury, e.g., through eccentric exercise or experimentally through injection of the snake venom cardiotoxin6,8. Once activated, Pax7 positive satellite cells co-express MyoD and Myf5, which commits the stem cells to myogenic differentiation. Satellite cells that resist the upregulation of commitment factors will retain their stemness potential and return to quiescence to replenish the stem cell pool for future demands. After the expansion of the myogenic progenitor pool, transcriptional networks are activated by differentiation factors like Myogenin to initiate the cell cycle exit and terminal differentiation. These myoprogenitors then fuse to each other or to existing myofibers contributing myonuclei to maintain the size of the myonuclear domain. The myofibers express terminal muscle differentiation genes like Myosin Heavy Chain. Finally, the newly formed myofibers grow and mature to build the functional units of skeletal muscle9,10.
The regeneration of skeletal muscle can be affected by various conditions including muscle diseases or aging11,12, ranging from mild impairments to life threatening conditions, e.g., in Duchenne muscular dystrophy13,14. Therefore, regenerative medicine aims to restore damaged or malfunctioning skeletal muscle tissue using its inherent regenerative power by targeting satellite cell function15,16. To use its full potential a comprehensive understanding of satellite cells in their endogenous niche during regeneration of skeletal muscle is required. Although experimental approaches exist to isolate satellite cells adjacent to their myofibers17, the full complexity of cellular and systemic interactions of satellite cells with their environment can only be recapitulated in vivo. In that regard, great knowledge about skeletal muscle regeneration has been acquired using mouse injury models2,18.
Here we introduce a specific experimental mouse injury model to study the stem cell mediated regeneration of cardiotoxin-induced damage of the tibialis anterior muscle in vivo. Cardiotoxin, a snake derived cytolytic toxin that causes myofiber depolarization and necrosis, is injected into the tibialis anterior muscle, which in turn will trigger tissue degeneration followed by regeneration. To analyze the function of genes during acute regeneration, self-delivering siRNAs are injected at day 3 after injury, at the peak of the satellite cell expansion. Experimental animals are sacrificed at various timepoints and the tibialis anterior muscles are collected. The dissected muscles are frozen and processed for further cryo-sectioning. Immunofluorescence microscopy is then used to analyze markers of regeneration. This method allows for the investigation of the function of a single gene during satellite cell driven regeneration of skeletal muscle using wild type mice.
All animal procedures were approved by the Animal Welfare Department of the Thüringer Landesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (03-048/16; TLV; Bad Langensalza, Germany).
1. Cardiotoxin-induced Muscle Injury
NOTE: Perform all experiments involving living mice in accordance with the national Animal Welfare Act and under appropriate aseptic conditions. Also, sacrificing of animals must be performed in accordance with the national Animal Welfare Act.
2. Injection of Self-delivering siRNA into the Regenerating Tibialis Anterior Muscle (At Day 3 Post Cardiotoxin Injury)
3. Dissection of Tibialis Anterior Muscle
4. Cryosectioning of Regenerating Tibialis Anterior Muscle
5. Immunostaining for Markers of Regeneration
6. Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining
A typical result of a hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of a tibialis anterior muscle before and after cardiotoxin mediated injury is presented in Figure 4A,B. In the control muscles, the architecture of the muscle is intact as seen by the localization of the nuclei in the periphery of the myofibers and the lack of accumulation of mononucleated cells in the interstitial space (Figure 4A). 7 days after cardiotoxin mediated injury new myofibers are formed marked by centrally located nuclei (Figure 4B). Furthermore, an accumulation of mononucleated cells can be observed, consisting mostly of satellite cells but also non-myogenic cells like immune cells. The whole muscle should be injured characterized by the central location of all myonuclei and the accumulation of mononucleated cells on the whole muscle section.
