Here, we demonstrate a non-invasive cardiac medical device contractility evaluation method using 2D human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte (hiPSC-CM) monolayers, plated on a flexible substrate, coupled with video-based microscopy. This tool will be useful for the in vitro evaluation of the contractile properties of cardiac electrophysiology devices.
Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) are currently being explored for multiple in vitro applications and have been used in regulatory submissions. Here, we extend their use to cardiac medical device safety or performance assessments. We developed a novel method to evaluate cardiac medical device contractile properties in robustly contracting 2D hiPSC-CMs monolayers plated on a flexible extracellular matrix (ECM)-based hydrogel substrate. This tool enables the quantification of the effects of cardiac electrophysiology device signals on human cardiac function (e.g., contractile properties) with standard laboratory equipment. The 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers were cultured for 2-4 days on a flexible hydrogel substrate in a 48-well format.
The hiPSC-CMs were exposed to standard cardiac contractility modulation (CCM) medical device electrical signals and compared to control (i.e., pacing only) hiPSC-CMs. The baseline contractile properties of the 2D hiPSC-CMs were quantified by video-based detection analysis based on pixel displacement. The CCM-stimulated 2D hiPSC-CMs plated on the flexible hydrogel substrate displayed significantly enhanced contractile properties relative to baseline (i.e., before CCM stimulation), including an increased peak contraction amplitude and accelerated contraction and relaxation kinetics. Furthermore, the utilization of the flexible hydrogel substrate enables the multiplexing of the video-based cardiac-excitation contraction coupling readouts (i.e., electrophysiology, calcium handling, and contraction) in healthy and diseased hiPSC-CMs. The accurate detection and quantification of the effects of cardiac electrophysiological signals on human cardiac contraction is vital for cardiac medical device development, optimization, and de-risking. This method enables the robust visualization and quantification of the contractile properties of the cardiac syncytium, which should be valuable for nonclinical cardiac medical device safety or effectiveness testing. This paper describes, in detail, the methodology to generate 2D hiPSC-CM hydrogel substrate monolayers.
As the United States population ages, the number of heart failure patients continues to rise, along with the direct medical costs1,2. There is a critical need to develop novel therapies to treat heart failure and innovative nonclinical methodologies to test such therapies. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) have been proposed as an in vitro tool to aid the therapeutic development process and have been used in regulatory submissions3,4. However, their widespread use has been limited for contractility studies due to the lack of robust contractile properties when plated in standard rigid 2D culture conditions (i.e., conventional tissue culture plastic or glass)5,6,7,8. We previously demonstrated the utility of plating isolated single hiPSC-CMs on a flexible hydrogel substrate to generate robust visible contractile properties9. We showed that isolated hiPSC-CMs have comparable contractile properties to those of freshly isolated adult rabbit ventricular cardiomyocytes. Moreover, we demonstrated the utility of this method for assessing the contractile responses to pharmacological agents7. Furthermore, other studies have applied this technology to mechanistic assessments for basic science and disease modeling10,11,12. Here, this methodology has been extended to 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers, and its utility in evaluating physiologically relevant cardiac contractility modulation (CCM) medical device electrical signals in vitro is demonstrated.
CCM is an intracardiac heart failure therapy in which non-excitatory electrophysiological signals are delivered to the myocardium during the absolute refractory period of the cardiac cycle13,14. Reproducible methods to evaluate CCM in human cardiac cell models are lacking. Previous work has employed various cardiac cell models to evaluate the CCM contractile response. We demonstrated in vitro that freshly isolated rabbit ventricular cardiomyocytes respond to CCM stimulation by a transient increase in calcium and contraction amplitude15. Another study in isolated canine ventricular cardiomyocytes demonstrated CCM-induced enhancement of the intracellular calcium transient amplitude16. However, the majority of CCM studies have used ex vivo and in vivo animal preparations. These studies are difficult to correlate with each other because they apply a variety of CCM pulse parameters and species17. One study in an isolated rabbit papillary model revealed increased CCM-induced contractility8,18, and an array of whole heart studies have demonstrated CCM-induced enhancement of contractile function19,20,21. These studies have provided important mechanistic insight. However, there is a lack of reproducible human models for in vitro cardiac EP contractile studies including CCM. Toward that end, we have developed several 2D and 3D hiPSC models and demonstrated CCM-induced enhancement of contractile properties in a parameter-dependent manner. Moreover, the CCM-induced inotropic effects have been found to be in part mediated by neuronal input and β-adrenergic signaling8,17,22. Still, more needs to be known about the mechanisms of CCM therapy, and utilizing contracting human cardiomyocytes can assist in achieving this outcome. As such, there is a significant need to develop human nonclinical tools to evaluate novel CCM devices and signals, quicken the regulatory process, reduce the burden on animal models, and aid device developer decision-making8,17,23,24. It is important to develop easy, do-it-yourself protocols that can be transferred to any laboratory and that use standard equipment and low cell requirements to reduce the costs. This method elucidates the effects of CCM stimulation on human cardiomyocyte function and provides important insights on CCM safety or effectiveness17. Here, we describe the method for generating 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers on a flexible hydrogel substrate to produce a standardized nonclinical tool to quantify acute cardiac electrophysiology medical device (i.e., CCM) contractile responses in health and disease.
