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在这里,我们描述了一种方法,该方法允许对新鲜获得的骨组织进行脱钙并保留高质量的RNA。还展示了一种方法,用于对非脱矿质骨骼的福尔马林固定石蜡包埋 (FFPE) 样品进行切片,以便在无法获得或无法收集新鲜组织的情况下获得高质量的结果。
了解细胞之间的关系及其在每个组织中的位置对于揭示与正常发育和疾病病理学相关的生物学过程至关重要。空间转录组学是一种强大的方法,可以分析组织样本中的整个转录组,从而提供有关细胞基因表达和细胞所在的组织学背景的信息。虽然这种方法已被广泛用于许多软组织,但其在骨骼等硬组织分析中的应用一直具有挑战性。主要挑战在于在处理硬组织样品进行切片时无法保留高质量的 RNA 和组织形态。因此,本文描述了一种处理新鲜获得的骨组织样本以有效生成空间转录组学数据的方法。该方法允许对样品进行脱钙,从而成功获得组织切片,保留形态细节,同时避免 RNA 降解。此外,还为以前未进行脱矿质的石蜡包埋样品(例如从组织库收集的样品)提供了详细的指南。使用这些指南,显示了从原发肿瘤和骨肉瘤肺转移的组织库样本生成的高质量空间转录组学数据。
骨骼是一种特殊的结缔组织,主要由 1 型胶原纤维和1 型无机盐组成。因此,骨骼非常坚固和坚硬,同时又具有轻便性和抗创伤性。骨骼的巨大强度源于其矿物质含量。事实上,矿物质含量百分比每增加一个百分点,刚度就会增加五倍2。因此,研究人员在通过组织学切片分析骨标本的生物学时面临重大问题。
未脱钙的骨组织学检查是可行的,有时是必需的,具体取决于检查的类型(例如,研究骨骼的微观结构);然而,这是非常具有挑战性的,特别是如果标本很大。在这些情况下,用于组织学目的的组织处理需要对标准协议和技术进行多次修改3.一般来说,为了进行常见的组织学评估,骨组织在固定后立即脱钙,这一过程可能需要几天到几周的时间,具体取决于组织的大小和所使用的脱钙剂4.脱钙切片常用于骨髓的检查、肿瘤的诊断等。脱钙剂主要有三种类型:强酸(如硝酸、盐酸)、弱酸(如甲酸)和螯合剂(如乙二胺三链酸或EDTA)5。强酸可以非常迅速地使骨骼脱钙,但它们会损害组织;弱酸很常见,适用于诊断程序;螯合剂是迄今为止使用最多且适用于研究应用的,因为在这种情况下,脱矿质过程缓慢而温和,可以保留高质量的形态并保留基因和蛋白质信息,这是许多程序(例如, 原位 杂交、免疫染色)所要求的。然而,当需....
本文提供了一种详细的方法来制备脱钙骨的FFPE块,并保持RNA的完整性,用于测序(即下一代测序(NGS))或其他RNA相关技术(即 原位 杂交、定量逆转录聚合酶链反应(qRT-PCR)等)。
该方法利用EDTA对骨组织样品进行脱钙;EDTA孵育允许样品进行缓慢而精细的脱矿质,从而保持组织的最佳组织学特征。通常,使用 10% EDTA pH 7.0 进行骨脱钙至少 2 周,每隔一天刷新一次溶液
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Advanced orbital shaker | VWR | 76683-470 | Use to keep tissues under agitation during incubation as reported in the method instructions. |
Camel Hair Brushes | Ted Pella | 11859 | Use to handle FFPE sections as reported in the guidelines. |
Dual Index Kit TS Set A 96 rxns | 10X Genomics | PN-1000251 | Use to perform spatial transcriptomics. |
Ethanol 200 Proof | Decon Labs Inc | 2701 | Use to perform tissue dehydration as reported in the method instructions. |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid, Disodium Salt Dihydrate (EDTA) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | S312-500 | Use to prepare EDTA 20% pH 8.0. |
Fisherbrand Curved Medium Point General Purpose Forceps | Fisher Scientific | 16-100-110 | Use to handle FFPE sections as reported in the guidelines. |
Fisherbrand Fine Precision Probe | Fisher Scientific | 12-000-153 | Use to handle FFPE sections as reported in the guidelines. |
Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides | Fisher Scientific | 12-550-15 | Use to attach sectioned scrolls as reported in the guidelines. |
High profile diamond microtome blades | CL Sturkey | D554DD | Use to section FFPE blocks as reported in the guidelines. |
Novaseq 150PE | Novogene | N/A | Sequencer. |
Paraformaldehyde (PFA) 32% Aqueous Solution EM Grade | Electron Microscopy Sciences | 15714-S | Dilute to final concentration of 4% with 1x PBS to perform tissue fixation. |
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 10010-049 | Ready to use. Use to dilute PFA and to perform washes as reported in the method instructions. |
Premiere Tissue Floating Bath | Fisher Scientific | A84600061 | Use to remove wrinkles from FFPE sections as reported in the guidelines. |
RNase AWAY Surface Decontaminant | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 7002 | Use to clean all surfaces as reported in the method instructions. |
RNeasy DSP FFPE Kit | Qiagen | 73604 | Use to isolate RNA from FFPE sections once they have been generated as reported in the guidelines. |
Semi-Automated Rotary Microtome | Leica Biosystems | RM2245 | Use to section FFPE blocks as reported in the guidelines. |
Sodium hydroxide | Millipore Sigma | S8045-500 | Prepare 10 N solution by slowly dissolving 400 g in 1 liter of Milli-Q water. |
Space Ranger | 10X Genomics | 2.0.1 | Use to process sequencing data output . |
Surgipath Paraplast | Leica Biosystems | 39601006 | Use to perform tissue infliltration and embedding as reported in the method instructions. |
Visium Accessory Kit | 10X Genomics | PN-1000194 | Use to perform spatial transcriptomic experiments. |
Visium Human Transcriptome Probe Kit Small | 10X Genomics | PN-1000363 | Use to perform spatial transcriptomic experiments. |
Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slide Kit 4 rxns | 10X Genomics | PN-1000188 | Use to place the sections if performing spatial transcriptomic experiments. |
Xylene | Leica Biosystems | 3803665 | Use to perform tissue clearing as reported in the method instructions. |
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