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The present protocol describes the isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord arteries, vein, and Wharton's jelly.


Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) are an important cell source for regenerative medicine. UC-MSCs can be isolated from the umbilical cord Wharton's jelly, as well as from the umbilical arteries and umbilical vein. They are known as perivascular stem cells obtained from umbilical arteries (UCA-PSCs), perivascular stem cells obtained from the umbilical vein (UCV-PSCs), and mesenchymal stem cells obtained from Wharton's jelly (WJ-MSCs). UCA-PSCs and UCV-PSCs are pericytes derived from perivascular regions that are progenitors of MSCs. Isolation and culture of the three kinds of cells is an important source for studying stem cell transplantation and repair. The present protocol focuses on the isolation and culture of cells through mechanical separation, adherent culture, and cell crawling out. Through this technique, the three different types of stem cells can be derived. Cell surface markers were detected by flow cytometry. The stem cells were detected for multilineage differentiation potential by adipogenic, osteogenic, and neural-like differentiation, which is consistent with the phenotype of MSCs. This experimental protocol expands the source of UC-MSCs. In addition, the cell isolation method provides a basis for further study of regenerative medicine and other applications.


Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) are widely used in regenerative medicine because of their noninvasive operation, low immunogenicity, and lack of ethical dispute1. In many studies, UC-MSCs isolated from Wharton's jelly (WJ) can attach to the wall, undergo multi-differentiation, and express markers of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)2. However, almost all MSCs originate from the perivascular region3. Pericytes, as a subset of perivascular cells, are progenitor cells of MSCs4. Therefore, UC-MSCs can be isolated from the umbilical cord WJ, umbilical arteries ....


All experimental procedures were approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee, Third Affiliated Hospital, Soochow University. Informed written consent was obtained from the human subjects. Individuals with full-term vaginal delivery or cesarean section were included in the present study to obtain the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord comes from healthy newborns without gender bias. The neonate had an Apgar score of 8-10. The Apgar score is a quick test for newborns given soon after their birth. This test checks a baby's muscle tone, heart rate, and other signs to see if any additional medical or emergency care is needed7. On the othe....


Isolation and culture of UCA-PSCs, UCV-PSCs, and WJ-MSCs from the umbilical cord
The umbilical arteries, umbilical vein, and Wharton's jelly were mechanically separated from the umbilical cord and cut into 2-3 cm3 pieces. The distance between arteries, vein, or Wharton's jelly tissue blocks was approximately 1 cm, arranged in a quincunx shape (Figure 1A-C). The three kinds of stem cells were isolated by a tissue-atta.......


This study isolated three different kinds of cells from the umbilical cord arteries, vein, and Wharton's jelly. The umbilical cord was delivery waste, and its use was simple, safe, and without ethical dispute5. UC-MSCs are original and have strong differentiation ability1. Previous studies have shown that the amount of UC-MSCs isolated from umbilical cords by the collagenase, trypsin, and hyaluronidase digestion method was not abundant; the stem cells cannot be passaged man.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors wish to acknowledge support from the Basic Research Project of Changzhou science and Technology Bureau under grant number CJ20200110 (to YJY), the National Nature Science Foundation of China (82001629, XQS), the Youth Program of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20200116, XQS), and Jiangsu Province Postdoctoral Research Funding (2021K277B, XQS).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Adipogenic differentiation kitGibcoA1007001Multidirectional differentiation
Alizarin red staining solutionSigmaA5533Multidirectional differentiation
Antibody against CD13Thermo Fisher ScientificMA1-12034flow analysis
Antibody against CD34BD Biosciences560942flow analysis
Antibody against CD45BD Biosciences561865flow analysis
Antibody against CD73BD Biosciences940294flow analysis
Antibody against HLA-DRBD Biosciences555560flow analysis
Anti-fluorescence quenching agentAbcamAB103748Immunofluorescence
Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor 488)abcamab150113Multidirectional differentiation
ATRASTEMCELL Technologies302-79-4cell culture
bFGFGibco13256029Multidirectional differentiation
Cell incubatorThermo Fisher ScientificHERAcell 240icell culture
Cell-counting kit-8DojindoCK04cell proliferation
CentrifugeThermo Fisher ScientificSorvall™ MTX-150cell culture
DMSOSigmaD1435cell culture
FBSGibco10099141cell culture
FITC Mouse Anti-Human IgGBD Biosciences560952flow analysis
Flow CytometerThermo Fisher ScientificA24864flow analysis
Fluorescence microscopeThermo Fisher ScientificIM-5flow analysis
GelatinSigma48722Multidirectional differentiation
Leica MicroscopeLeicaDM500Multidirectional differentiation
LG-DMEM mediumGibco11-885-084cell culture
Microplate readerThermo Fisher ScientificA51119500Ccell proliferation
Neurogenic inductionGibcoA1647801Multidirectional differentiation
Oil red O solutionSigmaO1516Multidirectional differentiation
Osteogenic inductionCyagenHUXXC-90021Multidirectional differentiation
ParaformaldehydeSangon Biotech30525-89-4Immunofluorescence
Pasteur pipetteBiosharpBS-XG-03Lcell culture
PBS (phosphate buffered saline)HycloneSH30256.LScell culture
Penicillin streptomycinHycloneSV30010cell culture
Primary antibody against NSESanta Cruz Biotechnologysc-292097Multidirectional differentiation
SPSS 22.0IBMSPSS 22.0Statistical analysis
The cell climbing sheetsCITOTEST Scientific80346-0910Multidirectional differentiation
TritonX-100Sangon Biotech9002-93-1Immunofluorescence
TrypsinGibco25300120cell culture


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Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem CellsUC MSCsPerivascular Stem CellsUCA PSCsUCV PSCsWharton s JellyWJ MSCsCell IsolationCell CultureCell CharacterizationMultilineage DifferentiationRegenerative Medicine

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