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Here, we present a protocol for extracting venom from Trichogramma dendrolimi using an artificial host created with polyethylene film and amino acid solution.


Parasitoid wasps are a diverse group of hymenopteran insects that serve as invaluable resources for pest biocontrol. To ensure successful parasitism, parasitoid wasps inject venom into their hosts to suppress their hosts' immunity, modulate hosts' development, metabolism, and even behavior. With over 600,000 estimated species, the diversity of parasitoid wasps surpasses that of other venomous animals, such as snakes, cone snails, and spiders. Parasitoid wasp venom is an underexplored source of bioactive molecules with potential applications in pest control and medicine. However, collecting parasitoid venom is challenging due to the inability to use direct or electrical stimulation and the difficulty in dissection because of their small size. Trichogramma is a genus of tiny (~0.5 mm) egg parasitoid wasps that are widely used for the biological control of lepidopteran pests in both agriculture and forests. Here, we report a method for extracting venom from T. dendrolimi using artificial hosts. These artificial hosts are created with polyethylene film and amino acid solutions and then inoculated with Trichogramma wasps for parasitism. The venom was subsequently collected and concentrated. This method enables the extraction of large amounts of Trichogramma venom while avoiding contamination from other tissues caused by dissection, a common issue in venom reservoir dissection protocols. This innovative approach facilitates the study of Trichogramma venom, paving the way for new research and potential applications.


Parasitoid wasps are parasitic hymenopteran insects that are important resources for biological control1. There is a wide variety of parasitoid wasps, with over 600,000 estimated species2. The diversity of parasitoid wasps far exceeds that of other venomous arthropods, such as snakes, cone snails, spiders, scorpions, and bees. Venom is an important parasitic factor in parasitoid wasps. For successful parasitism, venom is injected into the host, modulating the host's behavior, immunity, development, and metabolism3. Moreover, the venom of parasitoid wasps displays remarkable diversity in its mo....


1. Insect rearing

  1. Feed Corcyra cephalonica on corn flour at a temperature of 26 ± 1°C and a relative humidity of 40% ± 10%.
  2. Breed T. dendrolimi strain from the Jilin insectary indoors using the eggs of Corcyra cephalonica as hosts. Feed wasp adults 10% sucrose water in Drosophila tubes at a temperature of 26 ± 1 °C, relative humidity of 70% ± 10%, light (L): dark (D) period of 14 h: 10 h.

2. Preparation of polyethylene plastic film egg cards

  1. Take a polyethylene plastic film with a length of 16....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The protein concentration of representative venom samples was measured using the protein assay kit, with the results presented in Table 1. The results showed that the concentration of venom protein collected by this method ranged from 0.35 µg/µL to 0.46 µg/µL, while the negative control of amino acid solution only had a protein concentration of 0.03 µg/µL to 0.05 µg/µL. The concentration of venom protein collected by this method is much higher than that of negative.......


Here, we present a method for extracting venom from T. dendrolimi using artificial hosts. The key points in the venom collection experiment are as follows. (1) During preparation, T. dendrolimi must be anesthetized rapidly with an appropriate concentration of CO2. If the CO2 concentration is too low, it will be insufficient to anesthetize the Trichogramma quickly. Conversely, if the concentration is too high, Trichogramma may die, reducing their ability to parasit.......


The author has nothing to disclose and no competing financial interests.


We acknowledge financial support from the Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province (Grant no. 323QN262), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 31701843 and 32172483), the Jiangsu Agriculture Science and Technology Innovation Fund (Grant No. CX(22)3012 and CX(21)3008), the "Shuangchuang Doctor" Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. 202030472), and the Nanjing Agricultural University startup fund (Grant No. 804018).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 μm Nylon NetMilliporeNY1002500For filtering the eggs
10% Polyvinyl alcoholAladdinP139533For attractting  T. dendrolimi  to lay eggs
10% Sucrose waterSinopharm Chemical Reagent 10021463Feed Trichogramma dendrolimi
4x LDS loading bufferAce HardwareB23010301SDS-PAGE
Collection boxDeli8555Container for T. dendrolimi parasitism
Future PAGE  4–12% (12 wells)Ace HardwareJ70236502XSDS-PAGE
GenScript eStain L1 protein staining apparatusGenScriptL00753SDS-PAGE
Glass grinding rod  Applygentb6268Semicircular protrudations 
L- LeucineSolarbioL0011Artificial host components
L-HistidineAladdinA2219458Artificial host components
L-PhenylalanineSolarbioP0010Artificial host components
MOPS-SDS running bufferAce HardwareB23021SDS-PAGE
Omni-Easy Instant BCA protein assay kitShanghai Yamay Biomedical Technology ZJ102For esimation of venom protein concentration
PCR plate layout of 96 holesThermo FisherAB1400LSemicircular protrudations 
Polyethylene plastic filmSuzhou Aopang Trading  001c5427Artificial egg card
Prestained color protein marker(10–180 kDa)YiFeiXue BiotechYWB007SDS-PAGE
Rubber bandGuangzhou qianrui biology science and technology009Tighten the plastic film and the collection box
Silicone rubber septa mat, 96-well, round holeSangon BiotechF504416-0001Semicircular protrudations 


  1. Pennacchio, F., Strand, M. R. Evolution of developmental strategies in parasitic hymenoptera. Annual Review of Entomology. 51, 233-258 (2006).
  2. Yan, Z. C., Ye, X. H., Wang, B. B., Fang, Q., Ye, G. Y.

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Trichogramma DendrolimiParasitoid WaspVenom ExtractionArtificial HostBioactive MoleculesPest ControlAgricultureImmunotherapyAntibiotic Discovery

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