1. Preparation of the plates and media
NOTE: A typical extracellular matrix (ECM)-based hydrogel aliquot is ~200 µL in a sterile 1.5 mL tube stored at −20 °C.
2. Seeding of cryopreserved hiPSC-CMs
3. Dissociation and counting of the pre-plated hiPSC-CMs
4. Preparation of the flexible hydrogel substrates
5. Contraction recording and analysis
Described in this protocol is a simple, robust tool to generate visibly contracting 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers on a flexible hydrogel substrate. The measurement of the contractile properties is accomplished with video-based recording coupled with contractility analysis software. This enables the quantification of key parameters of cardiomyocyte contractility, including the contraction amplitude, contraction slope, relaxation slope, time to peak, time to baseline 90%, and contraction duration 50%. The model is used to characterize the baseline contractile properties of hiPSC-CMs (Figure 4) from various "healthy" donors and can be extended to the evaluation of cardiac electrophysiology medical device signals (i.e., CCM). The application of the standard CCM stimulation parameters (Figure 1D)29,30 resulted in enhanced contractile properties in vitro (Figure 5 and Table 1)17.
We further demonstrated that this method can be used to evaluate the effects of the modulation of extracellular calcium concentrations on human contractile properties with and without CCM stimulation (Figure 6)17. The expected baseline calcium dependence of contraction was observed7,17, as well as a CCM-induced increase in calcium sensitivity at the level of the cardiomyocyte monolayer. In addition, the pharmacological interrogation of the β-adrenergic signaling pathway (Figure 7) revealed that the CCM-induced inotropic effects were in part mediated by β-adrenergic signaling17. Moreover, this tool can be expanded to patient-specific disease cardiomyocytes, including those of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)33,34,35 (Figure 8), to understand the effect of CCM in the context of disease states; indeed, enhanced contractile amplitude and accelerated contraction and relaxation kinetics were observed at the CCM "dose" tested here (Figure 8). While we have a CCM-mimicking device in our laboratory, the methodology used here is not specific to that system and could be applied to other cardiac electrophysiology devices.
Figure 1: Schematic summary of the 2D hiPSC-CM in vitro CCM model. (A) The hiPSC-CMs are pre-plated in monolayer format on gelatin (0.1%)-coated 6-well plates. (B) After 2 days in culture, the hiPSC-CMs are dissociated and prepared for plating on a flexible hydrogel substrate. (C) The isolated hiPSC-CMs are plated at a high density on hydrogel substrates arrayed in a 48-well format (left) and are assayed in (0.5 mM) extracellular calcium Tyrode's solution (right). (D) A commercial pulse generator and standard clinical CCM pulse parameters29,30 (right) are used to stimulate the hiPSC-CMs; the cardiac function is assessed by video-based analysis (left). (E) Representative contraction recordings before CCM (baseline: 5 V), during CCM (CCM: 10 V), and after CCM (recovery: 5 V). This figure has been reprinted from Feaster et al.17. Abbreviations: hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte; CCM = cardiac contractility modulation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Schematic of the flexible hydrogel substrate plating and seeding. (A) Completely thawed, undiluted ECM-based hydrogel substrate is applied to a sterile 48-well plate (left panel), with 1 µL of hydrogel substrate per well (right panel). (B) The hydrogel substrate is allowed to incubate at room temperature for 8-10 min (right panel), followed by plating the high-density hiPSC-CMs in a low medium volume (~200 µL) (left panel). (C) After 10-15 min of incubation, medium is added to each well (left panel), and the plates are moved to a standard tissue culture incubator (right panel). Abbreviations: ECM = extracellular matrix, hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte; RT = room temperature. