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  • Protocol
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This protocol presents single-particle interferometric reflectance imaging that is designed for the multi-level and comprehensive measurements of extracellular vesicles (EV) size, EV count, EV phenotype, and EV biomarker colocalization.


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanometer-sized vesicles with a lipid bilayer that are secreted by most cells. EVs carry a multitude of different biological molecules, including protein, lipid, DNA, and RNA, and are postulated to facilitate cell-to-cell communication in diverse tissues and organs. Recently, EVs have attracted significant attention as biomarkers for diagnostics and therapeutic agents for various diseases. Many methods have been developed for EV characterization. However, current methods for EV analysis all have different limitations. Thus, developing efficient and effective methods for EV isolation and characterization remains one of the crucial steps for this cutting-edge research field as it matures. Here, we provide a detailed protocol outlining a single-particle interferometric reflectance imaging sensor (SP-IRIS), as a method that is capable of detecting and characterizing EVs from unpurified biological sources and purified EVs by other methodologies. This advanced technique can be used for multi-level and comprehensive measurements for the analysis of EV size, EV count, EV phenotype, and biomarker colocalization.


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanometer-sized membrane vesicles of cellular origin that can be isolated from numerous biological fluids, including blood, breast milk, saliva, urine, bile, pancreatic juice, and cerebrospinal and peritoneal fluids. Derivation of EVs occurs via three main mechanisms: apoptosis, release via fusion of multivesicular bodies with the plasma membrane, and blebbing of the plasma membrane1. Evidence for EV transfer of donor cell components to neighboring or distant cells and tissues suggests these membrane enclosed packages may play important roles in paracrine as well as long distance or endocrine s....


Serum samples were collected from mice according to an approved Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) protocol. Use of these biological samples in these experiments was also approved by KUMC.

1. Sample preparation (Day 1)

  1. Determine EV concentration using nanoparticle tracking or an equivalent technique.
  2. Dilute the sample with the incubation solution to a concentration of 5 x 107-5 x 108 EVs/mL; a minimum of 50 µL is needed.
    NOTE: For samples in which the EV concentration is unknown, total protein at 1 ....

Representative Results

Figure 7 (left panel) shows a three-color composite image of EVs derived from HEK293 conditioned media bound to the CD63 spot on the chip and stained for CD81, CD63, and CD9 in the following channels green, red, and blue, respectively. Figure 7 (top right panel) is a zoomed-in image that shows each of the captured EVs can display co-localization of one or more colors with varying intensities in each channel. The difference in staining of the captured EVs represe.......


Current EV characterization methods largely rely on purified EVs, which is restricted by current experimental limitations of EV purification methods9,10,11,12,13.Single-particle interferometric reflectance imaging (SP-IRIS) is an effective technology that can eliminate purification steps required for sample analysis and therefore save time and reduce costs tha.......


Clayton Deighan and George Daaboul are employees and shareholders of NanoView Biosciences Inc.


This work was sponsored in part by the University of Kansas School of Medicine Research Equipment and Resource Procurement Award Program. PCG, LKC, FD and AR were supported with funds from NIA R21 AG066488-01.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10-cm sterile Petri dishFisherFB0875712
15mL sterile tuben/avarious
24-well cell culture plate, flat bottomFisher08-772-1
Blocking SolutionNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
ChipfilesNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
ChipsNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
ChuckNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Corning Easy Grip Disposable Polystyrene Sterile Bottles 250 mlFisher09-761-4
Corning Easy Grip Disposable Polystyrene Sterile Bottles 500 mlFisher09-761-10
Deionized (DI) waterFisherLC267404
EMS style tweezers with Carbon Fiber tipsFisher50-193-0842
ExoView Human Tetraspanin KitNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCapture for hCD81, hCD9, hCD63, IgG Control
 + stains for hEV-A (hEV-CD63-647, hEV-CD81-555, hEV-CD9-488) 16 Chips per kit
ExoView R100 ImagerNanoView BiosciencesEV-R100Interferometric microscope including high specification camera including 3 color fluorescence and label free sizing and counting extracellular vesicles
Fluorescently labled huma CD9 IgG antibodyNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Fluorescently labled human CD63 IgG antibodyNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Fluorescently labled human CD81 IgG antibodyNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Incubation SolutionNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Orbital shaker or microplate shaker with digital settings capable of shaking at 500 rpmn/avarious
Plate SealNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Solution ANanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Solution BNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Solution CNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Solution DNanoView BiosciencesEV-TETRA-CCan be found in ExoView Human Tetraspanin Kit.
Square/flat tip tweezerFisher50-239-62
Straight strong point Boley style tweezersFisher16-100-124
Thermo Scientific Adhesive PCR Plate SealsFisherAB-0558


  1. Maas, S. L. N., Breakefield, X. O., Weaver, A. M. Extracellular vesicles: Unique intercellular delivery vehicles. Trends in Cell Biology. 27 (3), 172-188 (2017).
  2. Shah, R., Patel, T., Freedman, J. E. Circulating extracellular vesicles in h....

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Extracellular VesiclesEVsSingle particle Interferometric Reflectance Imaging SensorSP IRISEV CharacterizationEV SizeEV CountEV PhenotypeBiomarker ColocalizationCell to cell CommunicationDiagnosticsTherapeutics

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