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The growing incidence of drug-resistant Candida albicans is a serious health issue worldwide. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) may offer a strategy to fight against drug-resistant fungal infections. The present protocol describes Rose bengal-mediated aPDT efficacy on a multidrug-resistant C. albicans strain in vitro.


Invasive Candida albicans infection is a significant opportunistic fungal infection in humans because it is one of the most common colonizers of the gut, mouth, vagina, and skin. Despite the availability of antifungal medication, the mortality rate of invasive candidiasis remains ~50%. Unfortunately, the incidence of drug-resistant C. albicans is increasing globally. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) may offer an alternative or adjuvant treatment to inhibit C. albicans biofilm formation and overcome drug resistance. Rose bengal (RB)-mediated aPDT has shown effective cell killing of bacteria and C. albicans. In this study, the efficacy of RB-aPDT on multidrug-resistant C. albicans is described. A homemade green light-emitting diode (LED) light source is designed to align with the center of a well of a 96-well plate. The yeasts were incubated in the wells with different concentrations of RB and illuminated with varying fluences of green light. The killing effects were analyzed by the plate dilution method. With an optimal combination of light and RB, 3-log growth inhibition was achieved. It was concluded that RB-aPDT might potentially inhibit drug-resistant C. albicans.


C. albicans colonizes in the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts of healthy individuals and can be detected as normal microbiota in about 50 percent of individuals1. If an imbalance is created between the host and the pathogen, C. albicans is capable of invading and causing disease. The infection can range from local mucous membrane infections to multiple organ failure2. In a multicenter surveillance study in the US, around half of the isolates from patients with invasive candidiasis between 2009 and 2017 is C. albicans3. Candidemia can be associated with high morb....


1. aPDT system preparation

  1. Cut four green light-emitting diodes (LEDs) from a LED strip (see Table of Materials) and align them with four wells of a 96-well plate (Figure 1).
    NOTE: The LEDs were arranged into a 4 x 3 array. The back of the LED was adhered to a heat sink to disperse heat during irradiation.
  2. Measure the fluence rate11 of the LED at 540 nm with a light power meter (see Table of Materials). See Supplementary Figure 1 to ensure that the fluence rate of the LED is between 510-560 nm.
  3. Put an electric....

Representative Results

Figure 1 shows the aPDT system being used in the present study. Since high temperatures may cause significant cell death, the LED array is cooled by an electric fan, and a heat sink is used during irradiation to maintain a constant temperature at 25 ± 1 °C. The heat effect can be discounted. Having an even light distribution is also an important determining factor for a successful aPDT; therefore, it is critical to align the LED light bulb to the well precisely during illumination........


Encouraging results of clinical applications of RB-PDT for fungal keratitis have been reported recently19. The absorption peak of RB is at 450-650 nm. It is essential to determine the fluence rate of the light source for a successful aPDT. A high fluence (usually >100 J/cm2) is required to treat cancer cells, while a lower fluence is expected to treat infected lesions6. A high fluence means a long exposure time which may not be practical in a clinical setting.......


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This work has received funding from the Center of Applied Nanomedicine, National Cheng Kung University from the Featured Areas Research Center Program within the framework of the Higher Education Sprout Project by the Ministry of Education (MOE), and Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan [MOST 109-2327-B-006-005] to TW Wong. J.H. Hung acknowledges funding from National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan [NCKUH-11006018], and [MOST 110-2314-B-006-086-MY3].



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.5 mL microfuge tubeNeptune, San Diego, USA#3745.x
5 mL round-bottom tube with cell strainer capFalcon, USA#352235
96-well plateAlpha plus, Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan#16196
Aluminum foilsunmei, Tainan, Taiwan
Aluminum heat sinkNanyi electronics Co., Ltd., Tainan, TaiwanBK-T220-0051-01
CentrifugeEppendorf, UK5415Rdisperses heat from the LED array
Graph pad prism softwareGraphPad 8.0, San Diego, California, USAgraphing and statistics software
Green light emitting diode (LED) stripNanyi electronics Co., Ltd., Tainan, Taiwan2835
IncubatorYihder, Taipei, TaiwanLM-570D (R)Emission peak wavelength: 525 nm, Viewing angle: 150°; originated from
Light power meterOphir, Jerusalem, IsraelPD300-3W-V1-SENSOR,
Millex 0.22 μm filterMerck, NJ, USASLGVR33RS
Multidrug-resistant Candida albicansBioresource Collection and Research CenterBioresource, Hsinchu, TaiwanBCRC 21538/ATCC 10231
OD600 spectrophotometerBiochrom, London, UKUltrospec 10
Rose BengalSigma-Aldrich, MO, USA330000stock concentration 40 mg/mL = 4%, prepare in PBS, stored at 4 °C
Sterilized glass tubeSunmei Co., Ltd., Tainan, TaiwanAK45048-16100
Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose MediumHIMEDIA, IndiaM1363


  1. Naglik, J. R., Challacombe, S. J., Hube, B. Candida albicans secreted aspartyl proteinases in virulence and pathogenesis. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 67 (3), 400-428 (2003).
  2. Pappas, P. G., et al.

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Rose BengalPhotodynamic TherapyCandida AlbicansLEDFungal KeratitisMicroorganismsYeast CultureColony Forming UnitsSerial Dilutions

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