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Plant viral nanoparticles (VNPs) are promising platforms for applications in biomedicine. Here, we describe the procedures for plant VNP propagation, purification, characterization, and bioconjugation. Finally, we show the application of VNPs for tumor homing and imaging using a mouse xenograft model and fluorescence imaging.


The use of nanomaterials has the potential to revolutionize materials science and medicine. Currently, a number of different nanoparticles are being investigated for applications in imaging and therapy. Viral nanoparticles (VNPs) derived from plants can be regarded as self-assembled bionanomaterials with defined sizes and shapes. Plant viruses under investigation in the Steinmetz lab include icosahedral particles formed by Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) and Brome mosaic virus (BMV), both of which are 30 nm in diameter. We are also developing rod-shaped and filamentous structures derived from the following plant viruses: Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), which forms rigid rods with dimensions of 300 nm by 18 nm, and Potato virus X (PVX), which form filamentous particles 515 nm in length and 13 nm in width (the reader is referred to refs. 1 and 2 for further information on VNPs).

From a materials scientist's point of view, VNPs are attractive building blocks for several reasons: the particles are monodisperse, can be produced with ease on large scale in planta, are exceptionally stable, and biocompatible. Also, VNPs are "programmable" units, which can be specifically engineered using genetic modification or chemical bioconjugation methods 3. The structure of VNPs is known to atomic resolution, and modifications can be carried out with spatial precision at the atomic level4, a level of control that cannot be achieved using synthetic nanomaterials with current state-of-the-art technologies.

In this paper, we describe the propagation of CPMV, PVX, TMV, and BMV in Vigna ungiuculata and Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Extraction and purification protocols for each VNP are given. Methods for characterization of purified and chemically-labeled VNPs are described. In this study, we focus on chemical labeling of VNPs with fluorophores (e.g. Alexa Fluor 647) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). The dyes facilitate tracking and detection of the VNPs 5-10, and PEG reduces immunogenicity of the proteinaceous nanoparticles while enhancing their pharmacokinetics 8,11. We demonstrate tumor homing of PEGylated VNPs using a mouse xenograft tumor model. A combination of fluorescence imaging of tissues ex vivo using Maestro Imaging System, fluorescence quantification in homogenized tissues, and confocal microscopy is used to study biodistribution. VNPs are cleared via the reticuloendothelial system (RES); tumor homing is achieved passively via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect12. The VNP nanotechnology is a powerful plug-and-play technology to image and treat sites of disease in vivo. We are further developing VNPs to carry drug cargos and clinically-relevant imaging moieties, as well as tissue-specific ligands to target molecular receptors overexpressed in cancer and cardiovascular disease.


1. VNP (CPMV, BMV, PVX, and TMV) Propagation

  1. Set the indoor plant chamber controls to 15 hr of day (100% light, 25 °C, 65% humidity) and 9 hr of night (0% light, 22 °C, 60% humidity).
  2. Inoculate plants according to the timeline in Table 1.
Day 0: Plant 3 cowpea seeds/pot.Day 0.......

Representative Results

figure-representative results-63
Figure 1. Plant virus-infected plants. Vigna unguiculata plants infected with CPMV (A). Nicotiana benthamiana plants infected with PVX (B), TMV (C), and BMV (D). The pictures were taken about 10 days post infection by mechanical inoculation.


This protocol provides an approach for the chemical modification of VNPs and their applications for in vivo tumor imaging. The animal fluorescence imaging, fluorescence quantification, and immunohistochemistry techniques presented here are useful for studying biodistribution and evaluating tumor homing. These techniques provide valuable information regarding access of the nanoparticles to the tumor via the EPR effect. By combining the results from the various analytical methods, we get a powerful approach for ev.......


No conflicts of interest declared.


