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Here, we describe the preparation and technical details of murine heterotopic heart transplantation utilizing a circulatory death donor heart.


The objective of this protocol is to set up a rat heterotopic heart transplantation model with donation after circulatory death (DCD) donor hearts. There are two setups for this protocol: heart donor setup and recipient setup. In the heart donor setup, Sprague Dawley rats are anesthetized, endotracheally intubated, and ventilated. The right carotid artery is cannulated to deliver heparin and the paralytic agent vecuronium-bromide. The DCD process is initiated by terminating the ventilation. After 20 min, the heart is exposed and the aorta distal to the brachiocephalic branch is clamped. At 25 min from terminating the ventilator, ice-cold University of Wisconsin (UW) solution is perfused through the carotid catheter to flush the heart. The heart is procured by dividing the aorta, pulmonary artery, venae cavae, and pulmonary veins and stored in UW solution for implantation. In the recipient setup, the Lewis rat is anesthetized with isoflurane. Slow-release buprenorphine is administered subcutaneously to facilitate a smooth postoperative recovery. Through a midline abdominal incision, the infra-renal aorta and the inferior vena cava are isolated and clamped with an atraumatic vascular clamp. The donor heart aorta and pulmonary artery are sutured to the recipient abdominal aorta and vena cava, respectively, with a running 8-0 Prolene. The vascular clamp is removed to reperfuse the heart. The abdominal wall is closed and the rat is recovered. After a set interval (24 h to 2 weeks), the recipient rat is anesthetized, the transplanted heart is exposed, and a balloon-tip-catheter is inserted into the left ventricle via the apex to record developed pressure and dP/dt using a data acquisition system. The heart tissue is collected for histology, immunology, or molecular analysis. A successful DCD donor rat heart transplantation model will allow further studies on the cardioprotective approaches to improve heart transplantation outcomes from DCD donors.


A small animal model of heart transplantation (HTx) is critical to conducting research studying the pathophysiological conditions that affect the transplanted heart. Heterotopic HTx in a murine model, as described by Oto and Lindsey, has allowed researchers to study the pathophysiological changes observed in the conditions of ischemia and reperfusion1. Traditionally, donor hearts for transplantation have been procured from beating heart donors, also known as donation after brain death (DBD) donors; however, there has been a disproportionate increase in the number of patients in need of HTx2. More recently, hearts from ci....


All animal experiments were conducted in accordance with institutional guidelines and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication No. 86-23, revised 2011)8. The following procedures were approved by the Virginia Commonwealth University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. All procedures were performed following OSHA (occupational safety and health administration) guidelines and the recommended sterile techniques9. The Sprague Dawley rats were housed under controlled humidity at a temperature of 23 °C and 12 h dark/light cycles.

Representative Results

24 h to 14 days after the heterotopic heart transplantation, the abdomen can be reopened, and the heart can be exposed to measure the pressure developed by the left ventricle. A balloon-tip catheter is inserted in the left ventricle of the DCD (or CBD) heart to measure the developed pressure (DP), the max +dP/dt, and the min −dP/dt. Figure 7 shows an example of the expected DP, +dP/dt, and −dP/dt of a DCD heart compared to a CBD heart 24 h after transplantation. Compared to the C.......


For a successful DCD heterotopic rat HTx, it is critical that a meticulous and thoughtful setup of the experiment is established. The detailed setup takes into consideration several factors, including 1) selecting young rats as DCD donors, 2) using isoflurane as the anesthetic agent of choice, 3) effective delivery of cardioplegia to the donor heart, 4) storage of the donor's heart in ice-cold solution, 5) limiting the abdominal dissection without compromising the lumbar vessels to only expose the infrarenal aorta an.......


The authors of this manuscript have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This work was supported by a Merit Review Grant awarded to Dr. Mohammed Quader (1I01 BX003859) and funds from the Pauley Heart Center to Mohammed Quader and Dr. Stefano Toldo.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
5-0 nylon suture polyamide monofilamentAros SurgicalSP17A05N-45
5-0 silk sutureSurgical SpecialtiesSP116
8-0 monofilament sutureAros SurgicalT06A08N14-13
AutoclaveSterisAmsco Lab 250
BD Insulin Syringe with Detachable Needle 1 mL SyringesFisher Scientific14-820-28
BD Syringe with Luer-Lok Tips (Without Needle) 10 mL SyringesFisher Scientific14-823-16E
Belzer University of Wisconsin cold storage solutionBridge to Life Northbrook IL USAAdenosine 1.34 g/L, Allopurinol 0.136 g/L, Glutathione 0.922 g/L, Lactobionic Acid (as Lactone) 35.83 g/L, Magnesium Sulfate heptahydrate 1.23 g/L, Pentafraction 50 g/L, Potassium Hydroxide 5.61 g/L, Potassium Phosphate monobasic 3.4 g/L, Raffinose pentahydrate 17.83 g/L
Buprenorfin SR LabZoopharm LLC
Debakey atraumatic pediatric multi-angle vascular clampAesculapF341T
Exel International Disposable Safelet I.V. Catheters 14 GFisher Scientific14-841-10
Exel International Disposable Safelet I.V. Catheters 22 GFisher Scientific14-841-20
Fogarty catheter size 4FEdwands Lifesciences120404F
Forceps with curved tipsAccurate Surgical & Scientific Instruments CorporationASSI.228
Gaymar Heating pumpBraintree Scientific, Braintree, MA, USATP700
Germinator-500Braintree Scientific
Heparin Sodium Injection, USP 1,000 U/mLPfizerNDC 0069-0137-01
Iris micro-scissors with straight tipsAccurate Surgical & Scientific Instruments CorporationASSI.5253
Isoflurane USPPatterson VeterinaryNDC 14043070406
Ketamine HCl 100 mg/mLHenry ScheinNDC 6745710810
Lidocaine HCl 2%Aspen Veterinary07-892-4325
McKesson General Medical 6IN Q-TIPS 2STER WOOD 100/PACKFisher ScientificNC0650323sterile cotton tip applicators
Micro-scissors, right angle and curved tipsBraintree ScientificSC-MS 154
Needle holderAccurate Surgical & Scientific Instruments CorporationASSI.BSL158with the lock mechanism removed
Normal SalineBaxter Infusion supplies
PowerLab stationAD Instruments, Denver, COdata acquisition system
Sodium Hydroxide/Hydrochloric Acidadjust the solution to pH 7.4
Sprague Dawley ratsmale, 8–16 weeks of age, <400 g in weight
Surgical MicroscopeLeikaModel M525 F40
SurgicelEthiconabsorbable hemostat
Temperature probe Therma Waterproof Type T High Precision Thermocouple MeterThermoworksTHS-232-107
Tweezers with high precision pointExcelta17-456-109
Vecuronium BromideSigma-AldrichPHR1627diluted in PBS for 100 mg/mL
VenteliteHarvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA, USA
Xylazine 100 mg/mLPivetal AnasedNDC 04606675002


  1. Ono, K., Lindsey, E. S. Improved technique of heart transplantation in rats. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 57 (2), 225-229 (1969).
  2. Colvin, M., et al. OPTN/SRTR 2019 annual data report: Heart. American Journa....

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