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Extracellular matrix-based hydrogel substrate. (A) Representative hydrogel substrate (no cells) in one well of a 48-well glass bottom plate immediately after the substrate is applied to the well. (B) Time 0 after the hiPSC-CMs are seeded. (C) Time 24 h after the hiPSC-CMs are seeded. This panel was reprinted from Feaster et al.17. The white arrows indicate the edge of the hydrogel substrate, 4x magnification. Scale bar = 1 mm. Abbreviation: hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Characterization of the 2D hiPSC-CM monolayer contractile properties. (A) Representative contraction recording of the 2D hiPSC-CMs paced at 1 Hz (5 V). (B) Representative contraction traces depicting one contraction cycle. (C) Summary bar graphs. The data are mean ± SEM. n = 18. Abbreviation: hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Acute effect of CCM on the 2D hiPSC-CM contractile properties. (A) Representative contraction recording for before CCM (5 V), during CCM (10 V), and after CCM (5 V). (B) Representative contraction traces of the immediate effects (i.e., last before-CCM beat, first CCM beat, and first after-CCM beat, indicated by +). (C) Summary bar graphs of the immediate effects. Percent change, data are mean ± SEM. n = 23. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. This figure has been reprinted from Feaster et al.17. Abbreviations: hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte; CCM = cardiac contractility modulation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Effect of extracellular calcium modulation on the CCM response. (A) Representative contraction traces of the immediate effects for each group before CCM (5 V), during CCM (10 V), and after CCM (5 V); the hiPSC-CMs were exposed to increasing concentrations of extracellular calcium (Cao) of 0.25-2 mM. (B-D) Transformed data (sigmoidal) to guide the eye demonstrating the effect of CCM on the calcium sensitivity of the contractile properties (i.e., the amplitude and kinetics) (hill slope = 1.0). n = 6-8 per group. This figure has been reprinted from Feaster et al.17. Abbreviations: hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte; CCM = cardiac contractility modulation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Pharmacological challenge. Representative contraction traces for each group before CCM (5 V), during CCM (10 V), and after CCM (5V); the hiPSC-CMs were pretreated with (A) vehicle or (B) metoprolol (2 µM). (C,D) Summary bar graphs for each condition. Percent change, data are mean ± SEM. n = 10 per group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. This figure has been reprinted from Feaster et al.17. Abbreviations: hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte; CCM = cardiac contractility modulation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 8: Acute effect of CCM on the contractile properties of diseased 2D hiPSC-CMs. (A) Representative contraction trace for DCM L35P, control baseline (before, 6 V), and DCM L35P plus CCM (10 V). (B) Summary bar graphs. Percent change, data are mean ± SEM. n = 3. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Abbreviations: hiPSC-CM = human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte; CCM = cardiac contractility modulation; DCM = dilated cardiomyopathy. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental Video S1: Timelapse of the hiPSC-CMs on the extracellular matrix-based hydrogel. Two-dimensional hiPSC-CMs plated on the flexible hydrogel substrate; Time: 0-90 h; one well of a 48-well glass bottom plate; 4x magnification. The hiPSC-CMs form a horizontal monolayer syncytium (i.e., left to right). Scale bar = 1 mm. Please click here to download this Video.
Supplemental Video S2: hiPSC-CMs on the extracellular matrix-based hydrogel. Two-dimensional hiPSC-CMs plated on the flexible hydrogel substrate; Time: ~24 h; one well of a 48-well glass bottom plate; 4x magnification. The hiPSC-CMs form monolayer morphology and show robust contraction at ~24 h post plating. Scale bar = 1 mm. This video is from Feaster et al.17. Please click here to download this Video.
