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Cancer Research

Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation in Gastrointestinal Cancer

Published: September 18th, 2020



1Department of Surgery, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2Department of Coloproctological Surgery, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine, 3Department of Surgery, Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital


DNA methylation is an important epigenetic change that is biologically meaningful and a frequent focus of cancer research. Genome-wide DNA methylation is a useful measure to provide an accurate analysis of the methylation status of gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies. Given the multiple potential translational uses of DNA methylation analysis, practicing clinicians and others new to DNA methylation studies need to be able to understand step by step how these genome-wide analyses are performed. The goal of this protocol is to provide a detailed description of how this method is used for the biomarker identification in GI malignancies. Importantly, we describe three critical steps that are needed to obtain accurate results during genome-wide analysis. Clearly and concisely written, these three methods are often lacking and not noticeable to those new to epigenetic studies. We used 48 samples of a GI malignancy (gastric cancer) to highlight practically how genome-wide DNA methylation analysis can be performed for GI malignancies.

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Keywords DNA Methylation

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