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Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) has the capability to disseminate throughout the body, causing persistent and recurrent infections. To better understand these processes, this study establishes an intracellular infection model for S. aureus. This model will provide a crucial foundation for investigating the mechanisms behind intracellular infections.


S. aureus can invade and persist within host cells, including immune cells, which allows it to evade immune detection and clearance. This intracellular persistence contributes to chronic and recurrent infections, complicating treatment and prolonging the disease. Consequently, there is a critical need for an intracellular infection model to better understand, prevent, and treat infections caused by S. aureus. This study indicated that antibiotics effectively eliminated extracellular bacteria but could not eradicate those that had entered the cells. Thus, a stable intracellular infection in vitro was established by RAW264.7 infected with S. aureus and co-culturing them with antibiotics. Subsequently, an intracellular infection model in mice was established by injecting peritoneal macrophages containing the intracellular infection. Vancomycin effectively cleared bacterial loads in mice challenged with planktonic S. aureus; however, it was ineffective against mice infected with equal or lower levels of intracellular bacteria within the peritoneal macrophages. This indicates that the intracellular infection model of S. aureus was successfully established, offering potential insights for the prevention and treatment of intracellular infections.


S. aureus is a highly contagious pathogen that can cause a range of infections, including skin and soft tissue infections, sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, and endocarditis1. The clinical misuse of antibiotics has led to increased resistance in S. aureus and the emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which poses a significant public health threat in many countries2.

Although S. aureus is not traditionally classified as an intracellular pathogen, emerging evidence suggests that it can persistently colonize host cells following invasion....


Experimental animals, 6-8 weeks old specific pathogen-free (SPF) female BALB/c mice, were purchased from the Beijing HFK Bioscience Co., Ltd (Beijing, China). All animal studies were approved by the Laboratory Animal Welfare and Ethics Committee of Third Military Medical University and were performed in accordance with the institutional and national policies and guidelines for the use of laboratory animals. The mice were kept and vaccinated in SPF facilities and provided free access to sterile food and water. Animals were randomly divided into groups and conceded an adaptation time of at least 7 days before the beginning of the experiments.


Representative Results

Intracellular infection models of S. aureus were successfully established both in vitro and in vivo. By optimizing the experimental conditions for phagocytosis and extending both the concentration and duration of antibiotic treatment, some S. aureus survived within the macrophages (Figure 1). To further assess the antibiotic resistance of S. aureus, macrophages infected with the MRSA252 were treated with antibiotic.......


S. aureus, as a facultative intracellular pathogen, can invade and survive in various cell types, using this capability to evade antibiotics and immune responses during infection30. This study established an intracellular infection model of S. aureusin vivo to provide a foundation for investigating the pathogen's intracellular infection mechanisms. By exploring the impact of various MOI values on macrophage phagocytosis of S. aureus, as well as the efficacy of differ.......


The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, Grant No.32300779, NO.32270989), Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0156), Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Education Commission (KJQN202312802) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2024M754250).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
24-well plateCorning Incorporated, USA3524
4 % paraformaldehyde solutioneBBI, UKE672002-0500
6-well plateCorning Incorporated, USA3516
Beef extract powderBBI, UKA600114-0500
Biohazard safety equipmentHeal force, ChinaVS-1300L-u
Cell incubatorESCO, SingaporeCCL-170B-8
Cell scraperNest710001
Centrifuge M1416RRWD, ChinaM1416R
Centrifuge tubeGuanghou Labselect, ChinaCT-002-50A
Confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM)Zeiss, Germany880
Confocal petri dishBiosharp, ChinaBS-20-GJM
DAPI dyeShanghai Beyotime, ChinaΒ C1006
DIL working fluidShanghai Beyotime, ChinaΒ C1991S
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle MediumThermo Gibco, USAC11995500BT
Fetal Bovine SerumHycloneSV30208.02
GentamycinShanghai Sangon, ChinaB540724-0010
IncubatorShanghai Hengzi, ChinaHDPF-150
LysozymeBeijing Solarbio, ChinaL9070
MRSA252Third Military Medical University, Chinanull
MRSA252(GPF)Third Military Medical University, Chinanull
Penicillin and StreptomycinShanghai Beyotime, ChinaΒ C0222
Phosphate Buffer SolutionShanghai Beyotime, ChinaΒ ST476
SalineSichuan Kelun, Chinanull
Sodium chlorideShanghai Macklin, ChinaS805275
Starch solubleShanghai Sangon, ChinaA500904-0500
Triton X-100Shanghai Beyotime, ChinaΒ P0096-100ml
Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) platesBeijing AOBOX Biotechnology Co., LTD,China02-130
Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) mediumBeijing AOBOX Biotechnology Co., LTD,China02-102K
TryptoneOXOID, UKLP0042B
VancomycinShanghai Beyotime, ChinaΒ ST2807-250mg
RAW264.7 cellUSA, ATCCnull


  1. Sutton, J. A. F., et al. Staphylococcus aureus cell wall structure and dynamics during host-pathogen interaction. PLoS Pathog. 17 (3), e1009468 (2021).
  2. Yang, H., et al.

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Staphylococcus aureusintracellular infectionmacrophagesbacterial loads

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