Open the leader follower by phase"toolbox to analyze the type of interaction that occurs in a hyper scanning recording. In MATLAB, select the mat files for each brain and load the HBO or HBR data of the specific channel and event into a one dimension vector as signal one and signal two. In the MATLAB command line, define the parameters of the functions low frequency and high frequency.
The default value of low frequency is 0.01 hertz, and high frequency is one hertz. Then define the parameter for phase range, followed by the threshold. The default value of the threshold is zero.
Execute the MATLAB function LeaderFollowerByPhase"by entering the command shown on the screen. The toolbox generates one figure with four plots. In MATLAB, inspect the box chart plot, which shows the R squared values for each type of interaction category in phase signal one, leading signal two leading, and antiphase.
Then inspect the bar graph on the output figure, which displays the maximum values, mean, and median for all interaction types. The scatterplot displays the values of coherence and the types of interaction over time. The division of time according to different types of interactions.
Next, inspect the output table with the statistic values for each type of interaction. The table also presents the percentage of time for which each type of interaction occurred. Finally, examine the output value in the extracted spreadsheet file.
The classification analysis was repeated with a threshold of 0.5 on dyad A to explore the influence of changing the minimum threshold values on the classification of the types of interaction within a dyad. The result shows that when a threshold of 0.5 was used, the distribution of the different types of relative phase relationships changed. The percentage of antiphase synchronization increased from 35%to 59%and the percentage of endphase synchronization decreased from 26%to 8%This suggests that antiphase synchronization may be the type of interaction that is more representative of this dyad.