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This protocol details the procedures for recombinantly producing the human myosin-7a holoenzyme using the MultiBac Baculovirus system and for studying its motility using a tailored in vitro filament gliding assay.


Myosin-7a is an actin-based motor protein vital for auditory and visual processes. Mutations in myosin-7a lead to Usher syndrome type 1, the most common and severe form of deaf-blindness in humans. It is hypothesized that myosin-7a forms a transmembrane adhesion complex with other Usher proteins, essential for the structural-functional integrity of photoreceptor and cochlear hair cells. However, due to the challenges in obtaining pure, intact protein, the exact functional mechanisms of human myosin-7a remain elusive, with limited structural and biomechanical studies available. Recent studies have shown that mammalian myosin-7a is a multimeric motor complex consisting of a heavy chain and three types of light chains: regulatory light chain (RLC), calmodulin, and calmodulin-like protein 4 (CALML4). Unlike calmodulin, CALML4 does not bind to calcium ions. Both the calcium-sensitive, and insensitive calmodulins are critical for mammalian myosin-7a for proper fine-tuning of its mechanical properties. Here, we describe a detailed method to produce recombinant human myosin-7a holoenzyme using the MultiBac Baculovirus protein expression system. This yields milligram quantities of high-purity full-length protein, allowing for its biochemical and biophysical characterization. We further present a protocol for assessing its mechanical and motile properties using tailored in vitro motility assays and fluorescence microscopy. The availability of the intact human myosin-7a protein, along with the detailed functional characterization protocol described here, paves the way for further investigations into the molecular aspects of myosin-7a in vision and hearing.


Myosins are molecular motor proteins that interact with actin to drive numerous cellular processes1,2,3,4. Humans possess 12 classes and 39 myosin genes5, which are involved in a wide range of physiological functions, such as muscle contraction6 and sensory processes7. Each myosin molecule is a multimeric complex composed of a heavy chain and light chains. The heavy chain is divided into head, neck, and tail regions. The head contains actin- and nucleotide-binding sites ....


NOTE: Here we describe a protocol for synthesizing the intact human myosin-7a holoenzyme and characterizing its motility in vitro. This protocol is divided into three sections: first, expressing the human myosin-7a using the MultiBac baculovirus protein expression system; Second, purifying myosin-7a light chains separately using the E.coli His6-SUMO system; and lastly, studying the motility of human myosin-7a using the actin-filament gliding assay.

1. MultiBac system-based myosin-7a complex production

  1. Creating baculovirus multigene cassette for expressing human myosin-7a complex (16 days)
    NOTE: I....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The purified myosin-7a complex and light chain proteins can be evaluated by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis, as shown in Figure 3. The band above the 200 kDa marker corresponds to the myosin-7a heavy chain (255 kDa). The three bands migrating between the 22 and 14 kDa markers from top to bottom are RLC (20 kDa), calmodulin, and CALML4, respectively. While calmodulin and CALML4 have a similar molecular weight of approximately 17 kDa, the two proteins can be separated using a 16% Tris-Glycine gel.......


Presented here is a detailed protocol for the production of recombinant human myosin-7a protein from insect cells. Although the Sf9/baculovirus system has been used to produce a variety of myosins40,41,42,43, only recently has the mammalian myosin-7a been successfully purified using the MultiBac baculovirus system14. Mammalian myosin-7a is found to associate with three t.......


