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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a severe complication in critically ill patients and is related with an increased mortality. Here, we present a reliable and reproducible in vivo model to mimic AKI under inflammatory conditions that might contribute towards understanding the pathogenesis of septic AKI.


AKI in septic patients is associated with increased mortality and poor outcome despite major efforts to refine the understanding of its pathophysiology. Here, an in vivo model is presented that combines a standardized septic focus to induce AKI and an intensive care (ICU) setup to provide an advanced hemodynamic monitoring and therapy comparable in human sepsis. Sepsis is induced by standardized colon ascendens stent peritonitis (sCASP). AKI is investigated functionally by measurement of blood and urine samples as well as histologically by evaluation of histopathological scores. Furthermore, the advanced hemodynamic monitoring and the possibility of repetitive blood gas sampling enable a differentiated analysis of severity of induced sepsis.

The sCASP method is a standardized, reliable and reproducible method to induce septic AKI. The intensive care setup, continuous hemodynamic and gas exchange monitoring, low mortality rate as well as the opportunity of detailed analyses of kidney function and impairments are advantages of this setup. Therefore, the described method may serve as a new standard for experimental investigations of septic AKI.


Sepsis still remains the leading cause of death on non-cardiac intensive care units (ICU) with mortality rates of ≈ 30 - 50%1,2,3. A hallmark of severe sepsis and septic shock is the acute kidney injury that causes a further increase of mortality rate when it is associated with distant organ dysfunction such as cardiac and respiratory failure4,5,6. The overall incidence of AKI in ICU patients varies from 20 to 50%7. Despite the pivotal role of AKI regard....


All animal procedures were approved by the Laboratory Animal Care and Use Committee of the District of Unterfranken, Germany and carried out according to the Declaration of Helsinki.

1. Surgical preparation and installation of invasive monitoring and continuous medication

  1. Anesthetize Sprague-Dawley rats using isoflurane delivered by precision vaporizer at a concentration and flow rate approved by local institution’s animal research oversight body and/or veterinary team. Confirm adequate depth of anesthesia by observing breathing rate, which becomes slower and deeper, and verify unresponsiveness after tail/toe pinch. Shave the throat and stomac....

Representative Results

As previously published by Schick et al.8, we demonstrate the following results.

Induction of sepsis without mortality
In the CASP model, sepsis is induced by a continuous leakage of intraluminal located bacteria of the colon ascendens into the abdominal cavity resulting in fecal peritonitis and bacteremia. Hereby, the size of the implanted catheter regulates the output of faeces an.......


The pathophysiology of septic AKI still remains unknown in its complexity. Clinical research and trials in patients will not enable gains of new insights with respect to histopathology changes, microcirculation disturbances or drug interactions on cellular levels15. It has been postulated previously that there is a need for improved and new animal models to investigate acute kidney injury associated with sepsis19. Therefore, we established a new animal model for septic AKI .......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


M.A. Schick and N. Schlegel received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) SCHL 1962/2-1 and SCHL 1962/4-1.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Sprague-Dawley ratsJanvier Labs, France
 Isoflurane CPcp-pharma, Burgdorf, Germany
polyethylen catheter PE 10; 30mA. Hartenstein, Wuerzburg, Germany0.58x0.96 mm
Swivel (375/D/20)Instech, Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA(375/D/20)
plastic button tethersInstech, Plymouth Meeting, PA, USALW105S
PerfusorB. Braun; Melsungen, GermanyPerfusor fm
suction catheter ch. 10B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germanysuction catheter typy „Ideal“; ch. 10
sutureSyneture; USASurgipro; Monofilament Polypropylen 4-0
sutureEthicon; ScotlandProlene; Polypropylen 5-0
14G-i.v. catheterBD Insynte; BD Vialon; Madrid; Spain14GA i.v. catheter
cotton budsNOBA Verbandmittel Danz GmbH u Co KG; Wetter; Germany
rodent respiratorHugo Sachs Elektronik KG, Germanyrodent respirator, Type:7025
MidazolamRatiopharm, GermanyMidazolam
ThermodilutioncatheterADInstruments, Spechbach, Germany
p-Aminohippuric acidSigma-Aldrich; St. Louis; USAp-Aminohippuric acid sodium salt; A3759-25G
InulinSigma-Aldrich; St. Louis; USAInulin-FITC; F3272-1G
FormaldehydeOtto Fischar GmbH & CoKG; Saarbrücken, GermanyFormaldehyde 3.5%
CyclopentanMerck; Darmstadt; GermanyUvasol: 2-Methylbutan
alcohol based scrubSchülke & Mayr GmbH, Norderstedt; Germanykodan Tinktur forte; 45g 2-Propanol, 10g 1-Propanol per 100g
povidone iodine solutionB.Braun Melsungen AG, GermanyBraunol, 7.5g Povidone Iodine per 100g


  1. Angus, D. C., et al. Epidemiology of severe sepsis in the United States: analysis of incidence, outcome, and associated costs of care. Crit Care Med. 29, 1303-1310 (2001).
  2. Dellinger, R. P., et al.

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Septic Acute Kidney InjuryColon Ascendens Stent PeritonitisAnimal ModelHemodynamic MonitoringIntensive CareKidney Function

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