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A canine model of LVO stroke was utilized to develop laser speckle imaging to monitor cerebral perfusion in real-time. Diffusion-weighted MRI was optimized to image infarct volume utilizing a high b-value, enabling ADC and MRA, correlated with DSA at the time of stroke. Finally, ADC reconstructions correlated with histological findings.
Background: Basilar artery occlusion (BAO) is a subset of posterior circulation stroke that carries a mortality as high as 90%. The current clinical standard to diagnose ischemic stroke include computerized tomography (CT), CT angiography and perfusion and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Large animal pre-clinical models to accurately reflect the clinical disease as well as methods to assess stroke burden and evaluate treatments are lacking.
Methods: We describe a canine model of large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke in the posterior circulation, and developed a laser speckle imaging (LSI) protocol to monitor perfusion changes in real time. We then utilized high b-value DWI (b=1800s/mm2) MRI to increase detection sensitivity. We also evaluated the ability of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to assess arterial occlusion and correlate with DSA. Finally, we verified infarct size from apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping with histology.
Results: Administration of thromboembolism occluded the basilar artery as tracked by DSA (n=7). LSI correlated with DSA, demonstrating a reduction in perfusion after stroke onset that persisted throughout the experiment, allowing us to monitor perfusion in real time. DWI with an optimized b-value for dogs illustrated the stroke volume and allowed us to derive ADC and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images. The MRA performed at the end of the experiment correlated with DSA performed after occlusion. Finally, stroke burden on MRI correlated with histology.
Conclusions: Our studies demonstrate real time perfusion imaging using LSI of a canine thromboembolic LVO model of posterior circulation stroke, which utilizes multimodal imaging important in the diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke.
The prevalence of stroke worldwide is almost 25.7 million, the majority of which are ischemic1. Posterior circulation stroke accounts for 20% of all strokes of which basilar artery occlusion is the most severe, approaching 90% mortality1,2. In 1995, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) was the first acute therapy developed for ischemic stroke in patients who presented within 3 hours from stroke onset3. More recently, mechanical thrombectomy has demonstrated benefit in treating acute ischemic stroke in patients who present with large vessel ....
All procedures were performed in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NRC 2011), as approved by the Ohio State University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
1. Step 1 Animal Preparation and Surgical Protocol A canine model of basilar artery occlusion (BAO) stroke was used as previously described9,10.
Laser Speckle Perfusion Recording and Imaging: Perfusion recording was performed continuously until the animal was transported to MRI, and again at sacrifice (Figure 1A). Data showed that cerebral perfusion decreased by ~15% to 83 ± 10% at the time point before basilar artery occlusion (pre-BAO). This nominal decline is likely the result of a microcatheter insertion in the distal vertebral artery. After injecting the prepare thromboembolus, the post-BAO perfusion d.......
The most common causes of posterior circulation stroke include embolism, large-artery atherosclerosis, and small artery disease5. Basilar arterial occlusion (BAO) represents a subset of posterior circulation strokes, carrying significant morbidity and mortality13. In this context, a canine model of acute posterior stroke was utilized and we developed an LSI protocol to monitor perfusion of the occluded region in real time. Laser speckle perfusion imaging was performed throu.......
The authors have nothing to disclose
This work was supported in part from the Mayfield Education and Research Foundation grant #GRT00049047 and Ohio Department of Services Agency Accelerator Award #TECG20180269 to SMN.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
2% 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC in PBS, pH 7.4) | Sigma Aldrich | T8877 | |
EDTA K3 vacutainers | Becton Dickinson | BD455036 | |
Eosin | Surgipath | 3801602 | |
Formalin, neutral buffered, 10% | Richard-Allan Scientific | 5701 | |
Hematoxylin 560 | Surgipath | 3801570 | |
HUG-U-VAC positioning system | DRE Veterinary | 1320 | |
LabChart Software | ADInstruments Inc. | ||
Laser Speckle Imaging camera | Perimed Inc., Jarfalla, Sweden | PeriCam PSI HR System | |
Lithium heparin vacutainer, 4.5% | Becton Dickinson | BD 368056 | |
Matlab | The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA | ||
OsiriX MD v.5.0 software | Pixmeo Inc, Geneva | ||
Paraformaldehyde 4% in PBS | Alfa Aesar | AAJ61899AP | |
PimSoft v1.4 software | Perimed Inc. | software that accompanies LSI equipment | |
Prisma Fit 3 tesla (3T) magnet | Siemen's Diagnostics | ||
Sodium heparin for injection (to coat blood gas syringe) | NovaPlus | 402525D |
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