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


We thank the Microscopy Imaging Facility and Visual Function and Morphology Core at West Virginia University for discussion and help with image analysis. This work is supported by the tenure-track startup funds from West Virginia University School of Medicine to R.L. This work is also supported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Visual Sciences Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (Vs-CoBRE) (P20GM144230), and the NIGMS West Virginia Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (WV-INBRE) (P20GM103434).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubesVWR87003-294
1X FLAG PeptideGenScriptN/ACustom peptide synthesis
22x22mm No. 1.5 coverslipsVWR48366-227
250 mL Conical Centrifuge TubesNunc376814
250 mL Vented Erlenmyer Shaker FlaskIntelixBioDBJ-SF250VP
75x25x1 mm Vistavision microscope slidesVWR16004-42
Actin Protein (>99% Pure)CytoskeletonAKL99
Amicon Ultra-0.5 Centrifugal Filter UnitMillipore SigmaUFC510024
Amicon Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filter UnitMillipore SigmaUFC801024
ANTI-FLAG M2 Affinity GelMillipore SigmaA2220
ATPMillipore SigmaA7699
ATPMillipore SigmaA7699
Bio-Spin Disposable Chromatography ColumnBio-Rad732-6008
BL21 Competent E. coliNew England BiolabsC2530H
Bluo-GalThermo Fisher15519028
Bovine Serum AlbuminMillipore Sigma5470
BstXI EnzymeNew England BiolabsR0113S
CalmodulinMillipore Sigma208694
CatalaseMillipore SigmaC40
Champion pET-SUMO Expression SystemThermo FisherK30001
cOmplete, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor CocktailRoche Diagnostics5056489001
Cutsmart BufferNew England BiolabsB6004S
DL-DithiothreitolMillipore SigmaDO632
DL-DithiothreitolMillipore SigmaDO632
DNase I, Spectrum ChemicalFisher Scientific18-610-304
Double-Sided TapeOffice Depot909955
EGTA, Molecular Biology GradeMillipore Sigma324626-25GM
EGTA, Molecular Biology GradeMillipore Sigma324626-25GM
EthanolThermo FisherBP2818
ExpiFectamine Sf Transfection ReagentGibcoA38915
FAST programhttp://spudlab.stanford.edu/fast-for-automatic-motility-measurements; 
Fisherbrand Model 505 Sonic DismembratorFisher ScientificFB505110
Gentamicin Reagent SolutionGibco15710-06410 mg/mL in distilled water
GlucoseMillipore SigmaG5767
Glucose OxidaseMillipore SigmaG2133
HisPur Cobalt ResinThermo Fisher89966
I-CeuI EnzymeNew England BiolabsR0699S
Image Stabilizer Pluginhttps://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kangli/code/Image_Stabilizer.html
ImageJ FIJIhttps://imagej.net/Fiji/Downloads
ImidazoleMillipore SigmaI2399
In-Fusion Snap Assembly Master MixTaKaRa638948
IPTGThermo Fisher15529019
IsopropanolFisher ScientificA451SK
KanamycinFisher ScientificAAJ67354AD
Large Orifice Pipet TipsFisher Scientific02-707-1341-200uL
LB Agar, Ready-Made PowderThermo FisherJ75851-A1
Leupeptin Protease InhibitorThermo Fisher78435
Magnesium chlorideThermo FisherJ61014.=E1M
Magnesium chlorideThermo FisherJ61014.=E1M
Max Efficiency DH10Bac Competent CellsGibco10361012
Microcentrifuge Tubes, 1.7mLVWR87003-294
Microcentrifuge Tubes, 1.7mLVWR87003-294
Microcentrifuge Tubes, 1.7mLVWR87003-294
MicroscopeNikonModel: Eclipse Ti with H-TIRF system with 100X TIRF objective
Microscope CameraORCA-Fusion BT
Microscope Laser UnitAndor iXon Ultra
Miller's LB BrothCorning46-050-CM
MOPSMillipore SigmaM3183
MOPSMillipore SigmaM3183
NanoDrop One/OneC Microvolume UV-Vis SpectrophotometerThermo FisherND-ONE-W
NanoDrop One/OneC Microvolume UV-Vis SpectrophotometerThermo FisherND-ONE-W
NEB 5-alpha Competent E.coli (High Efficiency)New England BiolabsC2987H
NEBuffer r3.1New England BiolabsB6003S
NIS ElementsNikon
NitrocelluloseLADD Research Industries53152
Opti-MEM I Reduced Serum MediumGibco31985070
pACEBac1 VectorGeneva Biotech
ParafilmMillipore SigmaP7793
PMSFMillipore Sigma78830
PureLink RNase A (20 mg/mL)Invitrogen12091021
QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (250)QIAGEN27106
QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (50)QIAGEN28704
QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (50)QIAGEN28104
Quick CIPNew England BiolabsM0525S
Rhodamine phalloidinInvitrogenR415
S.O.C. MediumInvitrogen15544034
SENP2 proteasePMID:17591783Purified in the lab
Sf9 cellsThermo Fisher11496015
Sf-900 III SFM (1X) - Serum Free Media CompleteGibco12658-027
Slide-A-Lyzer G3 Dialysis Cassettes, 10K MWCO, 3 mLThermo FisherA52971
Sodium chlorideMillipore SigmaS7653
Sodium chlorideMillipore SigmaS7653
Stericup Quick Release Vacuum Driven Disposable Filtration SystemMillipore SigmaS2GPU01RE
Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GLCytiva29148721
T4 DNA LigaseNew England BiolabsM0202S
T4 DNA Ligase Buffer - 10X with 10mM ATPNew England BiolabsB0202A
Tetracycline HydrochlorideMillipore SigmaT7660-5G
TrisMillipore Sigma10708976001
Triton XAmerican Bioanalytical9002-93-1


  1. Hartman, M. A., Spudich, J. A. The myosin superfamily at a glance. J Cell Sci. 125 (Pt 7), 1627-1632 (2012).
  2. Sellers, J. R. Myosins: a diverse superfamily. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1496 (1), 3-22 (2000).
  3. Titus, M. A.

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BiochemistryHuman Myosin 7aActin Motor ProteinUsher Syndrome Type 1Deaf blindnessTransmembrane Adhesion ComplexStructural functional IntegrityPhotoreceptor CellsCochlear Hair CellsMultimeric Motor ComplexRegulatory Light ChainCalmodulin like Protein 4Recombinant Protein ExpressionBiochemical CharacterizationMotility AssaysFluorescence Microscopy

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