Parameter | CCM | After |
Amplitude | 16 ± 4%** | 4 ± 5% |
Time to Peak 50% | -20 ± 9%* | 7 ± 5% |
Time to Peak 90% | -22 ± 8%* | 6 ± 5% |
Time to Baseline 50% | -8 ± 5% | 4 ± 4% |
Time to Baseline 90% | -12 ± 6%* | 5 ± 5% |
Contraction Duration 10% | -13 ± 6% | 3 ± 5% |
Contraction Duration 50% | -6 ± 5 % | 3 ± 5% |
Contraction Duration 90% | 0 ± 5% | 3 ± 4% |
N | 23 | 23 |
Table 1: Contractile properties. Percent change relative to before CCM (5 V); the data are mean ± SEM for all the beats in each group during CCM (10 V) and after CCM (5 V). n = 23. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. This table has been reprinted from Feaster et al.17.
The protocol outlined herein describes a method to generate robustly contracting 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers on a flexible extracellular matrix (ECM)-based hydrogel substrate with commercial reagents7,17. The hiPSC-CMs seeded on the flexible hydrogel substrate remain viable and have enhanced contractile properties7. This technique relies on standard laboratory equipment and capabilities7. There are several critical steps in the protocol, including in relation to working with the ECM-based hydrogel substrate, that require careful attention to detail. One potential issue is the presence of serum in the medium. This may result in the hiPSC-CMs forming networks (e.g., endothelial/vascular networks) instead of a confluent monolayer sheet; hence, a serum-free medium is recommended during the establishment of the flexible hydrogel hiPSC-CM monolayers (i.e., day 0 to day 4). Likewise, preparing too many hydrogel substrates at one time may result in poor or uneven substrates due to operator fatigue. While it is important to work quickly, the integrity of each hydrogel substrate is critical. Similarly, one should carefully seed the hiPSC-CMs and change the medium; this should not be done forcefully. When changing the medium, it should be added gently from the top edge of the well so as not to disrupt the hydrogel substrate or the cells. As with standard 2D hiPSC-CM cultures (i.e., conventional tissue culture plastic or glass), plating at a low density will result in incomplete monolayer formation. It is important to visually inspect the hiPSC-CMs to confirm that they are on the hydrogel substrate and to use a timer to ensure accurate timing. Furthermore, culturing the 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers for more than 14 days on the hydrogel substrate may result in monolayer disruption, based on the ECM properties and instructions from the manufacturer of the substrate.
There are several limitations to the current method that have to be considered. First, the cells used in this protocol were from a commercial hiPSC-CMs provider, and those cells form a syncytium of electrically coupled cells. The syncytium contains a mixture of hiPSC-CMs from all three cardiac subtypes (i.e., ventricular, atrial, and nodal)17. Studies may benefit from a subtype-exclusive hiPSC-CM population (i.e., 100% ventricular or 100% atrial). Second, this method only used hiPSC-CMs, while non-myocytes, including cardiac fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and neurons, may enhance hiPSC-CM functionality22,36. Third, 2D hiPSC-CMs display several features of relatively immature cardiomyocytes, including spontaneous beating, amorphic morphology, and lack of an inotropic response8,37. Fourth, while this protocol produces robustly contracting 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers, it is likely that functionally enhanced 3D hiPSC-CM models such as engineered cardiac tissues (ECTs) will result in an enhanced CCM-induced contractile response under physiological calcium concentrations8,38. Finally, the protocol described here is designed for a 48-well format. However, with optimization and the inclusion of automation, this can be scaled to a high-throughput format (e.g., 96-well or 384-well plates).
The current gold standard for hiPSC-CM studies is conventional rigid 2D culture conditions (i.e., tissue culture plastic or glass). While useful for electrophysiology3 and calcium handling39 studies, the conventional methodology results in minimal contractile properties5,6,7. As a result, conventional rigid 2D culture conditions are not amenable to the assessment of CCM contractile effects8. Functionally enhanced 3D hiPSC-CM ECT methods38 are technically challenging, time-consuming, and require sophisticated equipment that is not readily available in every laboratory. In this protocol, we describe a simple methodology to generate robustly contracting 2D hiPSC-CM monolayers in a shorter timeframe than 3D ECT methods or long-term, conventional 2D methods7,40,41. Moreover, the reagents used here are commercially available, including the hydrogel substrate and the hiPSC-CMs, and both have considerable lot-to-lot consistency. While we used removable platinum wire electrodes (interelectrode distance: 2.0 mm, width: 1.0 mm), various electrode materials and configurations are amenable to CCM contractile assessments in vitro8,15,17,18,22. Likewise, there are multiple automated software available that enable the analysis of contraction videos7,31,32.
