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This protocol describes the process for inducing a cerebral ischemic coma model using a modified four-vessel occlusion method.


Coma caused by cerebral ischemia is the most serious complication of cerebral ischemia. Four-vessel occlusion can establish a cerebral ischemic coma model for disease research and drug development. However, the commonly used four-vessel occlusion method mainly involves inserting an electrocoagulation pen into the bilateral pterygoid foramen of the first cervical vertebra behind the neck to electrocoagulate the vertebral arteries. This process carries the risk of incomplete electrocoagulation, bleeding, and damage to the brainstem and spinal cord. Twenty-four hours after surgery, re-anesthetized rats undergo carotid artery ligation in front of the neck. Two surgeries expose the rats to a higher risk of infection and increase the experimental period. In this study, during a single surgical procedure, an anterior cervical incision was used to locate the key site where the vertebral artery penetrates the first cervical vertebra. The bilateral vertebral arteries were electrocauterized under visual conditions, while the bilateral common carotid arteries were separated to place loose knots. When the limbs of the rats began twitching, the bilateral common carotid arteries were quickly ligated to induce ischemic coma. This method can avoid the risk of infection caused by two surgical operations and is easy to perform with a high success rate, providing a useful reference for relevant practitioners.


Ischemic brain injury is the most common brain injury in clinical practice, accounting for approximately 75% of cerebrovascular disease cases. Ischemia can lead to severe secondary brain injuries and diseases1,2, and coma is the most severe symptom caused by ischemic hypoxic brain injury. It is also the final pathway for many critical conditions3. Coma is a critical and severe illness in clinical practice that is difficult to manage4. The longer the coma lasts, the greater the potential danger. Prompt awakening is the primary goal in preventing the deterioration ....


The experimental protocol was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Use of Laboratory Animals and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Foshan University (Record number: 2023-643656). Male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats (200 g ± 20 g, 6-8 weeks old) were used for this study. All animal research data have been written up in accordance with the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) guidelines. The details of the reagents and equipment used in the study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Implantation of EEG electrodes

  1. Inject 0.05mg/kg of atropine subcu....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Due to inflammation and other stimulation caused by the implantation of electrodes, the EEG may be unstable, so the rats need to recover for 3 days. Rats with normal EEG and EMG after 3 days could be included for coma model preparation. When the rats were anesthetized, EEG and EMG activity was slightly suppressed but proceeded smoothly. There was no significant change in EEG and EMG activity after electrocoagulation blocking the bilateral VAs. After about 30 min, the drug was metabolized, the rats gradually regained cons.......


Four-vessel occlusion induces global ischemic and hypoxic brain injury, which can simulate acute coma, cardiac arrest, asphyxia, shock, severe arrhythmia, and other critical clinical conditions caused by cerebral ischemia in clinical practice. Meanwhile, four-vessel occlusion can lead to damage mainly in the hippocampus17,18, which is the primary functional brain area responsible for cognitive memory19,20.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82173781 and 82373835), Postdoctoral research project (BKS212055), Science and Technology Innovation Project of Foshan Science and Technology Bureau (2320001007331), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2019A1515010806), Key Field Projects (Intelligent Manufacturing) of General Universities in Guangdong Province (2020ZDZX2057), and the Scientific Research Projects (Characteristic Innovation) of General Universities in Guangdong Province (2019KTSCX195).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
16 channel microfiber photoelectrode arrayJiangsu Yige Biotechnology Co., Ltd2605
4-0 Surgical sutureNantong Holycon Medical Devices Co.,Ltd.B-104
6-0 Surgical sutureNingbo MEDICAL Needle Co., Ltd.JM1216-742417
EEG electrodeKedou Brain machine Technology Co., LTDKD-EEGEMG
Electrocoagulation penCONPUVON Company465
Lunion Stage Automatic Sleep Staging SystemShanghai Lulian Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.1336
Miniature hand-held skull drillRayward Life Technology Co., Ltd87001
Penicillin sodiumChengdu Kelong Chemical Co., Ltd.17121709-2
SD ratsSPF ( Beijing ) Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.180-220g
Stereotaxic instrumentRayward Life Technology Co., Ltd68801
Zoletil 50Vic Trading (Shanghai) Co., LTDBN 88SHA


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MedicineFour vessel OcclusionDisease ResearchDrug DevelopmentElectrocoagulation PenVertebral ArteriesBrainstem DamageSpinal Cord InjuryCarotid Artery LigationSurgical ProcedureElectrocauterizationInfection RiskExperimental Method

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