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Here, we describe a protocol to establish a systematic and comprehensive co-fermentation system to produce biotransformation products rich in pungent saponins by using Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight et Arn. (MT) as a fermentation medium for Ganoderma lucidum. This will serve as a methodological reference for the development of other ethnic drugs.


Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight et Arn. (MT), as a traditional Chinese and Dai herbal medicine, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antitumor properties. However, most of its main active substances are aglycones, such as tenacigenin A and tenacigenin B. As the bioavailability of MT is low and its medicinal active components are challenging to synthesize, it is primarily studied by biotransformation. This study aims to produce biotransformation products rich in pungent saponins by using MT as a fermentation medium for Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum).

Through the preliminary screening of three medicinal fungi, it was found that G. lucidum and Ophiocordyceps sinensis (O. sinensis) can generally grow in the medium for MT; hence, the efficacy of the fermentation of the two types of fungi was screened using a mouse model of lung cancer. Finally, the co-fermentation of G. lucidum and MT was selected for further investigation. Non-target metabolomics analysis was performed on the products of MT with G. lucidum co-fermentation. We identified 12 specific saponins of MT from the fermentation products, and obtained a monomeric compound, tenacigenin A, from fermentation products.

Most of the tenacigenin showed a significant upward trend, through tenacigenin A and tenacigenin B levels. The results showed that the efficacy of MT improved after fermentation by G. lucidum. Furthermore, the biotransformation of C21 steroidal glycosides in MT was the central reaction in this fermentation process. In summary, this study established a systematic and comprehensive co-fermentation system and pharmacodynamic evaluation method for MT, which not only enhanced the full utilization of effective active substances in MT but also provided a methodological reference for the development of other ethnic drugs.


Lung cancer belongs to the category of "lung carbuncle" in traditional Chinese medicine. The pathogenesis of lung carbuncle is a weakness of the healthy "Qi" of patients, imbalance of Yin and Yang, toxins, and stagnation in the lung, leading to lung dysfunction, blood blockage, and fluid loss in the lung. Thus, long-term blood stasis and sputum toxins in the lungs form a lung mass1. Therefore, strengthening the Qi and eliminating pathogenic factors is the basic principle of treating lung cancer. The methods of nourishing Yin to balance Yin and Yang, clearing heat, detoxifying and dispersing stagnation, supplementing Qi and nouri....


This study was conducted following the recommendations of the Experimental Animal Center of Minzu University (No. ECMUC2019008AA). The protocol was approved by the Experimental Animal Ethical Committee of Minzu University. MT was collected from Kunming, Yunnan province.

1. Preparation for the study

  1. Extract MT with hot water (100 °C; MT/water = 1/10, w/v) for 30 min and collect the MT extraction residue as the test material.
  2. Maintain the LLC mouse lung cancer cell line in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U/mL penicillin, and 100 µg/mL st....

Representative Results

Preliminary screening results of strains
To explore fungi capable of co-fermenting with MT, we selected three fungi: G. lucidum, I. obliquus, and O. sinensis. First, the strains were activated: G. lucidum, I. obliquus, and O. sinensis were inoculated in the PDA medium as shown in Figure 1A-C; Figure 1D-F shows t.......


After strain screening experiments, we found that not all medicinal fungi can survive normally on herb materials. Without any additional medium, the survival of medicinal fungi depends on the degradation of the components in medicinal materials through their own enzymes to synthesize the required carbon and nitrogen sources. It can be inferred that I. obliquus may not contain enzymes capable of degrading saponins of MT. For G. lucidum and O. sinensis that can be co-fermented with MT, both medic.......


The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81973977). The MT samples were identified by Professor Tongxiang-Liu and kept at the School of Pharmacy, Minzu University of China.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AcetonitrileTonguang Fine Chemicals Company, Beijing, China20200923
AgarSinopharm Chemical ReagentCo., Ltd., USANO.20080107
AutoclaveBinJiang Medical Co., Ltd., Jiangyin, ChinaLS-50LD
constant shaking incubatorZhicheng Inc. All rights reserved., Shanghai, ChinaZWY-100D
Ganoderma lucidumBeNa Culture Collection, Beijing, China31732
Inonotus obliquusBeNa Culture Collection, Beijing, China117822
LLC Mouse lung cancer cellNational Infrastructure of Cell Line Resource, Beijing, ChinaPUMC000673
Male C57BL/6J miceVital River Laboratory Animal Technology Co., Ltd., Beiijng, ChinaNo.110011210107024684
MethanolTonguang Fine Chemicals Company, Beijing, China20210723
Ophiocordyceps sinensisBeNa Culture Collection, Beijing, China118371
Poly tetra fluoroethyleneJinteng Experiment Equipment Co., Ltd., Tianjing,ChinaNo.997
QTRAP 5500 LC/MSAB Sciex Pte. Ltd., USACV20231711
Rotary EvaporatorBUCHI Co., Ltd., Shanghai, ChinaR-300
SyringeZhiyu Medical Instrument Co., Ltd., Jinagsu, ChinaV500111
Ultra-clean benchBOXUN Medica Bioological Instrument Co., Ltd., Shanghai, ChinaSW-CJ-LFD


  1. Jansen, B. J., Liang, H., Ye, J. . International Conference on Cognitive Based Information Processing and Applications (CIPA 2021). 85, (2021).
  2. WANG, J., et al. Literature-based research on common syndromes of cough variant asthma). Chinese Gener....

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Marsdenia TenacissimaGanoderma LucidumCo fermentationAnti lung CancerBiotransformationSaponinsTenacigenin ATenacigenin BMetabolomics

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