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A novel technique for blood circuit reconstruction in a heterotopic abdominal mouse heart transplantation model is demonstrated.


The surgical technique of heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation in mice is a standard model for research in transplantation immunology. Here, the established technique for a modified blood circuit reconstruction in a heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation model is presented. This method uses the intrathoracic inferior vena cava (IIVC) instead of the pulmonary artery of the donor heart for the anastomosis to the inferior vena cava of the recipient. It is facilitating and improving success rates for abdominal heart transplantation in mice.


The surgical technique of heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation in mice represents a standard model for research in transplantation immunology1,2,3. However, it is very challenging to perform and this implicates a restriction to the widespread use of this model4,5.

In traditional mouse heart transplantation (THTx), the donor aorta and the recipient abdominal aorta are anastomosed while the pulmonary artery is anastomosed to the recipient inferior vena cava6


All animal experiments were conducted following the guidelines from the directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament on protection of animals used for scientific purposes (Ethic committee approved, #G1071/09).

NOTE: Preliminary preparation, anesthesia, post-operative care and monitoring work are the same as performed in traditional surgical methods1,2,4. BALB/c mice served as heart donors and C57BL.......

Representative Results

Here, a modified technique of heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation in mice that has been previously developed in our laboratory and has proven useful for the last 16 years is presented. Previously, it was reported that in overall 40 cases of vena cava to vena cava (V-V group) compared to 40 cases of the traditional pulmonary artery to vena cava (P-V group) anastomosis procedure4 (Table 1) the vessel anastomosis took 20.8±1.3 min in the V-V group, which was si.......


The surgical technique of heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation in mice is very challenging and this implicates a restriction to the widespread use of this model.

One of the disadvantages of the conventional technique is the limiting length of the donor's pulmonary artery (PA). It is usually of about 2 mm of length, whereas the length of the IIVC of the donor heart used in our model is generally about 1 cm (Figure 2). That means that in the modified mode.......


We thank Dr. Yun Xu for her help as voice actor, Dr. med. Jianhua Peng for her help in video editing and Dr. Annika Kuckhahn for her comments and support. This work was supported in part by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to promote international collaborations (HO2581/4-1 to AH), and the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC; #81760291 to FJ).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
acepromazineCP PharmaTranquisol P
BALB/c AnNCrl miceCharles River. Germanyno catalog number
Bepanthen eye ointmentHaus-ApothekePZN 01578675
Bonn Micro ForcepsFST11083-07
Box for insulation and oxygen supply deviceRUSKINNINVIV
C57BL/6J  miceCharles River. Germanyno catalog number
CarprofenZoetisRimadyl 50 mg/ml
Clip Applicator Forceps StyleFST18057-14
Curved forcepsWPI14114-G
custodiol/HTKDr. Franz Köhler Chemieno catalog numer
Cutasept skin disinfectionVWRBODL980365
electrosurgical penBovieCHANGE-A-TIP
gauze pads, cotton swabsLohmann-Rauscher13353
Heating matTHERMO MAT PRO 30WHTP-30
Hemostatic spongeCuraSponJ1276A
heparine-solutionHaus-ApothekePZN 03029820
Ice boxPETZNo Catalog Number available
Inhalation anesthesia deviceGROPPLERBKGM 0616
insulation and oxygen supply deviceRUSKINNINVIV
isofluraneCP PharmaIsofluran CP 1 ml/ml
ketamineZoetisno catalog numer
metamizoleWDTno catalog numer
Micro scissorsFST15000-00,15000-10
Micro Serrefine ( Clamp ) Angled / 16 mmFST18055-06
Microscope lightSCHOTTKL2500LED
Saline solution (NaCl 0.9%)Haus-ApothekePZN 06178437
ScissorsPeha Instruments991083/4
small Petri dishSarstedt833900
Straight forcepsWPI14113-G
surgical tapeBSN4120
Suture Tying Forceps - 10 cmFST18025-10
Syringe (0.3 mL)BD324826
Syringe (1 mL)BD320801


  1. Corry, R., Winn, H., Russell, P. Primarily vascularized allografts of heart in mice. Transplantation. 16, 343-350 (1973).
  2. Habertheuer, A., et al. Donor tissue-specific ex....

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