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The protocol describes a porcine ex vivo heart perfusion system in which direct loading of the left ventricle may serve as an assessment technique for graft health while simultaneously providing a holistic evaluation of graft function. A discussion of the system design and possible assessment metrics is also provided.


Ex vivo machine perfusion or normothermic machine perfusion is a preservation method that has gained great importance in the transplantation field. Despite the immense opportunity for assessment due to the beating state of the heart, current clinical practice depends on limited metabolic trends for graft evaluation. Hemodynamic measurements obtained from left ventricular loading have garnered significant attention within the field due to their potential as objective assessment parameters. In effect, this protocol provides an easy and effective manner of incorporating loading capabilities to established Langendorff perfusion systems through the simple addition of an extra reservoir. Furthermore, it demonstrates the feasibility of employing passive left atrial pressurization for loading, an approach that, to our knowledge, has not been previously demonstrated. This approach is complemented by a passive Windkessel base afterload, which acts as a compliance chamber to maximize myocardial perfusion during diastole. Lastly, it highlights the capability of capturing functional metrics during cardiac loading, including left ventricular pulse pressure, contractility, and relaxation, to uncover deficiencies in cardiac graft function after extended periods of preservation times (˃6 h).


Orthotopic heart transplantation is the current gold standard of care for end-stage heart failure1. Unfortunately, the field is significantly limited by a severe donor shortage crisis, resulting in only 2,000 heart transplants being performed each year when over 20,000 people would benefit from the lifesaving procedure2. This organ shortage is expected to worsen as the prevalence of heart failure in the United States alone is projected to surpass 8 million individuals by 20303. Steady increases in waitlist survival times - as a result of improved medical management, advances in mechanical circulat....


This study was conducted in accordance with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Massachusetts General Hospital, and Jove's animal guidelines. Hearts (170 - 250 g) were harvested from Yorkshire pigs (30 - 35 kg, age 3-4 months, mixed sex) using a model of donation after brain death and perfused retrogradely (Langendorff) for 6 h prior to loading. All grafts were exposed to a cold ischemia time of approximately 1h during instrumentation.

1. System design

  1. Check that the system is composed of an organ chamber (11.046 inch x 7.595 inch x 3.095 inch), two reservoirs (4 L and 1 L), one double-j....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Hearts from 4 Yorkshire pigs (30 - 35 kg) were harvested and preserved via Langendorff NMP for 6 h prior to 4 h of continuous loading. This experimental condition was chosen since 6 h is the average clinical preservation duration (5.1 ± 0.7 h)34. Through the addition of 4 extra hours of continuous loading (total of 10 h ex vivo time), some degree of heart failure was expected as a clear correlation between perfusion time and myocardial function decline has been previously reported


Normothermic machine perfusion is a powerful modality for organ preservation and assessment that has greatly impacted the field of cardiac transplantation by expanding the donor pool of adult hearts36. This expansion is the result of the ability to currently utilize a small pool of hearts previously considered unsuitable for transplantation. Normothermic machine perfusion preserves cardiac grafts in a beating state, offering the opportunity for both functional and metabolic assessment. However, de.......


DV is an employee and Founder of VentriFlo, Inc., Pelham, NH, and has patent applications relevant to this study. For more information see https://ventriflo.com/patents/. SNT has patent applications relevant to this study and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for Sylvatica Biotech Inc., a company focused on developing organ preservation technology. All competing interests are managed by the MGH and Partners HealthCare in accordance with their conflict-of-interest policies. AR and AAO receive research funding from Paragonix Technologies Inc.


We gratefully acknowledge funding to SNT from the US National Institute of Health (K99/R00 HL1431149; R01HL157803; R01DK134590; R24OD034189), the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC 1941543, the Claflin Distinguished Scholar Award on behalf of the MGH Executive Committee on Research, and the Polsky Family Award for Leaders in Surgery. We acknowledge research funding to AAO from the Hassenfeld Family Foundation, the MGH Executive Committee on Research, and the MGH Center for Diversity and Inclusion. We acknowledge research funding to GO from the Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
4- way Stopcock Smiths Medical MX9341L
4-0 Prolene sutures Ethicon 8711
5-0 SutureFine Scientific Tools18020-50
Aortic Connector VentriFLO Inc Custom Made
Aortic root cannulaMedtronic Inc 10012
Bovine Serum AlbuminSigmaA7906
Calcium ChlorideSigmaC7902
Cell Saver Medtronic Inc ATLG
Cell Saver cartridges Medtronic Inc ATLS00
EKG epicardial leads VentriFLO Inc Custom Made
Equipment stand and brackets VentriFLO Inc Custom Made
External Pace maker Medtronic Inc 5392
Falcon High Clarity 50mL conical tubesFisher Scientific14-432-22
Flow Probes TranSonic Sytems inc 1828
Heparin sodium InjectionMedplusG-0409-2720-0409-2721
Hollow fiber oxygenator and Venous  ReseviorMedtronic Inc BBP241Affinity Pixie, 1L
HTP 1500  Heat Therapy PumpHTP6826619
InsulinHumulin RMGH Pharmacy
Iworx Data Acquisition SystemIworxIX-RA-834
Krebs-Henseleit BufferSigmaK3753
Leukocyte FilterHaemoneticsSB1E
Organ ChamberVentriFLO Inc Custom Made
Pacing Wires BiopolarMedtronic Inc 6495
Penicillin-StreptomycinThermoFisher Scientific15140122
Pressure Trasnducers IworxBP100
Pulsatile PumpVentriFLO Inc 2100-0270
PVC Tubing Medtronic Inc HY10Z49R9
Right Angle Metal Tip Cannula 20FMedtronic Inc 67318
Sodium BicarobonateSigma5761
Standard PHD ULTRA CP Syringe PumpHarvard Aparatus88-3015
Tourniquet kit 7in Medtronic Inc 79006
Transonic Flow boxTranSonic Sytems Inc T402
Venous Resevior Medtronic Inc CB841Affinity Fusion, 4L
WIndKessel BagVentriFLO Inc Custom Made
Y adapterMedtronic Inc 10005


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MedicinePassive AfterloadGraft AssessmentEx Vivo Machine PerfusionNormothermic Machine PerfusionHemodynamic MeasurementsLangendorff PerfusionMyocardial PerfusionFunctional MetricsLeft Ventricular Pulse PressureContractilityCardiac Graft Function

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