With the growing interest in stem cell therapies, molecular imaging techniques are ideal for monitoring stem cell behavior after transplantation. Luciferase reporter genes have enabled non-invasive, repetitive assessment of cell survival, location, and proliferation in vivo. This video will demonstrate how to track hESC proliferation in a living mouse.
A novel microfluidic system has been developed using the phenomenon of passive pumping and a user controlled fluid delivery system. This microfluidic system has the potential to be used in a wide variety of biological applications given its low cost, ease of use, volumetric precision, high speed, repeatability and automation.
A method for reliably grafting luciferase-tagged human malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor cells into the sciatic nerve of immunodeficient mice is described. The use of bioluminescence imaging to demonstrate proper establishment of tumor grafts and criteria for random segregation of animals into study groups are also discussed.
A method is described for the preparation of single living photoreceptor cells from different vertebrate species for fluorescence imaging. The method can be used to image the fluorescence of endogenous fluorophores, such as NADH or vitamin A, or that of exogenously added fluorescent dyes sensitive to Ca2+ or other factors.
Mechanosensory hair cells are the receptor cells of the inner ear. The best-characterized in vitro model system of mature mammalian hair cells utilizes organ cultures of utricles from adult mice. We present the dissection of the adult mouse utricle, and we demonstrate adenovirus-mediated infection of supporting cells in cultured utricles.
Short visual description of the surgical technique and device used for the delivery of (gene and cell) therapies into the spinal cord. The technique is demonstrated in the animal but is entirely translatable and currently being used for human application.
A method is described for labeling neurons with fluorescent dyes in predetermined functional micro-domains of the neocortex. First, intrinsic signal optical imaging is used to obtain a functional map. Then two-photon microscopy is used to label and image neurons within a micro-domain of the map.
A contusion model of severe spinal cord injury is described. Detailed pre-operative, operative and post-operative steps are described to obtain a consistent model.
Implantation of cancer cells into the organ of origin can serve as a useful preclinical model to evaluate novel therapies. MB49 bladder carcinoma cells can be grown within the bladder following intravesical instillation. This protocol demonstrates catheterization of the mouse bladder for the purpose of tumor implantation and adenoviral delivery.
Determining donor cell engraftment presents a challenge in mouse bone marrow transplant models that lack well-defined phenotypical markers. We described a methodology to quantify male donor cell engraftment in female transplant recipient mice. This method can be used in all mouse strains for the study of HSC functions.
We present an image registration approach for 3-dimensional (3D) histology volume reconstruction, which facilitates the study of the changes of an organ at the level of macrostructures made up of cells . Using this approach, we studied the 3D changes between wild-type and Igfbp7-null mammary glands.
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy performed on thin organ and tumor tissue successfully detected natural elements and artificially injected gadolinium (Gd), issued from Gd-based nanoparticles. Images of chemical elements reached a resolution of 100 μm and quantitative sub-mM sensitivity. The compatibility of the setup with standard optical microscopy emphasizes its potential to provide multiple images of a same biological tissue.
We describe a method of generating a possible zebrafish model of polycystic kidney disease. We used Tg(wt1b:GFP) fish to visualize kidney structure. Knockdown of wnt5a was by morpholino injection. Pronephric cyst formation after wnt5a knockdown was observed in this GFP transgenic zebrafish.
The isolated rat heart is an enduring model for ischemia reperfusion injury. Here, we describe the process of harvesting the beating heart from a rat via in situ aortic cannulation, Langendorff perfusion of the heart, simulated ischemia-reperfusion injury, and infarct staining to confirm the extent of ischemic insult.
Various methods exist for introducing ototoxic agents to the cochleae of animal models. Presented is a surgical protocol for delivery of ototoxic agents to the round window niche. The procedure is reliable, creates targeted intra-cochlear lesions, and avoids mechanical damage to the microarchitecture. Examination of cochlear self-repair/regeneration is possible.
A Cartesian bioprinter was designed and fabricated to allow multi-material deposition in precise, reproducible geometries, while also allowing control of environmental factors. Utilizing the three-dimensional bioprinter, complex and viable constructs may be printed and easily reproduced.
This protocol describes how to use quantitative Real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) to detect tumor cell specific mRNA representing metastasis within the mouse lung tissue.
This procedure performs long-lasting in vivo intracellular recordings from single neurons during physiologically relevant cerebral states and after complete abolition of ongoing electrical activities, resulting in an isoelectric brain state. The physiological constants of the animal are carefully monitored during the transition to the artificial comatose condition.
An innovative biofabrication technique was developed to engineer three-dimensional constructs that resemble the architectural features, components, and mechanical properties of in vivo tissue. This technique features a newly developed sacrificial material, BSA rubber, which transfers detailed spatial features, reproducing the in vivo architectures of a wide variety of tissues.
We describe the implantation of 4 epidural stimulation paddles directly above the dura mater over both the left and right frontopolar and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. Placement was verified using postoperative computed tomography (CT) coregistered with presurgical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
The protocol presented here describes a platform for identifying small molecules for the treatment of liver disease. A step-by-step description is presented detailing how to differentiate iPSCs into cells with hepatocyte characteristics in 96-well plates, and to use the cells to screen for small molecules with potential therapeutic activity.
Tissue-engineered renal constructs provide a solution for the organ shortage and deleterious effects of dialysis. Here, we describe a protocol to micro dissect murine kidneys for isolation of cortico-medullary segments. These segments are implanted into scaffold-free cellular constructs, forming renal organoids.