To characterize the progression and success of the regeneration process, several immunofluorescent staining using markers of regeneration can be performed. The number of satellite cells can be evaluated by staining for Pax7, the canonical marker for satellite cells (Figure 4C,D). Three days after injury the number of satellite cells increases (Figure 4D), satellite cells are not located under the basal lamina anymore. To further analyze the regeneration process, newly formed myofibers can be stained with antibodies directed to developmental myosin (Figure 4E). Newly formed myofibers display centrally located nuclei and a strong expression of developmental myosin. As the myofibers mature, expression of developmental myosin decreases, the diameter of the myofiber increases while nuclei are migrating to the periphery of the myofibers.
The influence of a single gene on the process of regeneration can be investigated using transgenic mice or as shown here by injection of a self-delivering siRNA. Fluorescently labeled self-delivering scrambled control siRNA was injected into the regenerating tibialis anterior muscle at day 3 after injury, the time point when the proliferation of satellite cells peaks. Two days after injection of the siRNA satellite cells were analyzed for the presence of the fluorescently labeled siRNA (Figure 4F). We analyzed how many satellite cells had taken up the fluorescently labeled siRNA two days after injection into the regenerating muscle (Figure 5). About 75% of all satellite cells in the regenerating muscle were positive for the fluorescently labeled siRNA. Furthermore, we determined that about 74% of all regenerating myofibers were positive for the fluorescently labeled siRNA suggesting that either 74% of the regenerating myofibers had taken up the siRNA or that siRNA-positive satellite cells either had fused with each other to form new myofibers or that fusion with already existing regenerating myofibers occurred (Figure 5). This suggests that satellite cells take up the self-delivering siRNA and that the siRNA persists in the satellite cells for at least two days.
Figure 1: Injection of cardiotoxin into the tibialis anterior muscle. (A) Mice are anesthetized by inhalation of isoflurane and the lower limb is shaved. (B) A 29 G needle is injected into the tibialis anterior muscle (C) and moved along the tibia bone during injection of the cardiotoxin solution. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Steps involved in dissection and freezing of the injured tibialis anterior muscle. (A) The hind limb muscles are exposed (B) and the fascia surrounding the tibialis anterior muscle is ripped to expose the muscle. (C) After removing the muscle, it is cut at the mid belly region into two halves of similar size using sharp straight scissors (D). (E) The halves of the dissected muscle are embedded in an aluminum foil mold filled with freezing solution and frozen in liquid nitrogen (F). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Equipment and steps involved in cryosectioning of tibialis anterior muscles. (A) The chamber temperature of the cryostat is set to -21 °C. (B) The tibialis anterior muscle in the freezing solution is mounted on the sample holder. (C) Sections of 14 µm thickness are attached to glass microscope slides. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative images of regenerating tibialis anterior muscles. H&E staining of tibialis anterior muscles before (A) and 7 days after cardiotoxin injury (B). (C) In uninjured muscle Pax7 positive (in red) satellite cells are located underneath the basal lamina marked by laminin (in green). Nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (in blue). Pax7 positive cells are marked by an arrow. (D) After 10 days of regeneration, myofibers are characterized by centrally located nuclei (in blue), Pax7 is shown in red, laminin in green. Pax7 positive cells are marked by an arrow. (E) Newly formed myofibers express developmental myosin (in red), laminin in green, nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (in blue). (F) Fluorescently labeled self-delivering siRNA (siRED, depicted in red) is still found in satellite cells (Pax7 positive, in green, marked by an arrow in the inset) 2 days after injection of the self-delivering siRNA into regenerating tibialis anterior muscle (injection at day 3 after cardiotoxin mediated injury). Laminin is shown in white, nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (in blue). Scale bar = 100 µm (A and B), 50 µm (C-E), 25 µm (F). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Quantification of uptake of fluorescently labeled siRNA. (A) Quantification of siRNA uptake by satellite cells (Pax7+ cells) and regenerating myofibers 2 days after injection into regenerating skeletal muscle. Injection was performed at day 3 after cardiotoxin mediated injury. n = 3, error bars show SEM. (B) Quantification underlying the graph depicted in (A). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Here we present a method to investigate the function of a specific gene during regeneration of skeletal muscle without the need of transgenic animals. This is accomplished by the combination of cardiotoxin induced muscle injury with the injection of a self-delivering siRNA into the regenerating skeletal muscle at day 3 after injury. We have described in detail the procedures of muscle injury by cardiotoxin, the injection of the self-delivering siRNA and processing of the harvested muscles to analyze the progress of regeneration. We demonstrate that injection of the snake venom cardiotoxin into skeletal muscle effectively injures the whole muscle and that self-delivering siRNAs are found in around 75% of all satellite cells among other cell types two days after their injection into the regenerating skeletal muscle (Figure 4, Figure 5).
