Our research focuses on the heterogeneity of microglia, which can exhibit both pro and anti-inflammatory behaviors across different pathologies and regions like the brain and spinal cord. We aim to enable a deeper understanding of spinal cord microglia behavior in diverse scenarios. The heterogeneity of microglia has made it difficult to classify them.
This year, a new and broad classification has been proposed that goes beyond just a pro or anti-inflammatory status. Currently, achieving high purity and gel in isolating spinal cord microglia from animal models of neurological pathologies is a significant experiment and challenge. We identified a novel cytokine signaling pathway in the spinal cord microglia during chronic pain.
Our protocol allows for a more controlled and somatic digestion, followed by a density gradient. Both result in less contamination by astrocytes compared to currently employed techniques for the purification of microglia from the spinal cord, brain, or embryos.