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This manuscript outlines a detailed video protocol for culturing primary lens epithelial cells (LECs), aiming to improve reproducibility and aid research in cataracts and posterior capsule opacification (PCO). It offers step-by-step instructions on lens dissection, LECs isolation, and validation, serving as a valuable guide, especially for newcomers in the field.


Lens epithelial cells (LECs) play multiple important roles in maintaining the homeostasis and normal function of the lens. LECs determine lens growth, development, size, and transparency. Conversely, dysfunctional LECs can lead to cataract formation and posterior capsule opacification (PCO). Consequently, establishing a robust primary LEC culture system is important to researchers engaged in lens development, biochemistry, cataract therapeutics, and PCO prevention. However, cultivating primary LECs has long presented challenges due to their limited availability, slow proliferation rate, and delicate nature.

This study addresses these hurdles by presenting a comprehensive protocol for primary LEC culture. The protocol encompasses essential steps such as the formulation of an optimized culture medium, precise isolation of lens capsules, trypsinization techniques, subculture procedures, harvest protocols, and guidelines for storage and shipment. Throughout the culture process, cell morphology was monitored using phase-contrast microscopy.

To confirm the authenticity of the cultured LECs, immunofluorescence assays were conducted to detect the presence and subcellular distribution of critical lens proteins, namely αA- and γ-crystallins. This detailed protocol equips researchers with a valuable resource for cultivating and characterizing primary LECs, enabling advancements in our comprehension of lens biology and the development of therapeutic strategies for lens-related disorders.


The lens of the eye plays a crucial role in vision by focusing incoming light onto the retina. It consists of a transparent, avascular structure composed of specialized cells, among which lens epithelial cells (LECs) are key players. LECs are located at the anterior surface of the lens and are responsible for maintaining its transparency, regulating water balance, and participating in lens growth and development1,2. LECs are a unique type of cells located at the anterior part of the lens, playing a critical role in maintaining lens clarity and function by continuously producing lens fibers throughout life.



All animal experiments were performed in accordance with the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology guidelines for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research. Procedural approval was granted by the University of North Texas Health Science Center Animal Care and Use Committee (protocol number: IACUC-2022-0008). Young C57BL/6J mice, typically under 2 weeks of age, were used in these studies.

1. Culture medium preparation and lens dissection

  1. Prepare culture medium by adding 50 mL of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 0.1 mL of 50 mg/mL gentamicin to 450 mL of DMEM.
  2. Humanely euthanize C57....

Resultados Representativos

As shown in Figure 2, by following this protocol, primary LECs from C57BL/6J mice adhered to the dishes within a period of 4 h. Notably, there were visible remnants of other tissues such as sections of the posterior capsule and lens fiber cells. However, these unintended elements did not attach to the dish and could, therefore, be removed by changing the culture medium. Subsequently, between the third and fifth day, the LECs initiated their proliferation phase. Rapid growth, characteristic o.......


The protocol presented in this paper provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the successful isolation, culture, and subculture of primary LECs, complete with accompanying video documentation. The detailed visual guide alongside the written instructions enhances the clarity and accessibility of the protocol, promoting its use and reproducibility among researchers in the field. The ultimate aim is to contribute to the expanding body of knowledge surrounding the role of LECs in cataract formation and PCO, a prevalen.......


The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


This work was supported by NEI R21EY033941 (to Hongli Wu); Department of Defense W81XWH2010896 (to Hongli Wu); R15GM123463-02 (to Kayla Green and Hongli Wu)



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.05% Trypsin-EDTAThermo Fisher#25300054For LECs dissociation
Alexa Fluor 488 Secondary Antibody Jackson ImmunoResearch#715-545-150For cell validation
Alexa Fluor 647 AffiniPure Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)Jackson ImmunoResearch111-605-003For cell validation
Antibody dilution bufferLicor#927-60001For cell validation
Beaver safety knifeBeaver-Visitec International#3782235For lens dissection
Blocking bufferLicor#927-60001For cell validation
Capsulorhexis forcepsTitan Medical InstrumentsTMF-124For lens capsule isolation
DMEMSigma AldrichD6429For LECs culture medium
DMSOSigma Aldrich#D2650For making freezing medium 
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline Thermo Fisher#J67802For lens dissection
Dumont tweezersRoboz Surgical InstrumentRS-4976For lens capsule isolation
EpiCGS-a (optional)ScienCell4182For LECs culture medium
FBSSigma AldrichF2442For LECs culture medium
Gentamicin (50 mg/mL)Sigma-AldrichG1397For LECs culture medium
Hoechst 33342 solutionThermo Fisher#62249For cell validation
Micro-dissecting scissorsRoboz Surgical Instrument RS-5983For lens dissection
Micro-dissecting tweezersRoboz Surgical Instrument RS5137 For lens dissection
PROX1 antibodyThermo Fisher11067-2-APFor cell validation
Vannas micro-dissecting spring scissorsRoboz Surgical InstrumentRS-5608For lens capsule isolation
αA-crystallin antibodySanta Cruzsc-28306For cell validation 
γ-crystallin antibodySanta Cruzsc-365256For cell validation


  1. Bermbach, G., Mayer, U., Naumann, G. O. Human lens epithelial cells in tissue culture. Experimental Eye Research. 52 (2), 113-119 (1991).
  2. Reddy, V. N., Lin, L. R., Arita, T., Zigler, J. S., Huang, Q. L. Crystallins and their s....

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