Begin by re-suspending the lyophilized MOG 35 55 peptide in water. Dilute the peptide stock to 10 micrograms per milliliter in coating buffer before the experiment. Now pipette 100 microliters of the final solution into wells of a 96 well plate.
Simultaneously coat an equal number of wells with 100 microliters of BSA dissolved in coating buffer. Seal the plate with an adhesive film to prevent evaporation and incubate the plate overnight at four degrees Celsius. The next day, perform three washes of the plate with 200 microliters of PBS supplemented with 0.5%tween 20.
Subsequently add 100 microliters per well of a blocking solution composed of 3%BSA in PBS. Incubate the sealed plate for one hour at 37 degrees Celsius in a hybridization oven. After incubation, wash the plate three times with 200 microliters per well of PBST.
Dilute each serum sample obtained from the blood of EAE immunized mice in blocking solution and add 100 microliters per well to both MOG 35 55 and BSA coated wells. Add the same volume of blocking solution to designated blank wells. Incubate the sealed plate for two hours at room temperature with constant shaking.
After incubation, remove the plate from the incubator and rinse the plate three times with 200 microliters per well of PBST. Dilute the HRP conjugated secondary antibody in a solution consisting of 0.2%BSA in PBST and add 100 microliters to each well. Incubate the sealed plate for one hour at room temperature maintaining constant shaking.
Wash the plate three times with 200 microliters per well of PBST. Add 100 microliters of three, three prime, five, five prime tetramethyl benzidine substrate to each well. Incubate in the dark for one to five minutes monitoring the development of a blue color.
Add 100 microliters of stop solution to each well. Then use a plate reader set at a wavelength of 450 nanometers to measure the optical density in each well. The optical density values of the EAE samples were significantly higher than the control samples indicating a robust immunoglobulin G response against the MOG peptide.