Particular attention should be focused on a homogeneous injury of the tibialis anterior muscle since varying degrees of injury influence the regeneration outcome and thereby also the effect of the siRNA might be affected. Furthermore, it is critically important that the whole regenerating area is injected with the self-delivering siRNA. For the analysis of the regeneration process, it is recommended to always compare similar areas of the regenerating skeletal muscle, therefore, the tibialis anterior muscle should be cut in half to always compare the mid-belly region of the muscle. When analyzing the muscle, the whole cryosection needs to be analyzed since myofiber composition differs in the tibialis anterior muscle and might therefore regenerate differently.
The function of satellite cells can be investigated by various experimental procedures including their culture on the adjacent isolated single myofibers17, by transplantation and by analyzing regeneration of skeletal muscle after induced injury18,19. Investigating the function of satellite cells by using an in vivo induced injury model, e.g., injection of cardiotoxin, provides the ability to analyze satellite cell function also in terms of their interaction with other cell types such as macrophages and investigation of the influence of systemic factors2. Injury of skeletal muscle can be accomplished by various means, e.g., eccentric exercise, freeze injury, injection of BaCl2 or injection of snake venoms such as cardiotoxin or notexin18. While eccentric exercise is probably the most physiological injury method, the injury to one particular muscle is only limited20. Freeze injuries can be applied when the migration of satellite cells towards the site of injury is the aim of the study or only a specific part of the muscle should be injured. Experimentally the disadvantage of freeze injuries is the open surgery which needs to be performed to apply the precooled metal probe. Injection of BaCl2 or snake venoms is the most dramatic method of injury, thereby challenging satellite cell function the most. Furthermore, the injection is minimally invasive, surgery time, in general, is less than five minutes and does not involve suturing, etc. thereby minimizing the risk of infections.
Muscle injury is mostly used to investigate the functional consequences of loss of gene functions, e.g., loss of Pax77,21. Especially if aged mice are the focus of the scientific question, the generation or use of transgenic mice is often not feasible. Injection of self-delivering siRNAs targeting a specific gene is a viable alternative in those cases and has been used successfully22. In brief, the tibialis anterior muscle of mice was injured by injection of cardiotoxin and self-delivering siRNAs directed against fibronectin (FN) were injected at day 3 after injury. Muscles were analyzed 10 days after injury and a significant decrease in satellite cell numbers was observed in siFN versus scrambled siRNA control conditions. The knockdown efficiency was determined in whole muscle lysates by quantitative Real Time PCR 2 days after siRNA injection, a reduction in expression levels of 58% was achieved suggesting that delivery and knockdown efficiency are sufficient for functional analyses22. Alternatives for testing the knockdown efficiency are either immunoblot or immunofluorescence analyses with antibodies directed against the target gene. The efficiency and specificity of the siRNA used for in vivo injections should be determined before injection into mice, e.g., by testing the efficiency in isolated satellite cells or primary myoblasts. The use of a smart pool consisting of 4 different siRNAs versus a single siRNA increases the efficiency of knockdown but also increases the risk of unspecific targeting. The specificity of all siRNA sequences used should be tested in cell culture to avoid off-target effects. As a control, a non-targeting scrambled siRNA should be used since the injection of a siRNA per se might influence the regeneration process due to the injection and, thereby, additional damage of the muscle. The time point of injecting the siRNA is depending on the scientific question and on the expression profile of the target gene. Generally, an injection of self-delivering siRNA at day 3 after cardiotoxin injury targets most genes important for satellite cell proliferation since satellite cell proliferation peaks around day 3 after injury. The time point for the first siRNA injection should not be less than 48 h after cardiotoxin injury since the injection volume of cardiotoxin is quite high and reabsorption of the liquid should have taken place before injecting additional solutions into the muscle. In general, multiple injections of siRNAs or a combination of different siRNAs is possible although one must consider that each injection into the regenerating muscle is causing additional damage.
