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单侧双门内窥镜 (UBE) 脊柱手术是一种新兴的微创手术 (MIS) 技术,在治疗腰椎管狭窄症方面越来越受欢迎,尤其是在东亚。传统的 UBE 技术,一侧有两个门静脉,可以成功实现双侧减压 (ULBD) 的单侧椎板切开术,因此显示出良好的临床结果。然而,在腰椎管狭窄合并对侧椎间盘突出的情况下,对侧椎间盘突出症很难切除,尤其是深部椎间盘内的椎间盘松动碎片。在这里,开发了传统 UBE 技术的第三个通道,用于在同侧内窥镜视野内进行椎间盘切除术,通过该通道,器械可以垂直进入对侧椎间盘,从而轻松进行椎间盘切除术。该技术不仅可以实现双侧椎管的充分减压,还可以有效去除对侧椎间盘突出碎片。该技术避免了在另一侧进行另一次 UBE 手术,这可能会缩短手术持续时间,最大限度地减少失血和组织损伤,并确保充分的神经减压。本文将介绍适应症和外科手术程序,并介绍经典病例报告和随访数据,以促进第三通道辅助UBE(T-UBE)技术在脊柱外科医生中的应用。
在脊柱外科领域,微创脊柱外科(MISS)技术近年来发展迅速,从开放手术过渡到显微镜、显微内窥镜和内窥镜手术。脊柱内窥镜手术是 MISS 技术的一种先进形式,已被广泛用于治疗脊柱疾病并取得令人满意的临床结果1。与传统的开放手术相比,具有组织损伤少、出血少、恢复快、术后并发症少等优点2。
内窥镜脊柱手术可以使用单个或两个门户进行。单侧双门内窥镜 (UBE) 脊柱手术是一种创新的 MISS 技术,首次报道用于在阿根廷进行腰椎间盘切除术。此后,它被改进为在韩国进行减压或融合手术3.UBE技术的外科手术类似于传统的开放手术。然而,与传统的开放手术相比,UBE技术的侵入性较小,并且提供了更清晰的视野4,5。
传统的UBE技术不仅可以实现单侧减压,还可以实现椎管狭窄的双侧减压6,7。2019 年,Heo 等人 8 报道,UBE 技术可以通过单侧椎板切开术进行双侧减压 (ULBD) 显着扩大狭窄的硬脑膜区域。与传统....
3. 术前程序
T-UBE技术将在典型案例中演示。一名 65 岁男性主诉腰痛伴双侧下肢麻木 10 个月。右侧麻木感更为明显,并伴有间歇性跛行,这发生在步行50 m后。左侧的症状通过镇痛和神经营养药物治疗得到缓解,但右侧的症状持续存在。体格检查显示棘突轻度压痛和腰椎 L4-5 水平叩诊时疼痛。腰椎屈曲和伸展略有限制。患者右足背侧还出现轻度感觉减退,双侧拇趾伸肌力量5级。右直腿抬高试验(SLR)为阴性,?.......
UBE 技术是一种创新的内窥镜手术,近年来在治疗脊柱疾病方面取得了迅速发展12。与 PELD 相比,UBE 不需要专门的器械,类似于传统的外科手术。这可以降低成本并消除对广泛培训的需要,特别是对于在关节镜手术方面经验丰富的外科医生13。因此,UBE技术已被广泛用于椎间盘切除术、椎管减压术和椎间融合术,特别是在东亚地区。这种手术的好处包括减少对椎?.......
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Bone dissector | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-BLQ001 | Used for soft tissue expansion and laminar bone surface soft tissue stripping. Curved streamline design, better hand holding, one device and two uses, one end as soft tissue expansion, the other end as bone tissue dissection, fully expand and dissect the lamina and facet soft tissue. |
Electric surgical equipment for osseous tissue | Viewall | VP7110 | Used to grind off vertebral plate and partial facet bone; in the device channel, it is used for processing bone tissue; grind bone tissue at high speed, without damage to soft tissues such as nerve vessel; even grind close to nerve root, without damage to nerve; it is safer and faster. |
Expandable Channel | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-KZG001 | Perform channel dilation |
Handle of scalpel | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-DB001 | Used to Install scalpel |
Mouth gag | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-KKQ001 | Used to handle annulus breaks prior to disc |
Nerve hook | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-LG001 | Used for traction of nerve root in surgery; under endoscopic surgical field, pull apart and protect nerve root in instrument channel and can simultaneously enter other instruments for processing intervertebral disc. |
Nucleus pulposus forceps | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-SHQ003 | Used for clamping soft tissue and nucleus pulposus tissue of intervertebral disc during operation. Different angles and sizes allow easier grasping of soft tissue in various locations during surgery, and the finger loop design is ergonomic and easy to perform, along with gunshot forceps. |
Osteotome | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-GZ001 | During the operation, handle the lamina and facet, osteotomes with different angles and sizes can efficiently and flexibly chisel the facet and laminar bone |
Radiofrequency electrode | GAOTONG | DZX-T2430-A160 | Used for hemostasis ablation, cutting and cleaning soft tissue under endoscope during operation |
Rongeur | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-YGQ002 | During the operation, the laminar and facet bones were bitten and cut, the bone window was enlarged, and different sizes and angles were different. The bitewing mouth of the large incision easily bitewed off different bony tissues and calcified tissues, greatly saving the operation time, gun design, better hand holding sensation, and more forceful biting of bony tissues during the operation |
Scalpel | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-SSD001 | Used to cut the annulus fibrosus |
Tissue Liberator | Hengsheng Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. | PMT-BLQ002 | Used for stripping soft tissue in surgery, bidirectionally at different angles; used for stripping and separating mucosal tissue under instrument channel. |
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