Combining Laser Capture Microdissection and Microfluidic qPCR to Analyze Transcriptional Profiles of Single Cells: A Systems Biology Approach to Opioid Dependence
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Results: Microfluidic qPCR Yields Accurate and Anatomically Specific Transcriptional Profiles of Single-Cells
This is a highly accurate and cost effective method for understanding gene expression at the single cell level. The main advantage of this technique is that we can fit 96 samples in one batch. This high number of samples allows us to identify cell
Bu içeriğe erişmek için giriş yapın veya ücretsiz denemenizi başlatın
This protocol explains how to collect single neurons, microglia, and astrocytes from the central nucleus of the amygdala with high accuracy and anatomic specificity using laser capture microdissection. Additionally, we explain our use of microfluidic RT-qPCR to measure a subset of the transcriptome of these cells.