In this video, we demonstrate oral infection techniques of lepidopteran larvae with baculovirus in order to determine insecticidal efficiency.
In this video, we demonstrate two microapplicator techniques used to infect of lepidopteran larvae with baculovirus in order to determine insecticidal efficiency.
This video protocol illustrates the squash technique used in the Johansen laboratory to prepare Drosophila polytene chromosomes for antibody labeling.
This protocol describes a simple adhesive-tape-based approach for sampling of tomato and other fresh produce surfaces, followed by rapid whole cell detection of Salmonella using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
Preimplantation embryos may be cryopreserved after placement into a hypertonic cryoprotective solution to cause cellular dehydration. After equilibration, ice crystal formation is induced in the solution surrounding the embryo. Further dehydration occurs as the embryo is slowly cooled to subzero temperatures before plunging into liquid nitrogen for storage.
A method for the isolation of single retinal cells and subsequent amplification of their cDNAs is described. Single-cell transcriptomics reveals the degree of cellular heterogeneity present in a tissue and uncovers new marker genes for rare cell populations. The accompanying protocol can be adjusted to suit many different cell types.
This method describes the combinatorial synthesis of biodegradable polyanhydride film and nanoparticle libraries and the high-throughput detection of protein release from these libraries.
Herein, we describe protocols for harvesting murine alveolar macrophages, which are resident innate immune cells in the lung, and examining their activation in response to co-culture with polyanhydride nanoparticles.
In this article, we describe a method utilizing multi-spectral imaging flow cytometry to quantify the internalization of polyanhydride nanoparticles or bacteria by RAW 264.7 cells.
In this article, a high throughput method is presented for the synthesis of oligosaccharides and their attachment to the surface of polyanhydride nanoparticles for further use in targeting specific receptors on antigen presenting cells.
This work demonstrates an integration of a water quality model with an optimization component utilizing evolutionary algorithms to solve for optimal (lowest-cost) placement of agricultural conservation practices for a specified set of water quality improvement objectives. The solutions are generated using a multi-objective approach, allowing for explicit quantification of tradeoffs.
This video describes the fundamentals of digital fringe projection techniques, which provide dense 3D measurements of dynamically changing surfaces. It also demonstrates the design and operation of a high-speed binary defocusing system based on these techniques.
Body segmental inertial properties are required for inverse dynamics modeling. Using an oscillation and reaction board technique, inertial properties of below-knee prostheses were measured. Using direct measures of prosthesis inertia in the inverse dynamics model of the prosthetic leg resulted in lower magnitudes of resultant joint forces and moments.
The TET (transient electro-thermal) technique is an effective approach developed to measure the thermal diffusivity of solid materials.
This study describes an experimental platform to rapidly characterize engineered stem cells and their behaviors before their application in long-term in vivo transplant studies for nervous system rescue and repair.
Long-term cultured interferon-γ enzyme-linked immunospot assay is used as a measure of central memory responses and correlates with protective anti-mycobacterial vaccine responses. With this assay, peripheral blood mononuclear cells are stimulated with mycobacterial antigens and interleukin-2 for 14 days, enabling differentiation and expansion of central memory T cells.
Laboratory-scale production of eukaryotic proteins with appropriate post-translational modification represents a significant barrier. Here is a robust protocol with rapid establishment and turnaround for protein expression using a mammalian expression system. This system supports selective amino acid, selective labeling of proteins and small molecule modulators of glycan composition.
Gene-targeting mutagenesis is now possible in a wide range of organisms using genome editing techniques. Here, we demonstrate a protocol for targeted gene mutagenesis using transcription activator like effector nucleases (TALENs) in Astyanax mexicanus, a species of fish that includes surface fish and cavefish.
We simulated a Precambrian ferruginous marine upwelling system in a lab-scale vertical flow-through column. The goal was to understand how geochemical profiles of O2 and Fe(II) evolve as cyanobacteria produce O2. The results show the establishment of a chemocline due to Fe(II) oxidation by photosynthetically produced O2.
Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are networks of DNA, histones and neutrophil proteins. Although a component of the innate immune response, NETs are implicated in autoimmunity and thrombosis. This protocol describes a simple method for canine neutrophil isolation and quantification of NETs using a microplate fluorescence assay.
Here, we present a combinatorial approach for classifying neuronal cell types prior to isolation and for the subsequent characterization of single-cell transcriptomes. This protocol optimizes the preparation of samples for successful RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) and describes a methodology designed specifically for the enhanced understanding of cellular diversity.
Here, we present a protocol to isolate microglia from postnatal mouse pups (day 1) for in vitro experimentation. This improvised method of isolation generates both high yield and purity, a significant advantage over alternate methods that allows broad range experimentation for the purposes of elucidating microglial biology.
Here, we present a protocol that provoked cortisol reactivity in a vulnerable adolescent Mexican American sample utilizing a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Saliva samples were collected at baseline, 15, 30, and 45 min post-TSST onset. Future research could utilize this modified TSST with vulnerable youth.
This paper describes the preparation and evaluation of umbilical cord matrix-derived mesenchymal stem cells spheroids with a bilateral patellar tendon defect model in a rat. This model was associated with an acceptable morbidity and was found to detect differences between untreated and treated tendons, and between the two treatments tested.
The protocol describes a method to purify and separate the U and Th nuclide in submarine hydrothermal sulfide sample with Fe co-precipitation and extraction chromatography for 230Th-U disequilibrium dating.
Flight mills are important tools for comparing how age, sex, mating status, temperature, or various other factors may influence an insect’s flight behavior. Here we describe protocols to tether and measure the flight propensity and performance of western corn rootworm under different treatments.
We present experimental approaches for studying RNA-interactors of double-stranded RNA binding protein kinase RNA-activated (PKR) during the mammalian cell cycle using HeLa cells. This method utilizes formaldehyde to crosslink RNA-PKR complexes and immunoprecipitation to enrich PKR-bound RNAs. These RNAs can be further analyzed through high-throughput sequencing or qRT-PCR.
We describe here the high-throughput detection and quantification of fucosylated human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) using a whole-cell biosensor. We also demonstrate here, the adaptation of this platform towards analysis of HMO production strains, focusing on improving the signal to noise ratio.
Integrin tension plays important roles in various cell functions. With an integrative tension sensor, integrin tension is calibrated with picoNewton (pN) sensitivity and imaged at submicron resolution.
Plant morphogenic genes can be used to improve genetic transformation of recalcitrant genotypes. Described here is an Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation (QuickCorn) protocol for three important public maize inbred lines.
An Agrobacterium-based injection (agroinjection) protocol is presented for the inoculation of foxtail mosaic virus and sugarcane mosaic virusclones into maize seedlings. Inoculation in this manner leads to viral infection, virus-induced gene silencing of marker genes, and viral overexpression of GFP.
Here, a detailed description of the protocol implemented in the laboratory for acquisition and analysis of 15N relaxation dispersion profiles by solution NMR spectroscopy is provided.
A standard protocol is described to study the antitumor activity and associated toxicity of IL-1α in a syngeneic mouse model of HNSCC.
We provide a detailed description of the steps required to assemble a high-pressure cell, set up and record high-pressure NMR experiments, and finally analyze both peak intensity and chemical shift changes under pressure. These experiments can provide valuable insights into the folding pathways and structural stability of proteins.
The study describes a protocol for creating large (µg-mg) quantities of DNA for protein screening campaigns from synthetic gene fragments without cloning or using living cells. The minimal template is enzymatically digested and circularized and then amplified using isothermal rolling circle amplification. Cell-free expression reactions could be performed with the unpurified product.
Experimental methods to harvest adult stem cells from canine intestinal and hepatic tissues to establish 3D organoid cultures are described. Furthermore, the laboratory techniques to ensure consistent growth and provide standard operating procedures to harvest, biobank, and revive canine intestinal and hepatic organoid cultures are discussed.
Here, we present a protocol describing the culture of canine intestinal organoids in a dual-chamber, permeable support system. Organoid seeding in the permeable supports, the monolayer maintenance, and subsequent drug permeability experiments are described.
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