One limitation of the described method is the fact, that the effect observed is not necessarily only depending on knockdown of the target gene in satellite cells but might be attributed to other cell types such as immune cells or fibro-adipogenic progenitor cells. Therefore, it is necessary to combine those experiments with experiments investigating a pure population of satellite cells. One can either perform experiments using floating myofiber cultures, where satellite cells are cultured on their adjacent myofibers or perform transplantation experiments using isolated satellite cells17.
An alternative to the injection of self-delivering siRNAs is the injection of small molecule inhibitors or recombinant proteins which can be performed, depending on the scientific question. For instance, the injection of the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin or small molecule inhibitors of JAK/STAT signaling have been successfully performed in aged mice15,16. The analysis of a particular gene function in one specific cell type during regeneration of skeletal muscle, e.g., in satellite cells, is only possible through the use of an inducible genetic mouse model. Injections of self-delivering siRNAs, recombinant proteins or small molecule inhibitors might affect multiple cell types in regenerating skeletal muscle.
We would like to thank Christina Picker and Christine Poser for excellent technical assistance and Saskia Steiner for help with the determination of siRNA transfection efficiency. We thank the core service histology for great technical support, especially Sabine Landmann and Linda Rothenburger. We also thank the animal facility mouse at the FLI for excellent support. This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MA-3975/2-1) and the Deutsche Krebshilfe (DKH-JvM-861005) to J.v.M.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
isoflurane | Henry Schein | Isothesia | inhalation narcotics |
Hot Plate 062 | Labotect | 13854 | |
Anesthesia System (Tec 7) with inhalation box + nose masks | Tem Sega | Minihub | |
shaver for rodents | isis | GT420 | |
cardiotoxin | Latoxan | L8102 | snake venom needed for muscle injury |
Accell siRNA smart pool | Dharmacon | depending on your target gene | self delivering siRNA |
Alexa Fluor 488 donkey anti-rabbit IgG | Thermo Fisher | A-21206 | secondary antibody |
Alexa Fluor 546 goat anti-mouse IgG1 | Thermo Fisher | A-21123 | secondary antibody |
Coverslips | VWR | 631-1574 | |
CV Mount | Leica | 14046430011 | mounting medium for immunohistochemistry |
DAPI | Sigma Aldrich | D9542 | nuclear staining |
devMHC antibody | DHSB | F.1652 | |
Eosin Y | Thermo Fisher | 73104 | |
Haematoxylin Gill No3 | Sigma-Aldrich | GHS316-500ML | |
insulin syringe (29g) | Terumo | 3SS05M2813 | syringue used for muscle injections |
laminin antibody | Sigma Aldrich | L9393 | |
M.O.M blocking reagent | Vector labs | MKB-2213 | blocking for immunofluorescent staining |
Meloxicam | Boehringer Ingelheim | Metacam | analgesics |
OCT | Thermo Fisher | 6502 | tissue embedding |
Pax7 antibody | DSHB | PAX7 | satellite cell specific antibody |
ProLong Gold Antifade Mountant | Thermo Fisher | P36934 | aequos mounting medium |
Sucrose | Carl Roth | 4621.1 | tissue embedding |
Superfrost plus | Thermo Scientific | J1830AMNZ | microscope slides |
TritonX-100 | Amresco | 0694-1L | permeabilization reagent |
Dissection tools | |||
Dumont 5, straight | Fine Science Tools | 11295-10 | |
Dumont 7, curved | Fine Science Tools | 11272-40 | |
Extra fine Bonn scissors (cutting edge: 13 mm) | Fine Science Tools | 14084-08 | |
Narrow pattern forceps | Fine Science Tools | 11002-16 | |
Spring scissors (cutting edge: 5 mm, tip diameter: 0.35 mm) | Fine Science Tools | 91500-09 |
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