This work was supported by NIH/NIBIB grants R00 EB009105 (to NFS) and P30 EB011317 (to NFS), a NIH/NIBIB training grant T32 EB007509 (to AMW), a Case Western Reserve University Interdisciplinary Alliance Investment Grant (to NFS), and a Case Comprehensive Cancer Center grant P30 CA043703 (to NFS). We thank the Steinmetz Lab undergraduate student researchers for their hands-on support: Nadia Ayat, Kevin Chen, Sourav (Sid) Dey, Alice Yang, Sam Alexander, Craig D'Cruz, Stephen Hern, Lauren Randolph, Brian So, and Paul Chariou.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Material NameCompanyCatalogue numberComments (optional)
   VNP production
Indoor plant chamberPercival ScientificE-41L2 
V. unguiculata seeds (California black-eye no. 5)Burpee51771A 
N. benthamiana seeds  N. benthamiana seeds were a gift from Salk Institute. Seeds are produced through plant propagation.
Pro-mix BX potting soilPremier Horticulture713400 
Jack's Professional 20-10-20 Peat-Lite FertilizerJR Peters77860 
50.2 Ti rotorBeckman337901 
SW 32 Ti rotorBeckman369694 
Optima L-90K ultracentrifugeBeckman365672 
SLA-3000 rotorThermo Scientific07149 
SS-34 rotorThermo Scientific28020 
Sorvall RC-6 Plus centrifugeThermo Scientific46910 
Polypropylene bottleBeckman355607For SLA-3000 rotor
Polycarbonate bottleBeckman357002For SS-34 rotor
Ultra-Clear tubeBeckman344058For sucrose gradient and SW 32 Ti rotor
Polycarbonate bottleBeckman355618For pelleting and 50.2 Ti rotor
NanoDrop spectrophotometerThermo ScientificNanoDrop2000c 
PowerEase 500 pre-cast gel systemInvitrogenEI8675EU 
Superose 6 10/300 GL (24 ml) size-exclusion columnGE Healthcare17-5172-01 
ÄKTA Explorer 100 ChromatographGE Healthcare28-4062-66 
Allegra X-12RBeckman392302Benchtop centrifuge
Maestro 2Caliper Life Sciences In vivo imaging system
Tissue-TearorBiospec Products985370-395 
Microplate readerTecanInfinite-200 
Transmission electron microscopeZEISSLibra 200FE 
FluoView laser scanning confocal microscopeOlympusFV1000 
   Chemicals and Reagents
3-ethynylanilineSigma Aldrich498289-5G 
384 well black plateBD Biosciences353285 
4-12% Bis-Tris NuPAGE SDS gelInvitrogenNP0321BOX 
4X LDS sample bufferInvitrogenNP0008 
Acetic AcidFisherA385-500 
AcetonitrileSigma Aldrich271004-1L 
Alexa Fluor 647 azideInvitrogenA10277 
Alexa Fluor 647 carboxylic acid, succinimidyl esterInvitrogenA20006 
Amicon Ultra-0.5 ml Centrifugal FiltersMilliporeUFC50109610 kDa cut-off
Aminoguanidine hydrochlorideAcros Organics36891-0250 
Boric acidFisherA74-500 
Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250FisherBP101-25 
CsClAcros Organics42285-1000 
DAPIMP Biomedicals157574 
Dimethyl sulfoxideFisherBP231-100 
Filter paperFisher09-801KP5 grade
FITC anti-mouse CD31BioLegend102406 
Goat serumInvitrogen16210-064 
L-ascorbic acid sodium saltAcros Organics35268-0050 
Microscope slidesFisher12-544-3 
Microscope cover glassVWR48366-277 
MOPS bufferInvitrogenNP0001 
mPEG-malNanocsPG1-ML-2kMW 2000
mPEG-N3NanocsPG1-AZ-5kMW 5000
mPEG-NHSNanocsPG1-SC-5kMW 5000
Oregon Green 488 succinimidyl ester *6-isomer*InvitrogenO-6149 
p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrateAcros Organics13902-0050 
Potassium phosphate dibasicFisherBP363-1 
Potassium phosphate monobasicFisherBP362-1 
Sodium acetateFisherBP333-500 
Sodium nitriteAcros Organics42435-0050 
Sodium sulfiteAmresco0628-500G 
TEM gridTed PellaFCF-400Cu 
Tris baseFisherBP152-500 
Triton X-100EMD ChemicalsTX1568-1 
   Tissue Culture
Fetal bovine serumInvitrogen12483-020 
HT-29 cellsATCCHTB-38 
Tissue culture flasksCorning431080175 cm2
Trypan BlueThermo ScientificSV30084.01 
Trypsin, 0.05% (1X) with EDTA 4Na, liquidInvitrogen25300-054 
   Animal Studies
18% Protein Rodent DietHarlan TekladTeklad Global 2018SAlfalfa free diet
Insulin syringeBD Biosciences32941028 gauge
Matrigel Matrix basement membraneBD Biosciences356234 
NCR nu/nu mice  CWRU School
of Medicine Athymic Animal and Xenograft Core Facility
Sterile syringeBD Biosciences30519618 1/2 gauge
Tissue-Tek CRYO-OCT CompoundAndwin Scientific4583 


  1. Carrillo-Tripp, M., Shepherd, C. M., Borelli, I. A., Venkataraman, S., Lander, G., Natarajan, P., Johnson, J. E., Brooks, C. L., Reddy, V. S. VIPERdb2: an enhanced and web API enabled relational database for structural virology. Nucl. Acids Res. 37, 436-442 (2009).
  2. Pokorski, J. K., Steinmetz, N. F.

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