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A quasistatic load-to-fracture test with a non-fixed stainless steel ball was developed to determine the fracture strength of minimally invasive posterior computer-aided design and manufacturing restorations cemented to dentin analog materials. This test models the typical loading regime responsible for the fracture of dental restorations.


Under current minimally invasive treatment regimes, minor tooth preparation and thinner biomimetic ceramic restoration are used to preserve the restored tooth's vitality, aesthetics, and function. New computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) ceramic-like material are now available. To guarantee longevity, a dental clinician must know these newly launched product's mechanical strength compared to the relatively brittle glass-matrix ceramic. Furthermore, a tooth substitute has been promoted for laboratory investigation, especially after the pandemic, and more evidentiary support is required for its application.

This study developed a laboratory protocol for a monotonic load-to-fracture test to determine the fracture strength of 1 mm-thick CAD/CAM occlusal veneers. Master dies were milled from high-pressure fiberglass laminate, which has similar elastic modulus and bond strength as hydrated dentin. They were mounted into polyvinyl chloride (PVC) end caps with cold-curing epoxy resin. Occlusal veneers, also called tabletop restorations, were milled from lithium disilicate (LD) and resin nanoceramic blocks (RNC) and cemented to prepared master dies using dual-cured adhesive resin cement. They were allowed to cure fully by storing in distilled water for 48 h at 37 °C.

All samples were then placed in a universal testing machine and loaded via a non-fixed 5.5 mm stainless-steel ball that allows lateral movement as would occur against the antagonist teeth. Compression was applied at a 1 mm/min rate, and the load-displacement graph was generated. The average maximum load-bearing capacity of restorations in the RNC group (3,212.80 ± 558.67 N) was significantly higher than in the LD group (2727.10 ± 472.41 N) (p < 0.05). No debonding was found during the test. Both CAD/CAM materials may have a similar flaw distribution. Hertzian cone crack was found at the loading site, whereas radial cracks propagating from the cementation surface were found close to the margin in both groups.


Metal-free restorations are now highly preferred in anterior and posterior dentition due to their excellent optical characteristics and biocompatibility1. However, the major drawback of such materials is their susceptibility to fracture2. Most ceramics are vulnerable to cracks generated by tensile stresses, even under low strain3. Fractures of dental ceramic prostheses usually develop from slow radial crack growth due to long-term exposure to the tensile stresses generated during chewing4. Their weaknesses escalate with intrinsic flaws or defects within the materials and ex....


1. Tooth analog fabrication

  1. Anatomically reduce the occlusal surface of a typodont mandibular first molar (with bifurcated root) by 1 mm and bevel the margin using coarse and fine diamond burs.
  2. Scan the prepared typodont with a dental laboratory scanner.
  3. Open the scanned file with OrthoAnalyzer in the CAD software. On the Sculpt toolkit window, click on the Wax knife tool and set its diameter and level as 2.6 mm and 63 μm, respectively. Gradually pull each root surface toward each other to mer....

Representative Results

The sample size calculation was performed using the referenced software, which generated an effect size of 0.39 and suggested a minimum sample size of n = 13 per group. However, a sample size of n = 15 was chosen in this study to detect the difference of 5%. The null hypothesis was rejected. Despite having greater flexural strength, the mean values of the maximum loading force of the 1 mm-thick occlusal veneers (n = 15 per group) made from the LD (lithium disilicate: 2,727.10 ± 472.41 N) group were significantly low.......


In recent years, minimally invasive occlusal veneers have increasingly received attention in contemporary restorative dentistry. These restorations are usually fabricated from monolithic CAD/CAM glass-matrix ceramic, polycrystalline, and hybrid materials26. Conservative tooth preparation, the ease of access and visibility during tooth preparation, impression taking and cementation, and preservation of the marginal gingiva have been promoted as advantages26,


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


This study has received funding from the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. The authors thank Dr Erica Di Federico from School of Engineering and Materials Science and Dr Thomas Kelly from School of Geography at Queen Mary University of London for their expert technical inputs & guidance in this work.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3D printing (SLA) Formlabs, Somerville, MA, USAForm3+
3Shape Dental Designer CAD software 3Shape A/S, Copenhagen, DenmarkCAD software for tooth analog and veneers
5% hydrofluoric acid Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, LiechtensteinIPS Ceramic Etching Gel
Alumina powderRonvig Dental Mfg. A/S, Daugaard, Denmark
Bluehill Universal materials testing software Instron Mechanical Testing Systems, Norwood, MA, USA
CamLabLite software Bresser UK Ltd, Kent, UKStereomicroscopy Software
Cold-curing low-viscosity epoxy resin Struers SAS, Champigny-sur-Marne, France
Dual-cure resin cement 3M, Saint Paul, MN, USARely X Ultimate Adhesive Resin Cement
Eyepiece camera ToupTek Photonics Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China
High-pressure fibreglass laminate discs  (G10)PAR Group Ltd, Lancashire, UK
IPS e.max CADIvoclar Vivadent, Schaan, LiechtensteinYB54G9/605330Low translucency, A3, C14
Laboratory scanner 3Shape A/S, Copenhagen, DenmarkD900L
Lava Ultimate3M ESPE, Saint Paul, MN, USA9541467/3314A3-LTLow translucency, A3, 14L
Light-emitting diode (LED) curing light Woodpecker Medical Instrument, Guilin, China
Milling machine VHF camfacture AG, Amnnerbuch, GermanyVHF S2
Minitab 18 Minitab Inc, State College, PA, USA
nQuery Advisor Version 9.2.10 Statistical Solutions Ltd., CA, USAStatistical Software
Polyvinyl chloride end cap Plastic Pipe Shop Ltd, Stirling, UK25 mm X 21.5 mm;
Scanning electron microscope Tescan, Brno, Czech RepublicTescan Vega
Silane coupling agent 3M, Saint Paul, MN, USARelyX Ceramic Primer
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2024Autodesk, San Francisco, CA, USACAD software for jig
Sputter vacuum coater  Quorum, East Sussex, UKMiniQS Sputter Coater
Stata18 StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, USA
Stereomicroscope Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkoche, GermanyZeiss Stemi 508
Typodont mandibular first molar Frasaco GmbH, Tettnang, GermanyANA-4 Z3RN-36
Universal dental bonding agent  3M, Saint Paul, MN, USAScotch Bond Universal Adhesive
Universal testing machineInstron Mechanical Testing Systems, Norwood, MA, USAIntron 5900-84 


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MedicineCAD CAMOcclusal VeneersMilled DentinBiomimetic Ceramic RestorationFracture StrengthLithium DisilicateResin NanoceramicLoad to fracture TestUniversal Testing MachineCompression TestingLoad displacement GraphDebonding AnalysisHertzian Cone Crack

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