Spinal cord stimulation can help patients resolve most motion functions after injury. Most neurons are to execute sensory mode behaviors. Studying the electric response of most neurons can aid in understanding the underlying logic of spinal load neuromodulation.
A patch clamp is the golden standard method for cellular electrophysiological recordings with the extremely high spatial temporal resolution. Therefore, this study describes a method using a patch clamp to simultaneously record the aortas stimulus characteristics and cellular responses of motor neurons at a single-cell scale. Compared with the brain patch clamp, the spinal cord patch clamp is more difficult, because the spinal cord is well protected by the vertebral canal with tiny volume.
Therefore, this protocol provides technical details in quickly micro dissecting the spinal cord and reverse maintenance to obtain better cell viability. Patch clamp allows a unique understanding of the synaptic transmissions and the understanding of action potentials, coding pattern activities by the spinal cord stimulation.