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This protocol describes an efficient cell-free method for production of high-quality proteoliposome by bilayer-dialysis method using wheat cell-free system and liposomes. This method provides suitable means for functional analysis of membrane proteins, drug targets screening, and antibody development.
Membrane proteins play essential roles in a variety of cellular processes and perform vital functions. Membrane proteins are medically important in drug discovery because they are the targets of more than half of all drugs. An obstacle to conducting biochemical, biophysical, and structural studies of membrane proteins as well as antibody development has been the difficulty in producing large amounts of high-quality membrane protein with correct conformation and activity. Here we describe a “bilayer-dialysis method” using a wheat germ cell-free system, liposomes, and dialysis cups to efficiently synthesize membrane proteins and prepare purified proteoliposomes in a short time with a high success rate. Membrane proteins can be produced as much as in several milligrams, such as GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, and tetraspanins. This cell-free method contributes to reducing the time, cost and effort for preparing high-quality proteoliposomes, and provides suitable means for functional analysis of membrane proteins, drug targets screening, and antibody development.
Membrane proteins are one of the most important drug targets in diagnosis and therapeutics. Indeed, half of small compound drugs target are membrane proteins, such as G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ion channels1. Over the years, researchers have been working on biochemical, biophysical, and structural studies of membrane proteins to elucidate their structure and function2,3. Development of monoclonal antibodies against membrane proteins is also performed actively in order to accelerate functional and structural studies and to develop therapeutic and diagnostic applications
1. Preparation of pEU expression plasmid
NOTE: pEU expression plasmid should include start codon, open reading frame of target membrane protein, and stop codon in the fragment (see Figure 1). Add detection/purification tag sequence(s) at the appropriate position when required. Either restriction enzyme digestion or seamless cloning is applicable for subcloning. Here we describe a protocol using a seamless cloning method.
Using this protocol, partially purified proteoliposomes can be obtained in a short time. Representative results are shown in Figure 2A. Twenty five GPCRs of Class A, B, and C were successfully synthesized using the bilayer-dialysis method (small scale) and partially purified by centrifugation and buffer wash. Although the amount of synthesized proteins varies according to the type of protein, 50 to 400 µg of membrane proteins usually can be synthesized per reaction when large dialysis c.......
The presented protocol provides a method of producing membrane proteins at a high success rate. This protocol is simple, highly reproducible, and easy to scale up. It also has the potential to reduce the time and cost of experiments that consume a large amount of membrane proteins. The bilayer-dialysis method improves the productivity by 4–10 times compared with bilayer method or dialysis method (Figure 2B)45. In an extreme case, the yield of an ion channel and .......
This research was supported by Platform Project for Supporting Drug Discovery and Life Science Research (Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research (BINDS)) from AMED under Grant Number JP20am0101077. This work was also partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 20K05709.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
×3 SDS-PAGE sample buffer | Containing 10% 2-mercaptoethanol | ||
5-20% gradient SDS-PAGE gel | ATTO | E-D520L | |
70% ethanol | Diluted ethanol by ultrapure water. | ||
Agarose | Takara Bio | ||
Ammonium acetate | Nakalai tesque | 02406-95 | As this reagent is deliquescent, dissolve all of it in water once opened and store it at -30°C. |
Ampicillin Sodium | Nakalai tesque | 02739-74 | |
Asolectin Liposome, lyophilized | CellFree Sciences | CFS-PLE-ASL | A vial contains 10 mg of lyophilized liposomes. |
BSA standard | 1000 ng, 500 ng, 250 ng, 125 ng BSA / 10 µL ×1 SDS-PAGE sample buffer | ||
CBB gel stain | |||