Here, we present a protocol to investigate changes in the anxiety level of rodent animal models. The elevated plus maze (EPM) test, used together with a video tracking software, provides a reliable method to document the effect of various potential anxiolytic treatments in preclinical laboratory scenarios.
This article demonstrates the technique of expanding a traditional, two-dimension (2D) electrospun nanofiber mat into a three-dimension (3D) scaffold through the depressurization of subcritical CO2 fluid. These augmented scaffolds are 3D, closely mimic cellular nanotopographic cues, and preserve the functions of biologic molecules encapsulated within the nanofibers.
The present protocol describes the simultaneous, bilateral assessment of the corticomotor response of the tibialis anterior and soleus during rest and tonic voluntary activation using a single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation and neuronavigation system.
A methodological description of the technique, potential targets, and proper administration of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on the human ear is described.
We describe a method for preparation of the single freshly isolated detrusor smooth muscle cells from human urinary bladder specimens employing a two-step enzymatic procedure. The obtained viable DSM cells can be studied by various single cell techniques including the described amphotericin-B patch-clamp electrophysiology to reveal physiological and pharmacological properties.
Presented here is a protocol for the use of alginate as a polymer in microencapsulation of immortalized cells for long-term delivery of biologics to rodent eyes.
This article presents a modified cochlear surface preparation method that requires decalcification and use of a cell and tissue adhesive to adhere the pieces of cochlear epithelia to 10 mm round cover slips for immunohistochemistry in adult mouse cochleae.
This article describes a transplantation method to graft donor rat mammary epithelial cells into the interscapular white fat pad of recipient animals. This method can be used to examine host and/or donor effects on mammary epithelium development and eliminates the need for pre-clearing, thereby extending the usefulness of this technique.
We describe fluorescence photoactivation methods to analyze the axonal transport of neurofilaments in single myelinated axons of peripheral nerves from transgenic mice that express a photoactivatable neurofilament protein.
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a disease characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the pancreas, often associated with intractable abdominal pain. This article focuses on refining the technique to generate a mouse model of CP via bile duct infusion with 2,4,6 -trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS).
Here we present refined surgical procedures on successfully performing intraportal islet transplantation, a clinically relevant but technically challenging surgical procedure, in mice.
This protocol describes the process for performing a neurophysiological assessment of the lower extremity muscles, tibialis anterior and soleus, in a standing position using TMS in people post-stroke. This position provides a greater probability of eliciting a post-stroke TMS response and allows for the use of reduced stimulator power during neurophysiological assessments.
Here, detailed methods for generating, maintaining, and characterizing human pluripotent stem cell-derived small intestinal and colonic organoids are described. These methods are designed to improve reproducibility, expand scalability, and decrease the working time required for plating and passaging of organoids.
Here, we present a protocol for performing gene knockouts that are embryonic lethal in vivo in genetically engineered mouse model-derived tumors and then assessing the effect that the knockout has on tumor growth, proliferation, survival, migration, invasion, and the transcriptome in vitro and in vivo.
This protocol describes a simple and efficient method for the transplantation of aortic valve leaflets under the renal capsule to allow for the study of alloreactivity of heart valves.
The goal of this protocol is to reveal structural dynamics of one-dimensional diffusion of protein along DNA, using a plant transcription factor WRKY domain protein as an exemplary system. To do this, both atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations along with extensive computational samplings have been implemented.
The Evoked Potential Operant Conditioning System aids scientific investigation of sensorimotor function and can administer targeted neurobehavioral training that can impact sensorimotor rehabilitation in neuromuscular disorders. This article describes its capabilities and illustrates its application in modifying a simple spinal reflex to achieve lasting improvement in motor function.
We have developed a cross-species comparative oncogenomics approach utilizing genomic analyses and functional genomic screens to identify and compare therapeutic targets in tumors arising in genetically engineered mouse models and the corresponding human tumor type.
We have developed a methodology for assessing whether nervous system neoplasms in genetically engineered mice accurately recapitulate the pathology of their human counterparts. Here, we apply these histologic techniques, defined pathologic criteria, and culture methodologies to neurofibromas and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors arising in the P0-GGFβ3 mouse model.
Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs are an established animal model for osteoarthritis research. Such studies may benefit from intra-articular injections for various reasons, including investigating novel agents or treating disease. We describe a methodology for intra-articular knee injections in Guinea pigs and subsequent micro-computed tomography analysis assessing arthritis-associated knee changes.
Here we present PyDesigner, a Python-based diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) processing pipeline capable of correcting for typical dMRI artifacts and producing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), fiber ball imaging (FBI), microstructure modeling (white matter integrity [WMTI] and fiber ball white matter [FBWM]), and tractography outputs.
This protocol describes a BRET-based assay for measuring the interactions of the CRAF kinase with 14-3-3 proteins in live cells. The protocol outlines steps for preparing the cells, reading BRET emissions, and data analysis. An example result with identification of appropriate controls and troubleshooting for assay optimization is also presented.
The intestine is vital for digestion and absorption. Each region-duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon-serves distinct functions due to unique cellular structures. Studying intestinal physiology demands meticulous tissue analysis. This protocol outlines tissue fixation and processing using the Swiss roll technique, ensuring accurate immunostaining through proper tissue preservation and orientation.
This protocol provides a streamlined workflow to generate and test human chimeric antigen receptor regulatory T cells (CAR Tregs).
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