The majority of nonclinical methods to evaluate cardiac medical device contractility rely largely on costly in vivo animal models (e.g., dogs or pigs) and technically challenging papillary muscle strips (e.g., rabbits)18. This paper described a human in vitro model to evaluate the effects of cardiac electrophysiology medical device signals on contractility. This tool could reduce the dependence on animal studies and be useful for the in vitro evaluation of the contractile properties of cardiac electrophysiology devices.
This article reflects the views of the authors and should not be construed to represent the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's views or policies. The mention of commercial products, their sources, or their use in connection with the material reported herein is not to be construed as either an actual or implied endorsement of such products by the Department of Health and Human Services. The authors declare no competing interests for this work.
This work was supported in part by an appointment to the Research Participation Program at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The authors thank Richard Gray, Trent Robertson, and Anna Avila for their suggestions and technical assistance. The study was funded through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
0.1% Gelatin | STEMCELL Technologies | 7903 | Pre-plating Culture Substrate |
48-well Plate | MatTek | P48G-1.5-6-F | Hydrogel Substrate hiPSC-CM Culture, Glass |
6-well Plate | Thermofisher | 140675 | hiPSC-CM Culture, Plastic |
B-27 Supplement, with insulin | Invitrogen | 17504-044 | Cardiomyocyte Media |
Calcium Chloride dihydrate (CaCl2) | Fisher Scientific | c70-500 | Tyrode’s solution |
CellOPTIQ Platform and Software | Clyde Biosciences | Contraction Recording and Analysis | |
Conical tube 15 mL | Corning | 352099 | hiPSC-CM Dissociation |
Digital CMOS Camera | Hamamatsu | C11440-42U30 | Contraction Video Recording |
D-PBS | Life Technologies | 14190-144 | Cell Wash |
Environmental Control Chamber | OKOLAB INC | H201-K-FRAME | Environmental Regulation |
Glucose | Sigma-Aldrich | G8270-1kg | Tyrode’s solution |
Hemocytometer | Fisher Scientific | 22-600-107 | hiPSC-CM Counting |
HEPES | Sigma-Aldrich | H3375 | Tyrode’s solution |
iCell Cardiomyocytes Plating Medium | Fujifilm Cellular Dynamic, Inc. | M1001 | hiPSC-CM Plating Media |
iCell Cardiomyocytes2, 01434 | Fujifilm Cellular Dynamic, Inc. | R1017 | hiPSC-CMs |
Incubator (37 °C, 5% CO2) | Thermofisher | 50116047 | Maintain hiPSC-CMs |
Inverted Microscope | Olympus | IX73 | Imaging hiPSC-CMs |
Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2) | Fisher Scientific | m33-500 | Tyrode’s solution |
Matrigel Growth Factor Reduced Basement Membrane Matrix | Corning | 356230 | Flexible Hydrogel Substrate |
Microcentrifuge tubes 1.5 ml | Fisher Scientific | 05-408-129 | Hydrogel Substrate Aliquot |
Model 4100 Isolated High Power Stimulator | AM-Systems | Model 4100 | Pulse Generator |
MyCell Cardiomyocytes DCM LMNA L35P, 01016 | Fujifilm Cellular Dynamic, Inc. | R1153 | DCM hiPSC-CMs |
Pen-Strep | Invitrogen | 15140-122 | Cardiomyocyte Media |
Pipette L-20 | Rainin | 17014392 | Plating Hydrogel Substrate |
Pipette P1000 | Fisher Scientific | F123602G | |
Pipette tips, 1000 ul | Fisher Scientific | 02-707-509 | |
Pipette tips, 20 ul | Rainin | GPS-L10S | Making Hydrogel Substrate |
Potassium Chloride (KCl) | Fisher Scientific | P330-500 | Tyrode’s solution |
RPMI 1640, with glucose | Invitrogen | 11875 | Cardiomyocyte Media |
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) | Fisher Scientific | s641-212 | Tyrode’s solution |
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) | Sigma-Aldrich | 221465 | Tyrode’s solution |
Stimulation Electrodes | Pacing and CCM Stimulation | ||
Stopwatch/Timer | Fisher Scientific | 02-261-840 | Plating Hydrogel Substrate |
Trypan Blue Stain | Life Technologies | T10282 | hiPSC-CM Counting |
TrypLE Express | Life Technologies | 12605-010 | hiPSC-CM Dissociation |
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