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蝸牛は、スカラ前庭、スカラ中膜、およびスカラティンパニの3つの液体で満たされたチャンバーで構成されています。スカラ前庭とスカラティンパニにはそれぞれ外リンパが含まれており、外リンパには高濃度のナトリウム(138 mM)と低濃度のカリウム(6.8 mM)が含まれています1。スカラ培地には内リンパが含まれており、内リンパには高濃度のカリウム(154 mM)と低濃度のナトリウム(0.91 mM)が含まれています1,2,3。このイオン濃度の違いは、内蝸牛電位(EP)と呼ぶことができ、主に蝸牛の側壁に沿った脈管線条(SV)のさまざまなイオンチャネルとギャップ結合を通るカリウムイオンの移動によって生成されます4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
この研究は、NIHの学内研究プログラム、NIDCD to M.H.(DC000088)によって部分的に支援されました。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
10-µm filter (Polyethylenterephthalat) | PluriSelect | #43-50010-01 | Filter tissue during sNuc-Seq |
18 x 18 mm cover glass | Fisher Scientific | 12-541A | Cover slip to mount SV |
30-µm filter (Polyethylenterephthalat) | PluriSelect | #43-50030-03 | Filter tissue during sNuc-Seq |
75 x 25 mm Superfrost Plus/Colorforst Plus Microslide | Daigger | EF15978Z | Microslide to mount SV on |
C57BL/6J Mice | The Jackson Laboratory | RRID: IMSR_JAX:000664 | General purpose mouse strain that has pigment more easily seen in the intermediate cells of the SV. |
Cell Counter | Logos Biosystems | L20001 | Used for cell counting |
Chalizon curette 5'', size 3 2.5 mm | Biomedical Research Instruments | 15-1020 | Used to transfer SV |
Chromium Next GEM single Cell 3' GEM Kit v3.1 | Chromium | PN-1000141 | Generates single cell 3' gene expression libraries |
Clear nail polish | Fisher Scientific | NC1849418 | Used for sealing SV mount |
Corning Falcon Standard Tissue Culture Dishes, 24 well | Corning | 08-772B | Culture dish used to hold specimen during dissection |
DAPI | Invitrogen | D1306, RRID: AB_2629482 | Stain used for nucleus labeling |
Dounce homogenizer | Sigma-Aldrich | D8938 | Used to homogenize tissue for sNuc-seq |
Dumont #5 Forceps | Fine Science Tools | 11252-30 | General forceps for dissection |
Dumont #55 Forceps | Fine Science Tools | 11255-20 | Forceps with fine tip that makes SV manipulation easier |
Fetal Bovine Serum | ThermoFisher | 16000044 | Used for steps of sNuc-Seq |
Glue stick | Fisher Scientific | NC0691392 | Used for mounting SV |
GS-IB4 Antibody | Molecular Probes | I21411, RRID: AB-2314662 | Antibody used for capillary labeling |
KCNJ10-ZsGreen Mice | n/a | n/a | Transgenic mouse that expresses KCNJ10-ZsGreen, partiularly in the intermediate cells of the SV. |
MgCl2 | ThermoFisher | AM9530G | Used for steps of sNuc-Seq |
Mounting reagent | ThermoFisher | #S36940 | Mounting reagent for SV |
Multiwell 24 well plate | Corning | #353047 | Plate used for immunostaining |
NaCl | ThermoFisher | AAJ216183 | Used for steps of sNuc-Seq |
Nonidet P40 | Sigma-Aldrich | 9-16-45-9 | Used for steps of sNuc-Seq |
Nuclease free water | ThermoFisher | 4387936 | Used for steps of sNuc-Seq |
Orbital shaker | Silent Shake | SYC-2102A | Used for steps of immunostaining |
PBS | ThermoFisher | J61196.AP | Used for steps of immunostaining and dissection |
RNA Later | Invitrogen | AM7021 | Used for preservation of SV for sNuc-Seq |
Scizzors | Fine Science Tools | 14058-09 | Used for splitting mouse skull |
Tris-HCl | Sigma-Aldrich | 15506017 | Used for steps of sNuc-Seq |
Trypan blue stain | Gibco | 15250061 | Used for cell counting |
Tween20 | ThermoFisher | AAJ20605AP | Used for steps of sNuc-Seq |
Zeiss STEMI SV 11 Apo stereomicroscope | Zeiss | n/a | Microscope used for dissections |
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