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This protocol describes the cloning and expansion of human regulatory T cells for the generation of ultra-high purity viable human Treg with stable demethylation at the Treg-specific demethylated region (TSDR) and Treg-specific phenotypic features.


Human regulatory T cells (Treg) are notoriously difficult to isolate in high purity given the current methods of Treg enrichment. These methods are based on the identification of Treg through several activation-dependent cellular surface markers with varying expression levels in different physiologic and pathologic conditions. Populations isolated as “Treg” therefore often contain considerable numbers of non-Treg effector cells (i.e., Teff) which hamper the precise phenotypic and functional characterization of these cells, their genomic and proteomic characterization, their reliable enumeration in different states of health and disease, as well as their isolation and expansion for therapeutic purposes. The latter, in particular, remains a major hurdle, as the inadvertent expansion of effector cells homing in Treg-relevant cellular compartments (e.g., CD4+CD25+ T cells) may render Treg-based immunotherapy ineffective, or even harmful. This work presents a method that circumvents the problems associated with population-based isolation and expansion of Treg and shows that the generation of Treg candidate clones with the subsequent selection, culture, and expansion of only carefully vetted, monoclonal cells, enables the generation of an ultrapure Treg cell product that can be kept in culture for many months, enabling downstream investigation of these cells, including for possible therapeutic applications.


The purpose of this protocol is to enable the in vitro propagation of ultra-high purity, clonal human Treg. Isolation of Treg-enriched populations and subsequent cloning allows for the selection of desired Treg phenotypes and their expansion for further study of the biology of these cells, exploration of their potential therapeutic usefulness, and other experimental downstream applications.

Cloning Treg will yield significantly better Treg purity than polyclonal isolation and expansion approaches. This is due to the reliable, controlled exclusion of T effector cells with similar or different phenotypes from the purified population, includin....


This protocol follows all institutional guidelines pertaining to the ethical conduct of research involving the use of human samples. Work with human cells and other human blood products must take place at least in a BSL-2 certified environment following BLS-2 safety guidelines at a minimum.

1. Preenrichment of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells for CD4+CD127loCD25hi cells

CAUTION: Use sterile technique throughout. Discard sharps immediately in an appropriate sharps container. Bleach anything that has come into contact with blood and/or blood products prior to disposal. Work in....


Successful implementation of this protocol will lead to the generation of stable human regulatory T cell clones and lines.

Preselection/preenrichment of CD4+CD127loCD25hi cells was a straightforward method to obtain a starting population that contained most human Treg (Figure 1AC). Not all clones displayed a Treg phenotype. Prescreening of clones by measurement of CD25hiCD127lo expressi.......


This protocol describes the propagation of ultrapure human regulatory T cells through the isolation, expansion, and careful vetting of cells obtained in a limiting dilution and feeder cell-based expansion approach from Treg-containing starting populations.

Critical steps in this approach are: 1) the choice of an appropriate starting population. Generally, the CD127loCD25hi compartment of CD4+ T cells within human PBMC contains a wide variety of Treg that suits .......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This project was supported by the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number K08EY025324 (Nowatzky) and by a Colton Scholar Award from the Judith and Stewart Colton Center for Autoimmunity (Nowatzky).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.22 µm Stericup, 500 mLMillipore5500Media storage and preparation
100x Nonessential amino acidsGibco11140-050Media component
15 mL conical centrifuge tubes (50/bag, case of 500)ThermoFisher Scientific339650
1M HEPESGibco15630-080Media component
25 ml Single Well Pipet BasinFischer Scientific13-681-508
50 mL Conical Centrifuge Tube (25/sleeve)ThermoFisher Scientific339652
50x Penicillin Streptomycin SolnCorningCorning, 30-001-ClMedia component
CryoTube Vial Int Thread Round Btm Starfoot PP Screw Stopper Sterile PP 1.8 mLNalge Nunc377267
EasySep Human CD25 positive selection kitStemcell Technologies18231Alternatives are FACS or MACS column-based sorting
EasySep Human CD4+CD127low T cell Pre-Enrichment KitStemcell Technologies19231Alternatives are FACS or MACS column-based sorting
EasySep Human CD4+CD127lowCD25+ Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit (alternative to item 12)Stemcell Technologies18063Alternatives are FACS or MACS column-based sorting
FicollGE Healthcare17-5442-03PBMC purification from peripheral blood of leukapheresis products; density gradient medium
Human AB Serum (PHS-AB)Valley Biomedical IncHP1022Media component
LIVE/DEAD Fixable Blue Dead Cell Stain Kit, for UV excitationThermo FischerL-34962Viability dye
Phytohemagglutinin-L (PHA-L)Millipore/Sigma11249738001T cell stimulation
Recombinant IL-2 (e.g., PROLEUKINâ)PrometheusT cell stimulation and maintenance/ Media component
RPMI 1640Gibco21870-076Media component
Staining antibodies for flowcytometry (Treg phenotyping)See "Comments"See "Comments"Staining antibodies are enlisted in: Nowatzky et al. (2019) PubMed PMID: 30584695; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6497402. In case EasySep Human CD25 positive selection kit is used, stain with 2A3 or BC96 anti-CD25 antibody, e.g.: Brilliant Violet 421 anti-human CD25 Antibody (Biolegend; 302629)
TCR Vβ Repertoire Kit; IOTest Beta MarkBeckman CoulterPN IM3497Vetting of expansions for monoclonality
Tissue Culture Plate, 96 Well, U-Bottom with Low Evaporation LidCorning353077


  1. Miyara, M., et al. Functional delineation and differentiation dynamics of human CD4+ T cells expressing the FoxP3 transcription factor. Immunity. 30 (6), 899-911 (2009).
  2. Polansky, J. K., et al.

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Regulatory T CellsTregTeffEffector CellsCell IsolationCell ExpansionCell CloningCell CharacterizationImmunotherapy

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