cDNA clone of interest | Plasmid harboring cDNA clone or synthetic DNA fragment | ||
Chloroform | Nakalai tesque | 08402-84 | |
Cooled incubator | Temperature ranging from 0 to 40 °C or wider. | ||
Creatine kinase | Roche Diagnostics | 04524977190 | |
Dialysis cup (0.1 mL) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 69570 | Slide-A-Lyzer MINI Dialysis Device, 10K MWCO, 0.1 mL |
Dialysis cup (2 mL) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 88404 | Slide-A-Lyzer MINI Dialysis Device, 10K MWCO, 2 mL |
DNA ladder marker | Thermo Fisher Scientific | SM0311 | GeneRuler 1 kb DNA Ladder |
DpnI | Thermo Fisher Scientific | FD1703 | FastDigest DpnI |
E. coli strain JM109 | |||
Electrophoresis chamber | ATTO | ||
Ethanol (99.5%) | Nakalai tesque | 14713-95 | |
Ethidium bromide | |||
Evaporation flask, 100 mL | |||
Gel imager | |||
Gel scanner | We use document scanner and LED immuninator as a substitute. | ||
LB broth | |||
Lipids of interest | Avanti Polar Lipids | ||
Micro centrifuge | TOMY | MX-307 | |
NTP mix | CellFree Sciences | CFS-TSC-NTP | Mixture of ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP, at 25 mM each |
Nuclease-free 25 mL tube | IWAKI | 362-025-MYP | |
Nucrease-free plastic tubes | Watson bio labs | Do not autoclave. Use them separately from other experiments. | |
Nucrease-free tips | Watson bio labs | Do not autoclave. Use them separately from other experiments. | |
PBS buffer | |||
PCR purification kit | MACHEREY-NAGEL | 740609 | NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up |
pEU-E01-MCS vector | CellFree Sciences | CFS-11 | |
Phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) | Nippon Gene | 311-90151 | |
Plasmid prep Midi kit | MACHEREY-NAGEL | 740410 | NucleoBond Xtra Midi |
Primer 1 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Custom oligo synthesis | 5’-CCAAGATATCACTAGnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-3’ Gene specific primer, forward. Upper case shows overlap sequence to be added for seamless cloning. Lower case nnnn…. (20-30 bp) shows gene specific sequence. |
Primer 2 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Custom oligo synthesis | 5'-CCATGGGACGTCGACnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-3’ Gene specific primer, reverse. Upper case shows overlap sequence to be added for seamless cloning. Lower case nnnn…. (20-30 bp) shows gene specific sequence. |
Primer 3 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Custom oligo synthesis | 5'-GTCGACGTCCCATGGTTTTGTATAGAAT-3' Forward primer for vector linearization. Underline works as overlap in seamless cloning. |
Primer 4 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Custom oligo synthesis | 5'-CTAGTGATATCTTGGTGATGTAGATAGGTG-3' Reverse primer for vector linearization. Underline works as overlap in seamless cloning. |
Primer 5 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Custom oligo synthesis | 5’-CAGTAAGCCAGATGCTACAC-3’ Sequencing primer, forward |
Primer 6 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Custom oligo synthesis | 5’- CCTGCGCTGGGAAGATAAAC-3’ Sequencing primer, reverse |
Protein size marker | Bio-Rad | 1610394 | Precision Plus Protein Standard |
Rotary evaporator | |||
seamless cloning enzyme mixture | New England BioLabs | E2611L | Gibson Assembly Master Mix Other seamless cloning reagents are also avairable. |
SP6 RNA Polymerase & RNase Inhibitor | CellFree Sciences | CFS-TSC-ENZ | |
Submarine Electrophoresis system | |||
TAE buffer | |||
Transcription Buffer LM | CellFree Sciences | CFS-TSC-5TB-LM | |
Translation buffer | CellFree Sciences | CFS-SUB-SGC | SUB-AMIX SGC (×40) stock solution (S1, S2, S3, S4). Prepare ×1 translation buffer before use by mixing stock S1, S2, S3, S4 stock and ultrapure water. |
Ultrapure water | We recommend to prepare ultrapure water by using ultrapure water production system every time you do experiment. Do not autoclave. We preparaed ultrapure water by using Milli-Q Reference and Elix10 system. Commercially available nuclease-free water (not DEPC-treated water) can be used as a substitute. Take care of contamination after open the bottle. | ||
Ultrasonic homogenizer | Branson | SONIFIER model 450D-Advanced | Ultrasonic cleaner can be used as a substitute. |
UV transilluminator | |||
Vacuum desiccator | |||
Wheat germ extract | CellFree Sciences | CFS-WGE-7240 | WEPRO7240 |
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