Yeah, so I'm Lauren Deon. I'm in charge of the Human Amgen stem cell co facility at MGH. Yeah, so I'm Lauren, I'm in charge of the Human AM stem cell co facility at MGH.
So I've been working with human Amgen stem cells for years now since I was a postdoc in George De Lab before, from four, four years. And so right now we have two cell lines, H one and H nine, which are both from Y cell. And so the way we are expanding or maintaining these cells in culture is by, at least the way we are splitting these cells is by using collagenous.
So what I usually do is for the first few passage after throwing the cells, I use a technical, the picking colonies. So in this case, I can check under the microscope which colonies are good and differentiate and nice shape, and I will collect only these colonies and I will cut them in few pieces and put them back in, in a fresh flat. And the, the colonies that look kind of differentiate it are just left them alone.
The other way to pass the cells is by using trypsin. So I don't use this technique here. I think collagenase is a little bit safer because human being stem cells don't like to be individualized or they don't like to be alone.
So if you do trypsin, if you use trypsin for a little bit too long, if you use it for like three to four minutes, which is the way we use strips in for other type of cells, human stem cells will be individualized and most of them will die or just differentiate or will not attach to the myth. So the idea is you have to keep the cells as clumps. You don't want them to be alone in the in, in the flask.
So using collagenase, the advantage is to keep cells as plants. Using chipsy, you just select for cells that will survive this very, very harsh process of g opsonization. So these cells are usually very highly proliferative.
So you get, you can adapt your cells to this tripsin process. The problem is that you have cells that they behave differently, they go much faster. And one risk is that you can get some commercial abnormality to, to this, to this very high division process.
So you say that ization can cause selection of cells in culture for most proliferative cells.Right. More ative and probably also higher survival rates than other cells. So after proliferation, basically culture after proliferation in tripsin, after several passages become a different culture, these different properties.
So it's, it's hard to figure out if they are exactly identical. If you do the test, the usual test, let's say you check markers, regular markers of end differentiated cells like OC four, nano one 60 SC four C, C3, all this molecule might still be expressed. If you do TER formation, this cells might still differentiate and be formed like al like normal cells.
If you look at the karyotype, you might have some abnormality, but you might still have a normal karyotype. The, the, the selective advantage might be due to just a mutation that you cannot see by doing a karyotype. So the fact that they grow much faster is by itself I think a little bit worser.
And if we want to use these cells for transplantation at some point, I would definitely not use this type of cells.Okay. So would you like to tell me what are the main technical problems with using this technique for, for passages of cells? So using S, yes.
It's just a little bit longer and also it's, since the cells are not going as fast, it's just much longer to get a high number of cells to do some experiment. So it's just less convenient I would say. Would you like to tell me about few words about the goals of your experiment?
How do you use CS cells? Okay, so my main project here is to get endothelial cells from human AB stem cells. And the idea is to be able to make blood.
And we are working a lot with tissue bioengineering labs and one of their goal is to make tissue in vitro. But one of the limitation to this is the lack of blood vessels going through this tissues. So if we can bring endothelial cells or put endothelial cells in this tissue, we would have better growth of this tissue.
So the idea few sources of cells are known for endothelial cells like cold blood or pressure blood, but it would be interesting to have another source of cells like human years. And the advantage is since human years can be expanded and most infinitely, you could modify these cells, make some inducible system and be able to use it. Then in your final product, your material cells, in this case.